Time for a Mini-Cut?

I've been following the All Pro Beginner's strength workout routine for 3 Cycles now (15 weeks) and just started my 4th Cycle this week (deload phase). However, i'm feeling a bit uncomfortable with the amount of fat/weight im gaining (gained about 10 lbs in 15 weeks).

Would doing a 4-week mini-cut be too drastic or will it mess whatever little gains i got over those 3 months of lifting?


  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    You have to change your mind set. Most people screw up their gains because they are too scared of gaining fat. Just go with the flow until you have gained the amount of weight you aimed for and then cut.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    10 lbs in just under 4 months seems a hair high- but I'm on the female side- so I'm happy if I put on 7-10 over the course of 6 months.

    From what I've read people have been conservative on their bulks- and get moderate gains and on the second/third bulk tend to go a little more ape and are like man why didn't I do this before because the gains go through the roof.

    How long were you planning on bulking for really? If you are planning only 6 months I would just press on and go for it- at worst you'll get 5 more lbs out of it- at best maybe only 2-3 more.

    you can always just slow the gap- it's not all or nothing- try maybe for a cut of the surplus by half of where you are now- and see how you feel about that.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    If anything that sounds really low. 10lbs in 15 weeks? Gotta figure probably 5lbs of that is water weight. So you've only gained 5lbs in 15 weeks as a male. That's not a lot. Figure half of that is fat and half of that is muscle, and you haven't really done much yet. Hell, I'd keep going and/or raise calories if it were me.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    I agree it starts getting uncomfortable after 10-15 pounds gained but you gotta keep going. If you cut after 10 you'll be back to where you started.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If anything that sounds really low. 10lbs in 15 weeks? Gotta figure probably 5lbs of that is water weight. So you've only gained 5lbs in 15 weeks as a male. That's not a lot. Figure half of that is fat and half of that is muscle, and you haven't really done much yet. Hell, I'd keep going and/or raise calories if it were me.

    I'm on the conservative side- because I'm coming from the vagina cheering section... so to me it seems high... I forget I'm not blessed with the ability to put on weight as easily as far as muscle goes.

    You really think it would be 5 lbs of water weight? that seems high- but water weight gain isn't' my strong suit- I haven't researched that- and my own body tends to only flux by 2-3 lbs through the course of the day- so it hasn't been a huge concern for me to drive more research on it.

    I also seem to recall one of my body building buddies saying 20 lbs over your comp weight was considered obese for them.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    If anything that sounds really low. 10lbs in 15 weeks? Gotta figure probably 5lbs of that is water weight. So you've only gained 5lbs in 15 weeks as a male. That's not a lot. Figure half of that is fat and half of that is muscle, and you haven't really done much yet. Hell, I'd keep going and/or raise calories if it were me.

    I'm on the conservative side- because I'm coming from the vagina cheering section... so to me it seems high... I forget I'm not blessed with the ability to put on weight as easily as far as muscle goes.

    You really think it would be 5 lbs of water weight? that seems high- but water weight gain isn't' my strong suit- I haven't researched that- and my own body tends to only flux by 2-3 lbs through the course of the day- so it hasn't been a huge concern for me to drive more research on it.

    I also seem to recall one of my body building buddies saying 20 lbs over your comp weight was considered obese for them.

    Depends on his size, but yeah easily 5lbs of water weight. I put on 7lbs in the first week of my first bulk. I went up to 400g of carbs and probably 5-7k mg of sodium a day.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    This is exactly what happens to me when I bulk. Instantly gain 3-5 lbs in a couple weeks even while slowly increasing calories from a deficit. Freak a little (even though I know its water). Get into this weird bulk/not bulk thing for a while. Convince myself I can still gain some muscle even at maintenance. Get over it and start to bulk again. Gain steady weight every week and then hit a big mile stone weight like +10-15lbs and start to consider a small cut cycle. You know, just during the next couple weeks.

    Year and a half later....no gains.

    I would laugh if I was not crying. : )
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    This is exactly what happens to me when I bulk. Instantly gain 3-5 lbs in a couple weeks even while slowly increasing calories from a deficit. Freak a little (even though I know its water). Get into this weird bulk/not bulk thing for a while. Convince myself I can still gain some muscle even at maintenance. Get over it and start to bulk again. Gain steady weight every week and then hit a big mile stone weight like +10-15lbs and start to consider a small cut cycle. You know, just during the next couple weeks.

    Year and a half later....no gains.

    I would laugh if I was not crying. : )

    From what I've read, that's pretty much the trap everyone falls into.

    Myself, I resolved to bulk till a certain date, no ifs ands or butts about it. If I have more than 50 calories left for the day, I eat it. No excuses.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    This is exactly what happens to me when I bulk. Instantly gain 3-5 lbs in a couple weeks even while slowly increasing calories from a deficit. Freak a little (even though I know its water). Get into this weird bulk/not bulk thing for a while. Convince myself I can still gain some muscle even at maintenance. Get over it and start to bulk again. Gain steady weight every week and then hit a big mile stone weight like +10-15lbs and start to consider a small cut cycle. You know, just during the next couple weeks.

    Year and a half later....no gains.

    I would laugh if I was not crying. : )

    From what I've read, that's pretty much the trap everyone falls into.

    Myself, I resolved to bulk till a certain date, no ifs ands or butts about it. If I have more than 50 calories left for the day, I eat it. No excuses.

    This last bulk was much better. Felt like I finally made some progress.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Depends on his size, but yeah easily 5lbs of water weight. I put on 7lbs in the first week of my first bulk. I went up to 400g of carbs and probably 5-7k mg of sodium a day.

    oh wow- then we are no where near the same ball park- I was very consistent for the first month and a half- feel a little behind through the end of December when I was moving- I wasn't tracking- but I had a good idea of where I was- mostly at maintenance- occasionally over- occasional under. Lifting slowed so I wasn't going crazy trying to make myself hit OVER since workouts were low.
    Back on track this month and I'm still only up 4 pounds roughly.

    I can definitely tell you I FEEL more doughey... but I was weighing myself 2x a day the first month and fluxed during the day but numbers were fairly consistent really day to day. No sudden surge... That being said- I only upped my carb goal from 20 to 30% I know it's gone up in December by default (too much wawa) but it wasn't through the roof- I'm good at maintaining and knowing what I need for my activity level- and left to my own devices without a tracker I maintain nicely.

    I have though 1/2-1 lb a week was pretty normal for a male and 1/2 lb real weight gain for every 2 weeks was pretty reasonable for a female given our propensity to put on fat before muscle.

    Upsetting as I lost the genetic lottery as far as muscle building is concerned it seems... I do well for myself- but it could be so much better with a little fricking extra testosterone!
  • nboks
    nboks Posts: 41
    Thanks for the replies! I think i'll still continue eating a lot specially during lifting days but I think i will do the following:
    - decrease my calorie surplus (used to be days where i had over 1k excess)
    - add more cardio days (i used to only lift 3 days and rest in between)
    - eat even more cleaner, less sugary stuff and more milk probably
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I think i'll still continue eating a lot specially during lifting days but I think i will do the following:
    - decrease my calorie surplus (used to be days where i had over 1k excess)
    - add more cardio days (i used to only lift 3 days and rest in between)
    - eat even more cleaner, less sugary stuff and more milk probably

    i am sure why you would increase cardio while on a bulk…

    as far as eating more "clean" that is not going to do anything one way or the other..

    just my two cents...