Ladies can you feel me?? I just can't control myself!!

It's just that 7 days out of each month where my cravings are so strong! I can't control it! I try so hard but for that 7 days each month I crave, crave, crave like a pregnant cow with hormone injections! I want that chocolate, that ice cream, that carb and delicious meal that I vowed to stay away from. The cravings get sooooo strong that I can't control it! What do you do? how do you handle it?? I'm so used to giving my body what it craves during this time ,but now that I am cutting back for the sake of getting into better shape I need some help on how to do this? Opinions, advice, anything please!!


  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I eat it what I want, and I log it. I'm sure that was not the answer you were looking for but it is true.

    I have no qualms with going over during that time frame. I know what my body burns naturally each day based on tdee calculations and I do NOT go above that simply because I do not want to gain. However, if I go over my deficit given to me I don't feel bad, but I also know I've held myself back a day from reaching my goal weight.

    Personally, I also work out during that time frame because I find it helps with cramps. Getting the initial willpower to do it can be hard sometimes because I tend to hurt and feel icky. I do it anyway though, because like I said the exercise helps the cramps, so I know if I do it I'll feel better.
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    At least one study has been conducted that suggests increased calcium & magnesium decreases premenstual and menstrual symptoms. Seeing my macros when tracking on MFP, I find that to be true for me. Although I still have some cravings, it's nothing like usual and small treats satisfy rather than a full-on pig-out.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    This has always been an issue for me. I allow myself more calories during that time, not enough to gain but enough to keep the cravings at bay. I also plan to try to meet the cravings with healthy food rather than junk. I always start with an apple because if you aren't hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren't hungry enough to eat. If it is chocolate I need, I go for dark chocolate covered dried or dipped fruit. A baked sweet potato with cinnamon or a baked apple with cinnamon makes me feel very indulged as well.
  • I don't keep my crave foods in the house. When I crave something, I walk to the gas station (3/4 mile from home) and buy it, this way I've gotten some exercise in also. Most importantly, pay attention when you eat. Usually after 3 or 4 bites my cravings are satisfied and I don't enjoy it as much and now I know I'm just eating it because it's there and not because I want it.

    If you need to, make this week a non-diet week. I find things like cravings are much easier to manage if I'm eating at maintenance level and not depriving my body of calories.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    Have the same issue but don't really look at it as a problem as I don't tend to gain weight during it but my junk food intake increases from once a week to three times/week. I honestly go for it as I'm not in the best mood at that time. Plus once I get a craving and fulfill, it goes till the next month comes around.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Yeah it gets rough!I crave vanilla ice cream with a warm brownie! So if I feel like I've done enough to earn the treat,I go for it. Of coarse,I don't keep any of that in the House so I would have to drive to go get it.
  • purplishblue
    purplishblue Posts: 135 Member
    My problem is that during the week before that time of the month, I get RAVENOUS! It's less about cravings and more about just always feeling starving. I have yet to figure out how to control or help this :(
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    The longer you try to ignore a craving, the stronger it will get, which will most likely lead to bingeing when you finally give in.

    When you first have that craving, eat! You don't have to eat a whole pan of brownies, but one won't kill you and may stop the craving.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    The longer you try to ignore a craving, the stronger it will get, which will most likely lead to bingeing when you finally give in.

    When you first have that craving, eat! You don't have to eat a whole pan of brownies, but one won't kill you and may stop the craving.

    Moderation is the key.
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    I feel ya! Husband has his cookies but I stay away. We don't buy junk food much any more. I didn't request that this happen but hubby stopped buying this stuff about 4 months into my new lifestyle. Guess he likes the new me! Love the support and he loves the drop in the grocery bill! When we go grocery shopping he is always on the lookout for new stuff I can eat. He use to bring me peanut butter cups (my old fav!) every month at that time but now he makes sure I have whole natural almonds and plenty of bottled water.
  • LexingtonBadger
    LexingtonBadger Posts: 12 Member
    My problem is that during the week before that time of the month, I get RAVENOUS! It's less about cravings and more about just always feeling starving. I have yet to figure out how to control or help this :(

    I have this exact problem too! I just want to eat everything that isn't nailed down during that time.
  • For chocolate fixes, I've always gone for a Curly Wurly (115 calories) and/or Highlights/Options hot chocolate (40 calories)!
  • I eat it what I want, and I log it. I'm sure that was not the answer you were looking for but it is true.

    I have no qualms with going over during that time frame. I know what my body burns naturally each day based on tdee calculations and I do NOT go above that simply because I do not want to gain. However, if I go over my deficit given to me I don't feel bad, but I also know I've held myself back a day from reaching my goal weight.

    Personally, I also work out during that time frame because I find it helps with cramps. Getting the initial willpower to do it can be hard sometimes because I tend to hurt and feel icky. I do it anyway though, because like I said the exercise helps the cramps, so I know if I do it I'll feel better.

    It does help. I was wondering how in the world other people get through it. I did not know working out helps with cramps so I'm going to try it. Thanks!
  • This has always been an issue for me. I allow myself more calories during that time, not enough to gain but enough to keep the cravings at bay. I also plan to try to meet the cravings with healthy food rather than junk. I always start with an apple because if you aren't hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren't hungry enough to eat. If it is chocolate I need, I go for dark chocolate covered dried or dipped fruit. A baked sweet potato with cinnamon or a baked apple with cinnamon makes me feel very indulged as well.

    I love that! If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple!
  • I don't keep my crave foods in the house. When I crave something, I walk to the gas station (3/4 mile from home) and buy it, this way I've gotten some exercise in also. Most importantly, pay attention when you eat. Usually after 3 or 4 bites my cravings are satisfied and I don't enjoy it as much and now I know I'm just eating it because it's there and not because I want it.

    If you need to, make this week a non-diet week. I find things like cravings are much easier to manage if I'm eating at maintenance level and not depriving my body of calories.

    That's a good idea to walk for what I'm craving. I'm glad I posted this!
  • Yeah it gets rough!I crave vanilla ice cream with a warm brownie! So if I feel like I've done enough to earn the treat,I go for it. Of coarse,I don't keep any of that in the House so I would have to drive to go get it.

    That sounds so oolong good!!
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    At least one study has been conducted that suggests increased calcium & magnesium decreases premenstual and menstrual symptoms. Seeing my macros when tracking on MFP, I find that to be true for me. Although I still have some cravings, it's nothing like usual and small treats satisfy rather than a full-on pig-out.

    man, if only I had a menstrual cycle... all this sparkling water would have me kickin *kitten*..

    most sparkling water has bot magnesium sulfate and calcium chloride in it....