Professional Adults in need of motivation



    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    so the question for the day is is it harder to train with an attractive in shape trainer when you are feeling overweight, out of shape and your self esteem is the lowest? should it even matter that your trainer is one hell of a looker , when you r sole purpose is too get back in shape?
  • markmacare
    markmacare Posts: 198 Member
    In response to the opening question of the topic, steady gym attendance has been hard to maintain with 130 days of business travel. I've switched to bodyweight/resistance training with p90x/insanity, which I can do pretty much anywhere and have found it greatly increases my work-out consistency!

    As for food, that is something I am still finding difficult on the road. Turning to MFP to change this.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @CjMq with your comments to the person further up on the list I thank you. You know if we allowed for people to break us down by words, we would be no further than where we started. thank you for joining our blog.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @ Lois 1585 I can understand working out outside during the nicer months. I have to ask this , does it bring about cabin fever when you work out in the gym during the winter months?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @ Lcl903 thank you for being a part of our blog. I have a question is there a high a possibility one can slip into bad habits by exercising at home instead of outside or in the gym? for example you may exercise in your bedroom , is it not tempting to rest longer on that nice soft mattress?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @ wellheregoesnI can't say you are the only person who has expressed a dislike for the gym. As a matter of fact two of my very best friends said the same thing. however there a reason was because of the sanitary conditions. I'm just taking a minute to think how would I feel if I lived next to a gym in my community and I didn't go and it physically showed? thank God you have willpower and that is not your dilemma. Also congratulations on the challenge maybe I should look into that sounds like they can be lucrative.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @missive don't beat up on yourself a game 20 pounds. Beat up on those weights beat up on yourself beat up the treadmill at the gym. I know it is hard to be flexible when working but if you have already dedicated 3 days a week to the gym you can lose the weight. I believe in you because you've already dedicated 3 days to the gym and I'm sure you're not going there just to look at people. Come on stay focus, know that it will take a little more effort but you won't be defeated AGAIN
  • jbarakett
    jbarakett Posts: 1 Member
    I live in beautiful British Columbia where everyone is so darn healthy! I work from home and do have a full gym in my basement and yet, I still find excuses NOT to exercise. I met a Judge on the Island (yes I live on an island) last week who truly has no time to exercise and she shared with me her morning routine - It's the 7 minute fitness program. I downloaded the APP. It's easy-peezy and fast and to my surprise, my muscles hurt! Give it a try.
  • Hmarieyoga
    Hmarieyoga Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I think this a great motivational board for busy, professional adults! I work full 8 hour days, sitting at a desk. I'm not a morning person, so a workout for me in the morning is pretty much out of the question. I found that I must make time in the evening to get a workout in. I do have a gym membership, about 3 miles from my house. I go there mainly for the fitness classes- which are great. Once I start my workouts, I'm motivated. Exercise is the easy part, it is the diet that I struggle with.
    Nice to meet you all! Good luck in your fitness goals!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Hello MissLabber and welcome. Is it because of your 40 hour week that you are able to fit the gym in?
    How stressful if at all does it become to juggle the job after the gym? I am certain in order to do this I gather
    on at least an every other day basis one would have to have plenty of energy. Do share with us? I commend you.

    As I said 40 hours is a short week for me, I juggle and juggle well. I'm up around 5:30am to make breakfast and a protein shake, out the door by 6 to hit the gym for a hour or two if possible. I make my lunch the day before and have my supper planned,lately I'm loving the crockpot meals because A) it's cold as all hell here and B) it's easy to throw in quick and have ready by the time you're home. I'm generally an office worker, but that can change day to day depending if we're doing doors or not. Ieat when I can or when I'm hungry. Weekends for me depends if I work or not, I try to get a run in on Saturday and some form of activity on Sunday if possible. When it comes down to its planning ahead, food and exercise. Mornings are easier for me invade there is an emergency at work in the evening or a meeting goes long, I'm not stressing out about having to hit the gym late. That being said, if a late gym night is not avoidable (I do work earlier in the morning sometimes) then I will do it.
  • Rayz44
    Rayz44 Posts: 5 Member
    Work has destroyed my body! I was a bit excessive at first. I used to work out 6 days a week, then I got a new job (blessing? Curse?) putting in 65hrs a week and a 1.5 hour commute each way has destroyed me. Im trying to watch my diet more now and Im trying to do more excercise at home on days Im not able to go to the gym (most days).
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @ Markmacare do your tastebuds become your enemy when you sit down at the table? Lol it can be a struggle when the aroma and taste of foods do a tango in our mouths. I fall into the same category so don't feel alone.