Hi wondering if someone can help or just confirm that I should keep doing what I'm doing... I'm 5'8 female and 170lbs. I've been intermittent fasting for about two months and love it (I don't want any advise or scare tactics on this I do a 16:8 fast and it works wonderfully for my life). I just recently as of last week added IIFYM to the mix. I'm having problems first, consuming 1600 calories in 8 hours with IIFYM (I must have not been eating enough before!), I find that my meal planning is mainly around the protein and I'm not getting as near as many veggies that I'm used to and I'm like SICK full with all this protein. Will my body start just adjusting to all this protein... I just feel full allll day! (170g of protein a day!)? I'm currently at 30% fat and 30% carbs... What do people recommend for fat intake 15%, 20%, 30%...? Anyone else struggle in the beginning, DID IT GET BETTER? I'm looking to lose another 10-15lbs and also I'm doing HIIT workouts 4 to 5 days a week.

Any advice esp. anyone who has tried IIFYM and IF together would be greatly appreciated!


  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    Ditto on the protein issue. My digestive system no likey.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I've gone by the idea of 1g of protein per pound of LEAN body mass. So, if you know your body fat %, you can calculate the rest. For example, I'm roughly 128 lb and 25%bf. 128*.25 =32 pounds of fat. 128-32=96 pound lean mass, so I try to eat 100g of protein a day. You may find it easier, since it will lower your protein a bit. (Remember, IIFYM doesn't have set macros for everyone, it depends on your weight and fitness goals).

    I can imagine it would be hard to get 170g of protein plus all the other foods into 8 hours. You may want to plan things out for a week or two so you know exactly what your eating and the macro breakdown, and see if you can make it work (with the lower protein anyway, like I said above). I would probably plan the protein first, then the fruits and vegetables, and then fill in with whatever else I'd like to fill out the macros. (I mean, do this on paper so you can adjust things until you see something you want to put into practice).

    However, if, after a few weeks of working with this, you find that it isn't working, it's okay to adjust macros to fit your lifestyle a bit more. Or consider altering your IF plan a bit. Or a bit of both. Neither one is necessarily set in stone, and there is no point in stressing yourself over eating and macros. Do the best you can, and if you see that you aren't meeting your goals, reassess and decide what needs to change.
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Going by how you feel and the results you see always trumps following the rules to a "T". 170g protein is A LOT.

    I have my macros set for 40/30/30 right now, but it is tricky because MFP is based on % of calories while IIFYM measures in actual grams consumed. I've messed around with a few different calculators and played with my MFP settings, and I'm still not fully confident that I'm doing it right, LOL!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'd swap your carbs and protein macros round, that way you'll get enough veggies etc.

    40/30/30 works out great for me (and not far off the 1-1.5p per LBM, 0.35f). I think you really need the 30% fat so you can keep the protein numbers up - or you have to start doing crazy things like separating eggs! :/
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    I don't IF but in general ratios are not adequate in most cases.
    Establish your goals and work you way around protein and fat.
    Protein starts usually from 1 gr / lb lean to more depending on what you are looking into achieve and what sort of work out you do. Fat - same as previous but with a minimum of 0.35 gr / lb.
    Rest of calories are based on carbs.
    Once again - align your workout intensity / objectives to your consumption and twick where ever necessary.
    How your body and you react during the day and whilst working out will tell you if your macros are ok or not.
    Measure yourself every 2 weeks and take it from there from additional adjustments.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    Except for when I am bulking, I stick to the zone diet principle of 40/30/30.

    You can eat veggies, most are low in calories. If anything, you should be eating less starches.
  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    Hello! I am 27, 5'6.5 and have been doing IF for about 3 months and love it aswell. I am losing 3-4lbs a month.

    My protein is at 131g so I can fit in 75g of carbs and fat in as well. Id drop the protein a little and replace with LOTS of green vegies. I'll have my protein, fill my plate with vegies and then add fat on top of that.