That time of the excuse or legitimate?



  • Lunira
    Lunira Posts: 33
    Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding for the chocolate cravings -- In terms of calories it's not bad, and you get calcium and etc. from the milk.

    Lots of ibruprofen, it's the only thing I've ever tried that actually helps with cramps.

    It's pretty heavy flow-wise for the first few days, so nothing strenuous during that part.
  • WonderWoman_5
    WonderWoman_5 Posts: 101 Member
    I am going through it now!! The first 2 days of my period I am extremely in pain and sick, after that I push through the pain on the ellipitical :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It's going to be different for everyone. I have a cousin with extreme periods (long, heavy, painful) and I certainly wouldn't blame her for sitting it out. I, myself, have been blessed with short, light, easy periods, so exercise is no problem for me. It's just a minor inconvenience, really. Rarely, I will experience some cramps and I find that exercise actually helps.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding for the chocolate cravings -- In terms of calories it's not bad, and you get calcium and etc. from the milk.

    Lots of ibruprofen, it's the only thing I've ever tried that actually helps with cramps.

    It's pretty heavy flow-wise for the first few days, so nothing strenuous during that part.

    wow wow wow heavy flow too much info, know your audience this isn't Jerry Springer
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding for the chocolate cravings -- In terms of calories it's not bad, and you get calcium and etc. from the milk.

    Lots of ibruprofen, it's the only thing I've ever tried that actually helps with cramps.

    It's pretty heavy flow-wise for the first few days, so nothing strenuous during that part.

    wow wow wow heavy flow too much info, know your audience this isn't Jerry Springer

    Not sure you're in the target audience. :huh:
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member

    i refuse to copy and paste can't you do it it where i can just click on it, i am a very busy man

    But plenty of time to comment on a topic you know absolutely nothing about, obviously.????
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding for the chocolate cravings -- In terms of calories it's not bad, and you get calcium and etc. from the milk.

    Lots of ibruprofen, it's the only thing I've ever tried that actually helps with cramps.

    It's pretty heavy flow-wise for the first few days, so nothing strenuous during that part.

    wow wow wow heavy flow too much info, know your audience this isn't Jerry Springer

    Not sure you're in the target audience. :huh:

    I am being unfairly attacked by the sisterhood of my fitnesspal here, for all the men looking on and keeping quiet shame on you, gary cooper would turn in his grave, you are all yella i tell you
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding for the chocolate cravings -- In terms of calories it's not bad, and you get calcium and etc. from the milk.

    Lots of ibruprofen, it's the only thing I've ever tried that actually helps with cramps.

    It's pretty heavy flow-wise for the first few days, so nothing strenuous during that part.

    wow wow wow heavy flow too much info, know your audience this isn't Jerry Springer

    Not sure you're in the target audience. :huh:

    I am being unfairly attacked by the sisterhood of my fitnesspal here, for all the men looking on and keeping quiet shame on you, gary cooper would turn in his grave, you are all yella i tell you

    Lol! Well, you asked for it!! What were we supposed to do - just let you insinuate that we're drama queens and say that paper cuts hurt worse than period pains? The other men are just being cautious! And rightfully so. Hell hath no fury like a pms'ing woman.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member

    i refuse to copy and paste can't you do it it where i can just click on it, i am a very busy man

    But plenty of time to comment on a topic you know absolutely nothing about, obviously.????

    i have a wife mother sister and several nieces and although none of them speak to me anymore i can safely say i am in the know on all female related subjects
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    Go and workout even if you feel like poop. Do something full bodied like, aerobics or zumba. It stretches those stomach muscles and warms them, making the cramps go away. Plus if you do it long enough you will release serotonin and will feel happy and not so cranky.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member

    i refuse to copy and paste can't you do it it where i can just click on it, i am a very busy man

    But plenty of time to comment on a topic you know absolutely nothing about, obviously.????

    i have a wife mother sister and several nieces and although none of them speak to me anymore i can safely say i am in the know on all female related subjects

    :D You are pretty funny. I like hearing from you much more than some women all high and mighty who think their periods are like mine because we're both women. I swear it's like someone is trying to remove my uterus piece by piece with a melon baller. Yeah, take an ibuprofen for that. Riiiiight ;)
  • Iwantchange_22
    Iwantchange_22 Posts: 49 Member
    I'd say its a legitimate excuse for some people. If your lucky and have a light period you can easily continue exercising. But for some people its extremely painful and heavy, and you really don't want to exercise through that.

