I want to make 100lbs dissapear!! Need friends!!

Hello all.... I am trying to take control over my life. I've always been a bigger guy but the last two years I have been getting bigger and bigger.. I fill tired and run down all the time. I have now joined a gym and this weekend I am going to go to the grocery store and going to start eating healthier.. Any tips along the way would be great.. Please fill free to friend me on here as I am new to all this..Like best foods to buy and if someone has a great weight loss workout that would be awesome!! I hope to look as good as some of you guys and to share my story in the future..

Thank you, Chris


  • meltoine
    meltoine Posts: 46 Member
    Good luck!
  • DawnMarie1970
    DawnMarie1970 Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome!!!! Added you
  • khemmyusa12
    khemmyusa12 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do it. Good luck. Added u
  • JordanInMT
    JordanInMT Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Chris! I am also trying to make a few pounds disappear (80lbs). If you work hard, and smart... you can do anything.

    You can, and you will do it!
  • kenshin00456
    kenshin00456 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey man I have been on the war to lose weight for some time, 11 months ago I tore my Meniscus, and ACL. Instead of losing weight I was able to gain more weight. It has been a long process, first I was able to lose some weight with cutting down slowly on what I eat, while my Knee healed up. This month I have phased away most the bad foods, but I keep track of my calories, and overestimate it. One thing I do no matter what is every single day of Gym. Just motivate yourself to go one day at a time! That's what I did.
  • savagejane2
    94lbs to lose here. You have taken the first step so keep it moving, you can make it.
  • love2lift_85
    love2lift_85 Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome, added you :-)
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    In because from the thread title I thought that you were looking to have a very skinny person "taken care of". I was gonna say I know a guy but... never mind.
  • loneaffliction
    loneaffliction Posts: 81 Member
    With 100 pounds to lose, it's going to take time to lose the weight at a healthy rate, so go in with realistic expectations. Don't try to make drastic changes overnight, just focus on making small changes. Eat less, move more, incorporate healthier foods, educate yourself about nutrition, develop habits that still allow you to incorporate the foods that you love.

    Must reads to get you started:
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets (to set an appropriate calorie goal)
    http://body-improvements.com/resources/eat/ (particularly the section on nutrients)

    Log accurately, eat at a reasonable deficit (eat less than you burn). You WILL lose the weight, in a healthy and sustainable manner without wasting a lot of money on quick fixes that never seem to work. And it will STAY off. You don't have to give up any foods. You don't have to work out excessively. You don't have to starve. All you need is commitment and consistency, and a little faith and patience.

    By far THE most helpful group on MFP:

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or shoot me a friend request.
  • mellissatoothman
    mellissatoothman Posts: 1 Member
    I have been at the same point many times and the worst thing we can do for ourselves is to set a goal so high that when it is not attained quickly we give up or when we have a "bad day" we think we have fallen off the wagon. Some of the best advice I have had is to :

    1.) Set small attainable goals. I find that making a chart that's visible to record progress is very encouraging. The newest chart that I am using is where you list the pound starting with your current weight all the way down to your primary goal and you can mark off the pound bi-weekly when you weigh-in as to what you have lost. Also, mark/highlight short-term goals on your chart and focus on attaining each one step by step instead of focusing on the final weight you desire to be.

    2.) NEVER shop while you are hungry. If you shop while you are hungry you are shopping with your stomach and not your brain. Also, if you are new to this game making a shopping list before you go. Plan your meals for the week and then base your list upon what you plan to eat. Also, plan to you the fresh produce first in your planning since it will go bad first and save your frozen and canned vegetables and fruits for the end of the week.

    3.) No matter what your meals/days are like LOG them. They may not always look pretty, but you have to be accountable.

    4.) Make a plan to work out just like you plan your meals. Schedules are important because your are setting aside the time to do what you need. I go to the gym 3 days a week for a couple hours. Mix up your routine and do things like aerobic classes if they are available. Yes, men can do aerobics.

    5.) Take baby steps. You did not learn to walk in a day. First you had to learn to crawl and develop some stability and this is no different.

    6.) NEVER look at this as you are on a diet. Diets are short-term and do not produce long-term changes. They are temporary! This is a lifestyle change and as I have learned a behavior change. Trust me I have learned the hard way.

    7.) Use a small plate when you eat and measure your portions. The size of the plate will help you control your portions.

    8.) It's okay to eat things you like that you perceive as "bad foods". Plan for them and make them a part of your meal not an "extra" snack. I even set aside Friday as my I really want such and such kind of food so I am going to have it for supper. I also try to plan those I wants for the day I go to the gym so I am working off those extra calories. I had a pepperoni roll for supper for instance.

    I hope this has helped. Sometimes I forget these things and I have traveled a roller coaster pretty much all of my life. Gain 40 lbs. ...lose 40 lbs...gain...lose...gain...lose. You get the point!

    If I have not driven you crazy by this message please feel free to add me. I, too, could use the support. :)

  • cdillon401
    That is some pretty good advise there!!! Thank you very much!!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    This is the group I founded on 24-Dec-2013

    I have lost 11# since then, sent you an invite. We have a spreadsheet, and a VERY ACTIVE group with over 400# people in it. People are losing lots of weight because it's all about accountability. We have lots of MEN in the group too.


    check out the spreadsheet here of our weightloss

  • Heather0880
    How do you add people? Lol I'm so lost!!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    How do you add people? Lol I'm so lost!!
    You click on their name to lurk their profile. Check out their pictures. Maybe read their food diary. Then, if they seem interesting enough you click the giant green Add As Friend button.
  • wonderwoman325
    Have added - I have the same goal :)
  • LittleonebeforethethroneofGod
    I have 114 pounds to lose. I'd be glad to have you as a friend. Please feel free to send a friend request.
  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    Good on you Chris for doing something about losing weight. I think the biggest hurdle we have to overcome is to stop denying we have a problem, only then can we go forward. I have lost over 112 lbs. I am truly grateful for the wonderful support I have received from friends on here. Just make sure you log everything and I mean everything - good or bad!!! Stick to your calorie goals and start to exercise. If someone told me 2 years ago I would be be exercising 5x a week I would have laughed in their face. You can do this. Just take it a day at a time ... Little steps lead to bigger things (excluding getting bigger ourselves!!!) and be honest with yourself. You are in this for you and no one else. Good luck. If you want a nutty pal from the UK as a friend, just add me as friend.

  • MsDeitra
    MsDeitra Posts: 23 Member
    How do you add people? Lol I'm so lost!!
    You click on their name to lurk their profile. Check out their pictures. Maybe read their food diary. Then, if they seem interesting enough you click the giant green Add As Friend button.

    You're a riot! Love your sense of humor and for the record.... Yes I lurked your profile! Ha!
  • goirish73
    Hi! I also have to lose 100 pounds! I know you can do it. With friends and support you can do anything! I strongly suggest that you look at Metabolic Diet Research Center! I lost 4 pounds on my first week. They told me that I should 100 pounds by Dec. If I follow their plan to the tee. If you have any questions or need support please message me. Good luck in reaching your goal! :)
  • ukulelesez
    Hey! Good for you for taking the first step. I'm also only a couple of weeks into this lifestyle change and have just under 80lbs to lose. Will add you since I could definitely do with a few friends on here!