About to spiral out of control :(

My grandfather unfortunately just passed away, leaving us to take care of my grandmother.
She had to move in, she has Alzheimers, and our home can't accommodate the other person.

This means that I had to move my computer room ( where I work & spend most of my time ) downstairs, again like it was last year, next to the kitchen - in order to make a bedroom for our grandmother upstairs with the rest of the bedrooms.

When it use to be down here, I gained most of my weight because I could go right into the kitchen and binge out.
Upstairs, the kitchen was out of sight out of mind. Now im back to where I was...

This, pressed with all this STRESS of the family situation, caused me to finally binge last night.
I was over around 2,000 calories. And while I understand that since my last binge hasn't been since I started almost a year ago and that one slip up wont ruin me -- I am afraid that this WONT be a one time occurrence given my situations...
Im already back to thinking about food 24/7 and wanting to eat and eat, constantly. I also have never in my life binged over 2,000 of my goal while losing weight ( I obviously did when I was gaining ). Ive only ever been over 600 or something. So this is a bigger deal to me.

Im falling into my old patterns and I dont know how to say no, I am a new person, and this isnt me.

I could really use some advice or words on how I can stop this before it starts..thanks. :(


  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Find a therapist or someone else to talk to, to help you deal with the stress.

    Don't ever forget that you have done great so far.

    These are ideas for binging: If you cant resist going into the kitchen try making some tea (Maybe just being in the kitchen and doing food prep might help) or pre planning snacks to fit within your calorie goal so when you do go into the kitchen they are there ready for you. Set a regular timer when you are working that act as allowed times for you to go into the kitchen to get a snack that fits in your calorie goal..

    Keep a bowl of fruits and veggies in the kitchen for you to eat, nuts, granola for healthy options
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    Is is possible for you to find a place to squeeze your computer into your bedroom?
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Is is possible for you to find a place to squeeze your computer into your bedroom?

    I wish. Unfortunately not. My room is very small.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Ok, let's be honest. Proximity to food does not cause binges. It sounds like your binges are related to your emotions and stress, and that puts you in good company around here. This is something you can overcome, you just need to learn to identify what is going on when you have the urge to binge. If you have the means, working with a counselor can be a great way to develop the tools that will help you do this. If you cannot afford a counselor, I find it helpful to figure out a list of questions to ask myself before going for the food. Here's an example when I have the "argh must have food now":

    - I have the urge to eat everything in sight. Is there something going on (anger, frustration, sadness, boredom) that is making me want to cope with food?
    - Where am I in my cycle? Am I about to get my period?
    - Am I hungry or thirsty (thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger)? I'll drink some water and see how I feel in a few minutes.
    - Ok, I still feel like stuffing my face. Let's look at the food diary and see where I am for the day on my calories and macros. Maybe I just need a snack.
    - How have I been eating the last few days? Have I been eating enough? Could I be having cravings because I've been way off and eating way below my calories?
    - What happened the last time I binged? How many calories did I go over? How did that impact my progress?

    It's not a perfect system, but forcing myself to focus logically on the urges and the consequences has reduced my binges. I really can't remember the last time I binged.

    One thing I will add about the computer and its location to the kitchen is that while proximity doesn't cause a person to binge, people do tend to snack and overeat when doing things like play on the computer and watch TV because they are not giving their full attention to the amount of food they are eating. You might also have some luck tackling your binges by changing your behavior in terms of how you eat, as in always eating at a table, no distractions, weighing/measuring then logging your food. I noticed for me that binges tended to be on my feet, shoving handfuls of food in my mouth, going from one thing to another with or some kind of media (TV, computer, phone).
  • lahan505
    lahan505 Posts: 10 Member
    Would you be able to create a visible barrier between the kitchen and the room downstairs? Would anybody object to a curtain hung on a tension rod in the doorway so that you cannot see the kitchen while you are on your computer? Or would it work to turn your back to the kitchen. (Out of sight, out of mind?)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Ok, let's be honest. Proximity to food does not cause binges.
    no but it makes it MUCH more difficult to stay strong, because it's in your face. When I am at my mom's house, the living room has a direct view of the kitchen, and every time I look that direction I think about the cookies in the cabinet or the chocolate in the fridge. It's incredibly difficult not to be distracted by it, it's right there in your line of sight. Is that an excuse to binge? no of course not, but that doesn't change the fact that it makes it difficult to get your mind off food when it's right there.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    gum or mints.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Would you be able to create a visible barrier between the kitchen and the room downstairs? Would anybody object to a curtain hung on a tension rod in the doorway so that you cannot see the kitchen while you are on your computer? Or would it work to turn your back to the kitchen. (Out of sight, out of mind?)

    ^^^^^This is me... Outta site, outta mind. Make yourself a special rule like I did-no eating at the computer...
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Ok, let's be honest. Proximity to food does not cause binges. It sounds like your binges are related to your emotions and stress, and that puts you in good company around here. This is something you can overcome, you just need to learn to identify what is going on when you have the urge to binge. If you have the means, working with a counselor can be a great way to develop the tools that will help you do this. If you cannot afford a counselor, I find it helpful to figure out a list of questions to ask myself before going for the food. Here's an example when I have the "argh must have food now":

    - I have the urge to eat everything in sight. Is there something going on (anger, frustration, sadness, boredom) that is making me want to cope with food?
    - Where am I in my cycle? Am I about to get my period?
    - Am I hungry or thirsty (thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger)? I'll drink some water and see how I feel in a few minutes.
    - Ok, I still feel like stuffing my face. Let's look at the food diary and see where I am for the day on my calories and macros. Maybe I just need a snack.
    - How have I been eating the last few days? Have I been eating enough? Could I be having cravings because I've been way off and eating way below my calories?
    - What happened the last time I binged? How many calories did I go over? How did that impact my progress?

