How much cardio? How much resistance training?

Hello guys!

I'm wondering how much much cardio do you do per day? per week? at what intensity?
How much strength/resistance training do you do per week? what intensity?

Thanks... Just curious!


  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi :)

    In my case, I'm currently in a mass gain phase so I try to limit my cardio. I just want to maintain it at a fair level so I don't start from nothing when summer comes.

    - Two soccer games per week (2x60 mins) + two cardio sessions (2x30 to 60 mins, depending on time available and cold outside)
    - Four half-body lifting sessions (4 x 60 mins)

    That'll change in April, when I might reach 5 hours of intense cardio, and something like 3 hours of full-body lifting.

    As for intensity, it's all or nothing in my case. Heart pumping at 170 bpm, face all sweaty.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    For me I am still trying to lose weight...

    I lift 3x a week and do HIIT 2x a week (the HIIT is new since Jan 6th)

    The lifting with rests range from 1h to 75mins each session and it's getting pretty intense as the weights are getting high (For me)

    The HIIT is always under 25mins cause I am not a fan of cardio exercise for the sake of "exercise". it's not too bad 3/5 for intensity right now...might raise that up later who knows.
  • jorralee
    jorralee Posts: 74 Member
    I lift 4 or 5 times a week depending how busy I am or if I need an extra day for recovery. I basically lift to get stronger in my Deadlift, Squat and Benchpress. I also plan on competing in a powerlifting meet in the future.

    My cardio is actually almost non existant outside of the times stepping on a bicyle or taking walk to get from point A to point B.

    I might include some cardio such as using the jump rope or if I can prowler pushing and pulling later on when I reach some short term strength goals, but for now I am content with my cardiovascularity.
  • FitCowgirl8
    FitCowgirl8 Posts: 175 Member
    For me I lift (stronglifts 5X5) 3 days a week then I do 15 minutes of cardio on lift days and 40-60 min of cardio on my non lifting days and take the weekend off :) I say for intensity push as hard as you can if you want to improve.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Weekly winter training, some days doubled up:
    4 x lifting split routine
    3 x cardio, 1 intense, 2 recovery or aerobic, depending on if there is lifting recovery going on.

    I hate the idea of killing my lifting recovery by doing intense cardio day after, even though I do enjoy it, but I ain't wasting that lifting workout either.

    Weekly Race season, some days doubled up:
    2 x lifting split routine
    5 x cardio, 1 long, 1 intense, 1 recovery, 2 aerobic
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I lift 4 days a week, and do cardio 6 days a week.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    I lift 5 days a week and no cardio
    Sometimes I do light yoga on rest days
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I lift heavy 2 days, and do a circuit training video(like RI 30) at least 3 days. I also run 2 miles or so 1-2x/wk, do my rebounder for 10-15 min before lifting. I usually work out at least 5days/wk, but usually 6 days. My schedule looks something like this:
    M- am circuit dvd or aerobics 20-30 min., pm maybe a run
    T - am rebounder, lifting
    W - am circuit dvd, aerobics, or yoga, pm maybe a run
    TH - am rebounder, lifting
    F - circuit dvd
    S - longer circuit dvd (40min-1 hour) or run
    Sun - longer circuit or a run
    Sat or Sun could also be a rest day:)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'm wondering how much much cardio do you do per day? per week? at what intensity?
    How much strength/resistance training do you do per week? what intensity?

    I run about 30-35 miles per week, a mix of 45 minute interval sessions and 90 minute longer distance over five sessions. I sometimes throw in an hour of rowing at the weekends, doing between 12 and 15Km of interval work.

    Resistance training is just bodyweight at the moment; focus is on improving my speed.