
Hi guys i joined MyFitnesspal a while back but i didnt really stick to it!

I now and giving it a whole hearted 2nd try, my biggest problem is evening eating!! im fine in the day! But at night its so easy to just pig out!,
I have 2 young children so we constantly have treats in the house and pack lunch goodies! arggghhh but im trying to fill my fridge with berry's etc to snack on! I hope this works for me and everyone els!

Thanks for reading :happy:


  • They say children change your life but nobody tells you they also alter the shape of your body, do they?!

    I probably have that temptation to look forward to when mine get older. Right now my issues are more a lack of time and inability to eat a lunch unless it's a sneaky one without my little seagulls squawking for scraps.

    All the very best with your objectives. :smile:
  • Haha!

    i know what u mean i have to hide when im eating my fruit! they have their own but mummys always looks nicer somehow haha!

    are you trying to loose weight or tone up? the evenings r def the hardest as im not even hungry but my brain suggests food every five mins! lol xx