fibit? adding exercise?

I know that the exercise is added automatically but how often does this happen? For example, right now it has me at burning 177 calories, now its said that for a a few hours and I just walked for 50 mins. I wanted to go ahead and complete the entry for the day but I don't want to do that until I know all my fitbit stuff is added.


  • im not sure how long it takes for MFP to update after a change to fitbit, but it seems like if i make a manual activity entry on fitbit that MFP updates pretty quick after doing that... whereas a simple sync doesnt always go through... i would suggest maybe tricking the system and manually adding 1 min of walking and see if that triggers a MFP update ? good luck =)
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Go to your fitbit program and manually sync it. Always works for me.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The sync confuses the **** out of me.

    Since my fitbit was averaging around 2300-2400 calories burned a day, I just set my MFP goal to 2000. Any extra burned over my 2300 is bonus calories.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    You can update the exercise on MPF, or you can try syncing your fitbit again or you can log the calories manually on the fitbit dashboard (On the Fitbit main page select "log" from the top menu then select "Activities" and scroll down until you find the "Log Activities" widget.)
  • Ok I've had my fitbit for a week and I'm still confused about how to log exercise.....

    I've searched every thread and I still can't figure out an answer.

    I have my activity on MFP set to sedentary and allow negative adjustments. I wear my fitbit ALL the time and sync frequently.

    Do I log my exercise on mfp (but I don't like the calories burned on there because I'm sure I didn't really burn that many) or leave it off. And if I DO log it on mfp, can I log as 1 calorie or will it screw up my fitbit adjustment??

    :sad: HELP
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I personally do not add the exercise unless it is something the fitbit does not pick up, such as a stationary bike.
  • Katt370
    Katt370 Posts: 4 Member
    I have found that sometimes MFP is immediately up to speed with my FB syncs, and other times it takes hours before MFP catches up, but regardless of when they start talking to each other, here's what has been working for me:

    I LOG all my Exercise and Food in MFP.
    I wear my FB and sync regularly (usually), but there are times I don't get to sync until late in the evening.

    Many days I will log an exercise in MFP that MFP says is worth 340 calorie burn (for example), only to then see the line item for "Fitbit Adjustment" right underneath it listing a negative/adjustment 340 burn for a net of zero.

    While that IS frustrating, if you click on the info logo next to it, the pop up will tell you which time sync of your Fitbit they are basing that adjustment on.

    My advice? Be patient.
    There are times that I do not know until the next morning what that *actual* adjustment ended up being. (My schedule has my work out in the evening and it's only 2.5 hours after that until bed)
    Historically, I have experienced a range of 0 - 65 calorie adjustment depending on the MFP database exercise.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    wienerdogcrazy - do NOT log on MFP as one calorie as that WILL screw with Fitbit! Anything you add manually (on MFP or Fitbit) will overwrite what Fitbit has estimated. If you say you burned one calorie, Fitbit will reflect that too, instead of showing what it estimated you did burn.

    I do a ton of exercise, and I rarely log it, I just let Fitbit do its thing. I know I'm not getting full credit for my 30DS workout, but if my "burn" is 50 calories low, that's ok. I'd rather underestimate than overestimate.

    I do log my stationary bike ... I put the Fitbit on my sock, so I do get some "step" credit, but the calorie count is way off (OVER actually, compared to HRM and machine readout) so I do go in and correct that manually (I prefer to log all exercise on Fitbit, not on MFP). I'll also log my once a week hour weights sessions (not many steps, and actually manual logging doesn't add many calories, but does give me a yellow "moderately active" bump on my visual graph.

    As for the sync (OP) ... it varies. Usually it's pretty quick between MFP and Fitbit. Make sure you have synced up with Fitbit, and then check MFP to see if it's reflected there. You can go to the "exercise" tab, click on the little "i" next to the Fitbit Calorie Adjustment and that will show you WHEN the two sites linked together last. It's frustrating when they don't sync right away, but other than a few problem days, it does usually work itself up and sync pretty quick.
  • thanks!

    Does anybody else log exercise on Fitbit?