    It's not a perfect system, but forcing myself to focus logically on the urges and the consequences has reduced my binges. I really can't remember the last time I binged.

    One thing I will add about the computer and its location to the kitchen is that while proximity doesn't cause a person to binge, people do tend to snack and overeat when doing things like play on the computer and watch TV because they are not giving their full attention to the amount of food they are eating. You might also have some luck tackling your binges by changing your behavior in terms of how you eat, as in always eating at a table, no distractions, weighing/measuring then logging your food. I noticed for me that binges tended to be on my feet, shoving handfuls of food in my mouth, going from one thing to another with or some kind of media (TV, computer, phone).

    After you answer these questions, and you want to eat for emotional reasons - how do you stop the urge to binge or get rid of the thoughts?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Time to learn better means of coping with stress. Get some hobbies, talk to friends, learn to accept things you can't change and healthy ways to work towards the things you can change.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Ok, let's be honest. Proximity to food does not cause binges. It sounds like your binges are related to your emotions and stress, and that puts you in good company around here. This is something you can overcome, you just need to learn to identify what is going on when you have the urge to binge. If you have the means, working with a counselor can be a great way to develop the tools that will help you do this. If you cannot afford a counselor, I find it helpful to figure out a list of questions to ask myself before going for the food. Here's an example when I have the "argh must have food now":

    - I have the urge to eat everything in sight. Is there something going on (anger, frustration, sadness, boredom) that is making me want to cope with food?
    - Where am I in my cycle? Am I about to get my period?
    - Am I hungry or thirsty (thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger)? I'll drink some water and see how I feel in a few minutes.
    - Ok, I still feel like stuffing my face. Let's look at the food diary and see where I am for the day on my calories and macros. Maybe I just need a snack.
    - How have I been eating the last few days? Have I been eating enough? Could I be having cravings because I've been way off and eating way below my calories?
    - What happened the last time I binged? How many calories did I go over? How did that impact my progress?

    It's not a perfect system, but forcing myself to focus logically on the urges and the consequences has reduced my binges. I really can't remember the last time I binged.

    One thing I will add about the computer and its location to the kitchen is that while proximity doesn't cause a person to binge, people do tend to snack and overeat when doing things like play on the computer and watch TV because they are not giving their full attention to the amount of food they are eating. You might also have some luck tackling your binges by changing your behavior in terms of how you eat, as in always eating at a table, no distractions, weighing/measuring then logging your food. I noticed for me that binges tended to be on my feet, shoving handfuls of food in my mouth, going from one thing to another with or some kind of media (TV, computer, phone).

    After you answer these questions, and you want to eat for emotional reasons - how do you stop the urge to binge or get rid of the thoughts?

    You learn better ways to deal with your emotions. Odds are that isn't just effecting your relationship with food either. So its more efficient to correct the root cause of the problem than to focus on dealing with the symptom
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    go find a professional to help you through this time. it would be tough on anyone.... Don't be too proud to go get some help.
  • GEMMA_2014
    Be grateful that you care share your grandmother's life and remember to eat well and take care of yourself so that you can be a grandmother one day. Grandparents are not burdens they are gifts. She may be there to teach to self control. tolerance and selflessness.
  • GEMMA_2014
    Be grateful that you care share your grandmother's life and remember to eat well and take care of yourself so that you can be a grandmother one day. Grandparents are not burdens they are gifts. She may be there to teach you self control. tolerance and selflessness.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I'm not one to promote medication, but my doctor put me on a medication (in addition to my antidepressants) that helps suppress my appetite and promote energy in the day. Maybe you should talk to your doctor. See if there's something you can take or do that will help keep the bingeing at bay.

    Good luck.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Be grateful that you care share your grandmother's life and remember to eat well and take care of yourself so that you can be a grandmother one day. Grandparents are not burdens they are gifts. She may be there to teach you self control. tolerance and selflessness.

    I hate to sound like a *kitten*..but to be honest I dont really know/like my grandmother and she never liked me.. and I never plan to have children.
  • astitchinthyme
    astitchinthyme Posts: 22 Member
    Can you switch your bedroom and computer room?
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I'm not one to promote medication, but my doctor put me on a medication (in addition to my antidepressants) that helps suppress my appetite and promote energy in the day. Maybe you should talk to your doctor. See if there's something you can take or do that will help keep the bingeing at bay.

    Good luck.

    What was the reason you were put on it?
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Can you switch your bedroom and computer room?

    Unfortunately not :( I tried that route already.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Be grateful that you care share your grandmother's life and remember to eat well and take care of yourself so that you can be a grandmother one day. Grandparents are not burdens they are gifts. She may be there to teach you self control. tolerance and selflessness.

    This and maybe find an activity outside the house - my father is 87 yrs old and after a stroke two years ago has a bit of dimentia happening (some days are better than others) - I realize this is not the same extreme as to what your grandmother is going through but my sister and I are basically the two out of 5 children that take care of his needs and ensure he is not alone (he is also in a wheel chair so he had to go to a retirement home). While I am not there 24/7 I find that I had to take a step back and ensure that I took care of myself also. Leaving the house and getting away from the environment will do wonders for you - join a sports team or some type of fitness club or take an evening class on something that interests you. So sorry for your recent loss and hope you find a way to deal with the added stress.