    its not however an excuse to eat poorly.
  • Karlayito1
    Karlayito1 Posts: 6 Member
    Not for me, I worked out, it helped with cramps and I felt like nothing could stop me, not even aunt Flo... she can go @#$$% herself, I need to loose the weight!
  • fujiko
    fujiko Posts: 58 Member
    Yoga and Pilates do wonders for any PMS or period pains. They even have special exercises for it, so give it a try. I go as often as I can during my period! It also helps with relaxing so I always feel so much better walking out of the studio.
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    My TOM always sees me gain nearly a stone! (14lbs) Truly horrid! And I get tired and cravings, i just NEED sugar :laugh: ~
    I stick to what ever work out day im on, if its a rest day thats great but usually this lasts more than one day so I stick to my routine, be it swim or weights or cardio. I just pay more attention to my aches and if it gets too much i'll take a break then get back to it.

    Its a rubbish time :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    Not for me, I worked out, it helped with cramps and I felt like nothing could stop me, not even aunt Flo... she can go @#$$% herself, I need to loose the weight!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MarKayDee
    MarKayDee Posts: 196
    The last two days I've been shoveling Lindt truffles and jelly beans like a gum popping tween. Today a coworker pointed out it was my turn and like clock work I got home and BAM. During my lady time (I also refer to it as Baking Time) is upon me. I don't plan on doing any workouts tomorrow or the day after. I see some pancakes and a lot of ibuprophen(I have to take like six at a time to cut the edge off) in my future.

    Do whatever you want, so long as you keep the sugars in moderation.
  • Lunira
    Lunira Posts: 33
    Sugar free Jello chocolate pudding for the chocolate cravings -- In terms of calories it's not bad, and you get calcium and etc. from the milk.

    Lots of ibruprofen, it's the only thing I've ever tried that actually helps with cramps.

    It's pretty heavy flow-wise for the first few days, so nothing strenuous during that part.

    wow wow wow heavy flow too much info, know your audience this isn't Jerry Springer

    It's a basic biological process that is quite familiar to many of us, and can indeed temporarily influence our weight measurements (via water retention) and our ability to exercise vigorously. Frankly, this is Fitness Pal. Questions of weight and exercise are absolutely relevant for this audience, and this question is particularly relevant for those of us who are female and of childbearing age.

    If you are not a female of childbearing age (or menstruation squicks you out just in general), why are you on this thread in the first place?
  • Lunira
    Lunira Posts: 33
    The deal with Ibuprofen is basically this: Cramps are actually caused by a chemical called prostaglandins, which tell your uterus to rhythmically contract in order to help shed the old lining. Past a certain point of being worked like this, lactic acid will start building up in the uterine muscles, just as they do in your biceps, quads, and other muscles when you're working out and feel "the burn". (This buildup is what "the burn" of exercise is.)

    Ibuprofen is a chemical antagonist of prostaglandins, so it helps stop the actual rhythmic contractions that are causing the pain, rather than just masking the pain. If you have underlying health conditions which would be aggravated by the use of NSAIDS, you might not want to go this route, but during the first couple days when the cramps are particularly bad I'll take up to 600-800 mg every 4 hours. I've done this for years, and have yet to experience any adverse health effects from this practice.

    A caveat, though. Aggressively medicating one's cramps in this fashion does seem to lengthen the duration of the period itself by a day or so, as the internal cleaning process is not being helped along by vigorous uterine contraction. Or this has been my experience, at any rate.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    The deal with Ibuprofen is basically this: Cramps are actually caused by a chemical called prostaglandins, which tell your uterus to rhythmically contract in order to help shed the old lining. Past a certain point of being worked like this, lactic acid will start building up in the uterine muscles, just as they do in your biceps, quads, and other muscles when you're working out and feel "the burn". (This buildup is what "the burn" of exercise is.)

    Ibuprofen is a chemical antagonist of prostaglandins, so it helps stop the actual rhythmic contractions that are causing the pain, rather than just masking the pain. If you have underlying health conditions which would be aggravated by the use of NSAIDS, you might not want to go this route, but during the first couple days when the cramps are particularly bad I'll take up to 600-800 mg every 4 hours. I've done this for years, and have yet to experience any adverse health effects from this practice.

    A caveat, though. Aggressively medicating one's cramps in this fashion does seem to lengthen the duration of the period itself by a day or so, as the internal cleaning process is not being helped along by vigorous uterine contraction. Or this has been my experience, at any rate.

    Wow, this makes a great deal of sense. I had fibriods in the lining of my uterus, making it ungodly painful when it would contract to shed the lining, to the point that I was on prescription medication and my periods would last 8 to 10 days. So I guess for me it would be a catch 22, there is no way I could manage to live with out the meds either. Oh well, not my issue anymore. My hysterectomy is one of the best thing I ever did.