Having a hard time losing anymore weight. Need advice!



  • I didnt know my diary wasnt. Ill look into the settings. Im not always consistent on logging.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    I didnt know my diary wasnt. Ill look into the settings. Im not always consistent on logging.

    Well, there ya go. Get consistent! Knowledge is power.
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Hi, It could be a lot of things that are causing the plateau. It's hard to say without knowing certain things, such as: How many calories a day are you eating? Are you logging in everything you eat each day? Are you going overboard on things such as carbs, cheese, sweets? Are you exercising? How much/how often? Maybe we can help you figure this out.
  • neekby
    neekby Posts: 3
    Don't forget that as a woman the point you are at in your menstrual cycle will affect your weight so you need to compare 'like for like' .
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    Its is that TOM today but for the past two weeks no. I dont use salt anymore. Im a SAHM with two small children, its hard not being stressed :)

    If you're being consistent logging & re sure you're eating at a deficit, I think this is the problem. The week before and the week of TOM, I either gain at least 1 - 2 pounds from where I should be, or I don't lose at all those weeks. The next week after TOM leaves, I'm back at losing normally. TOM makes you gain/retain water weight.

    If you're not sure you're eating the right amount of food, then you'll want to make sure you're eating and logging consistently and then give it a few weeks to see if you're losing.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Are you at the end of your weight loss goal? Or do you still have significantly more to lose? I ask because the less you have to lose the harder it is and the more precise you have to be in your logging.

    I have found that I don't lose weight evenly. Meaning I'll consistently lose for awhile and then I won't lose for awhile and then I'll start losing again. It's like I'm binge losing :happy: if that makes any sense.

    It makes sense to me. I go 2 or 3 weeks sometimes and the scale will show no loss...then all of a sudden I will lose 5 to 7 pounds in a week. I have learned to accept this about myself.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I wouldn't weigh yourself if it's TOM. Even my measurements go up when it's TOM.

    Give it another couple of weeks before weighing yourself again.

    I have to say, I get fed up with people saying that people aren't being accurate logging and eating more wont help. I upped my calories from 1200 to 1500 and lost more! For the first year I was losing weight I didn't know about MFP so didn't use it, and would eat as little as possible, so when I first started logging I was often under 1200 calories. Then I decided to increase to 1500 and that's when my body shape started changing for the better and my hips got smaller. I was working out a lot, looking after 2 small kids plus working part time as a teacher so on my feet all day at work.

    Even now, eating 1800 a day (28 weeks pregnant tomorrow), MFP tells me I'll lose weight in 5 weeks!

    I find protein helps me lose weight and it does fill me up. I try not to eat too much bread, rice and pasta as I find that starchy carbs don't help me with weight loss. But that's just me. I know people who follow the slimming World diet and eat lots of rice and pasta and lose weight.
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    A measuring tape is a lot more useful than a scale for trimming down. I hate calling it weight loss because it's not about what you weight. It's about being in better shape and felling better about yourself. If you looked like you wanted to and felt great, would you really care what you weighed?

    Anyway, often when the scale doesn't budge, there still may be fat reduction going on that doesn't show on the scale due to water retention of whatever. Keep running a deficit and stay active and it will move eventually.

    If you're stuck in a real plateau for an extended period, then mix things up a bit. Put some wild swings in your macros for a few days. Exceed you calories one day and cut them by different amounts for the next few. Do some new exercises working different muscle groups for a change. The body is really good at adapting to patterns and most of us fall into a rut of eating the same foods and doing the same workouts every day or week. Keeping your body guessing what's coming next prevents it from adjusting to what it expects and can be what you need to break you out of a plateau.
  • nogoldilocs
    nogoldilocs Posts: 87 Member
    I didnt know my diary wasnt. Ill look into the settings. Im not always consistent on logging.

    ^^This is where you should begin. Start with the basics. By logging consistently and accurately you can see whether you have a calorie deficit and make changes accordingly.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'm not the best diary analyzer.... but you look like you're logging reasonably accurately. What are you doing for exercise to burn 383 calories per day?

    I wish I could find the explanation a guy wrote about how easy it is to be 'off' with your calories in vs calories out... due to all the variables. Consider though, if you're set to a 500 calorie per day deficit... and your base is off by say, 100 calories.... making you think you should be eating 1500 per day, and say it should be 1400.... then, if you overestimate your calorie burn by 100, and underestimated your calorie intake by 300 per day.... you'd be eating at maintenance.

    So, it's important to try to log accurately. It gives you something to work with, if you need to make changes. You also seem to be taking in a fair amount of sodium, which most MFP's will tell you will cause you to retain water.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    My weight fluctuates lots throughout the month. I will gain 1-2lbs around ovulation and then have a little whoosh and be 0.5lbs under my previous low and then I gain 3/4lbs during TOM and then have a big whoosh of 1.5lbs below the little whoosh averaging the monthly loss to 2lbs in line with my deficit :-)

    I found weighing myself weekly very frustrating, but once I started to weigh myself daily and log it in a separate app that gives me a pretty graph, I lost a lot of the anxieties as the scale move up a little. I can now see that I have high days and low days and overall the weight is going down.