Value of Photos

How valuable does everyone think body photos are? And how much should they reveal? I've lost 12 lbs already and haven't taken any full body "before" pics. Are others taking photos and sharing on here? I'm not modest but I don't have a body to be proud of yet. I just don't think anyone would want to see that. But I might be wrong.


  • random_user75
    random_user75 Posts: 157 Member
    I regret not having taken any real before photo just for my own reference. I probably wouldn't share it on here (that's just how I roll), but I know some people do share before and after photos.
  • rexiecatmeow
    rexiecatmeow Posts: 43 Member
    They are the best measurement for me personally.. One time i completed my 2nd round of 30 day shred last winter after having baby #3 .. couldn't see much difference..then I saw a pic of my back 2 months before .. I completely transformed my back..that nice roll of back fat under my bra had disappeared! I always tell my friends that are new to this, pictures pictures pictures! They always cringe b/c no one wants to suck it up and see the cold hard "truth" in the beginning but its so worth it seeing the progress.
  • rexiecatmeow
    rexiecatmeow Posts: 43 Member
    and you don't have to even share them.. just to have a picture of the real deal for yourself to look back on is nice.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    I abosolutly regret not taking any before pictures!! All of mine are in progress, but nothing before I lost the initial weight.

    TAKE PICTURES. They speak volume of ones success!!!!!
  • skipfed
    skipfed Posts: 8 Member
    Those are good points. I'll take some this weekend, if not tonight.
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    I think anyone who didn't take comparison photos regrets it. I understand why we avoid cameras but sometimes there are changes not even a measuring tape or scale can show us.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
  • HiImJayme
    HiImJayme Posts: 29 Member
    Take the pictures now! You don't have to look at them now but in a couple of months when you are ready to take some progress pictures you will be so glad to have them.

    I have a hard time seeing the difference in my body day to day but, the difference over time, as evidenced by the progress photos is awesome! Good luck to you!
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    DEFINITELY take photos! I dodged the camera for 2 years because I was so ashamed. There is one single photograph of me and I wasn't at my heaviest, but still heavy enough for me to feel good when I compare it to current photos. I wish I had more. We went to Hawaii last March and met several celebrities at a luau. I have lots of pictures of my girls with them, but not a single one of me because I was so embarrassed.

    Take the pictures. Keep them hush hush. In 6 months you'll be begging people to look at them. :wink: