Returning member looking for new friends!

Hi all!

Liz here. I feel like this is my 17068353rd attempt at MFP, and weight loss in general. Looking for new accountability buddies to keep me going!

Some things about me:

I'm 24 (almost 25), just recently moved to Astoria with my best friend/college roommate. I was pretty active this summer and felt/looked the best I ever did. I did much better with exercise than with eating, and cared more about how I felt than the number on the scale. Which is absolutely okay in my eyes since I felt amazing and knew I was doing amazing things.

But since moving and/or since the winter started, I've gotten lazy, lethargic, completely unmotivated. I can see and feel the difference. I weighed myself last night for the first time in months and was literally horrified. Seriously. I was about to jump out of the window lol. Roomie and I decided to start back up with fitness/nutrition. She was super kick-*kitten* last year too so I feel like we will definitely motivate each other. We started 30DS last night -- I can already feel the burn after Day 1!

I'm looking to lose about 30 lbs. I work part-time in an office, so most of my days are pretty sedentary.

But I thought I'd give MFP another try as well. Looking for buddies on here to keep me in check, and just to chat with :)


  • Hi - I have used this site off and on for a few years, but like you I am ready and need to make some changes now. I want to lose about 20-25 pounds to really feel good in my clothes and feel strong. I could definitely use some teamwork and inspiration to stick to healthy foods.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Welcome back and good luck to you. hope you meet your goals this time.

    lol nice that you have an exact number for your attempts ha
  • LOL What can I say? I like to keep very exact numbers. I promise that my food logging is much more accurate! :laugh:
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Slightly number-obsessed logger here. Feel free to send a FR.
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    Hello... I am always looking to add new friends feel free to add me.
  • Reneem210
    Reneem210 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love a buddy...I just jumped back on the bandwagon myself. Today makes five whole days. Today is feeling a little rough as I think my body knows it is Friday our normal pig out day and it is making my brains feel like I am starving...
  • Hi! I'm in the same boat...just getting back to logging and working out after not being on for some time. I'm 5 months post baby and finally feel like I have the energy and the time to get my body back! It's great to have people there to help you through the rough patches! Feel free to add!
  • Hello! I'm new to the place, but welcome back. :) And good luck this time around. My story is that I've been trying to stay on the road to weight loss, but keep getting lost along the way. I always seem to find myself back to the beginning with Oreo cookie stuffed cheeks, pockets full of chocolate chips, and a salty snack to throw in between... perched on the couch watching a new movie. It's freezing outside and being wrapped up in warm fuzzy blankets with your comfort foods all around you with some pleasant eye candy, makes it really hard to stay motivated. But I've decided, my days with sugar are coming to an end. Sugar addiction will have me no more! I'm signing up for some 5k. I love to dance so I'm going to dance everywhere! I'm also making a goal to be more happy on the inside. The journey begins today... good luck friends. ;)
  • Hello! I'm new to the place, but welcome back. :) And good luck this time around. My story is that I've been trying to stay on the road to weight loss, but keep getting lost along the way. I always seem to find myself back to the beginning with Oreo cookie stuffed cheeks, pockets full of chocolate chips, and a salty snack to throw in between... perched on the couch watching a new movie. It's freezing outside and being wrapped up in warm fuzzy blankets with your comfort foods all around you with some pleasant eye candy, makes it really hard to stay motivated. But I've decided, my days with sugar are coming to an end. Sugar addiction will have me no more! I'm signing up for some 5k. I love to dance so I'm going to dance everywhere! I'm also making a goal to be more happy on the inside. The journey begins today... good luck friends. ;)

    You've basically just described my entire life! Winter makes it sooo much harder for me to stay focused- bundled up in blankets, not wanting to move, surrounded by food. Yes. I've been there. To remedy this, my roomie and I just threw away all our leftover pizza and Chinese takeout and replaced it with ALL the fruit.

    Good luck with your journey, dancing ladaaay. Sounds like you've got it all under control! :) Adding you...
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    is your roomate taking the journey with you? if so awesome...but dont let your success get tied to her/him if she/he falls off the wagon!!
  • eglaros
    eglaros Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! You can add me too. I'm a great accountability buddy and would love to make some new friends with the same goals :). I am passionate about health and fitness and love food! Working on toning and building muscle for me now.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm also 24 and I'm looking for some friends just to keep motivated and chat with about random stuff. I'm looking to lose some weight, eat healthier in general (I can't give up spaghetti, noodles and "bad food" forever but I am committed to eating it way less often XD) and try to tone up. It'd be nice to have a friend to motivate me as well since I'm pretty much flying solo at this point.

    I also live in NYC, so we have that in common! :D
  • LPintheCity
    LPintheCity Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 26, about to wrap up my masters degree and ready to embrace more healthy habits. It's just so hard to write research papers without a bucket of Mountain Dew to keep you awake! Looking for lots of friends. Look forward to motivating each other. Add me!
  • is your roomate taking the journey with you? if so awesome...but dont let your success get tied to her/him if she/he falls off the wagon!!

    Yes, she and I have been discussing getting back onto the proverbial wagon for about a month now. We weighed ourselves last night and that preeeetty much sealed the deal. HAHA. She lost about 50 lbs last year, 70 overall, so I have a lot to learn from her! When she is in the zone she is definitely a huge motivation. But thank you for the concern-- I'm hoping we can motivate each other along the way. Just last night she got my *kitten* to start 30 Day Shred.. even while I have a cold!
  • Hey!! I'm new to myfitnesspal!! I would love to help encourage you, and hope you can encourage me too!! :) Good luck!!
  • Feel free to add me too! I'm also 24 and I'm looking for some friends just to keep motivated and chat with about random stuff. I'm looking to lose some weight, eat healthier in general (I can't give up spaghetti, noodles and "bad food" forever but I am committed to eating it way less often XD) and try to tone up. It'd be nice to have a friend to motivate me as well since I'm pretty much flying solo at this point.

    I also live in NYC, so we have that in common! :D

    Hi fellow NYCer! Adding you now! :)
  • I'm 26, about to wrap up my masters degree and ready to embrace more healthy habits. It's just so hard to write research papers without a bucket of Mountain Dew to keep you awake! Looking for lots of friends. Look forward to motivating each other. Add me!

    Good luck with grad school, and your weight loss goals! We got this! Adding you now… :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    well good im glad your on target and that someone is there to help...along with this place as well of course!!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    btw anyone can feel free to add if they like
  • Fit4funMom
    Fit4funMom Posts: 3 Member
    I have been back on the site for a week now. I have a 1 year old and a 3 year old and work full time, so it is hard for me to find time to work out, but I've been getting up at 5:00 and working out (I'm doing T25). I am looking for some new friends here too, so please add me! I'm looking to lose about 20 pounds!