Just Started Again

Hi everyone! I just started up again and am trying to loose some weight before my wedding in July. I did this for a while last year and was starting to see some results but life got in the way and I stopped.
I could really use some people motivating me so please feel free to add me as a friend.



  • JMel86
    JMel86 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi, my name is Jill. I've been on mfp since July 2013 & have only missed one day. I love to encourage & be encouraged. Feel free to add me! anyone! :)
  • MadKatter9
    MadKatter9 Posts: 13 Member
    Name's Kait. Was on here for a while at the beginning of last year and have since then let myself get a little crazy with the Reese's Pieces. :P
    Add me up if you'd like. :D
  • hellokittyhorror
    hellokittyhorror Posts: 70 Member
    I'm kind of starting again too. Did this before & was successful & now gained all the weight back ! I want to be successful again. Let's support each other & help you feel great for your wedding!: love:
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    If "life got in the way," you didn't have a sustainable plan. Pick a different plan this time, one that is sustainable. Life always gets in the way.

    It also generally works better over the long haul to avoid setting deadlines. Treat each day as an opportunity to eat well, stay in your calorie goals, and get moderate exercise. Keep doing that and you'll be set, for much longer than your wedding.
  • faramelee
    faramelee Posts: 163 Member
    Congratulations on your wedding! Don't worry, this is totally do-able, we are ON it. Anyway we can help x
  • I've been at this for well over a year, but over the holidays I got tired of behaving and maintained my weight instead of losing. I clipped my calories back to 1200 yesterday and I'm continuing to workout, but I definitely need a lot of support to not accept the weight I am now as the best I can do. While I'm now what I believe is a "fine" aka "normal" size, I've been working too hard for over a year to be happy with ok. I want to reach my goal and look as fit as I am physically! Feel free to add me if you're an outgoing, talkative, commenting sort of MFPer!
  • I'm also back after a hiatus. I joined MFP on October 1, 2012 after one of my trainers at the gym suggested it. Just count what goes in and what goes out for a month she said. So I did. I stayed around 1,200 a day for the month. I am 5 ft 4 inches and weighed 156 when I started. I work out six days a week with strength & cardio so already had a decent amount of muscle. I think I lost 7lbs in that first month. So I kept doing it! By March 1, 2013 I was down to 129 and reduced by body fat % by 12% and had lost a total of 27 lbs and 27 inches also.

    I managed to maintain throughout summer until about Labor Day. Then as many day, life got in the way ... problems at home, stopped counting etc. So here I am again back at 155 (beginning to wonder if this is my "natural" weight). I still work out. I still don't over indulge. I still fit in my clothes (although some aren't as loose).

    January 1 I started Paleo. After three weeks without ANY grains, dairy, legumes, etc how much weight did I lose? ZERO. I was like WTF? How can cutting out ALL processed food not produce results?? I tried to convince myself that my protein intake was much higher, and I was putting on muscle and so on. I did see a little change around my mid-section but not enough!

    So, I thought to myself, I know what worked last year ... So at the beginning of this week I went back onto my MFP app and started logging at 1,200 a day. Still doing Paleo but eliminating fruit and nuts too. I was probably consuming way too many calories in that first three weeks.

    I won't weigh myself until the end of next week. Keeping my fingers crossed! To help me keep motivated I also took my measurements at the beginning of this week. I guess an inch or two all over can easily add up to 25lbs!!

    Anyway, hops to find support here like everyone else.

  • bz120
    bz120 Posts: 10 Member
    Just started today. I have been on before as well. The wedding is in July? You can do it! Good job for starting now! I would like to be feeling and looking much better by June!