Build muscles without weights?

Hello. I was wondering if anyone has any tip on how to build muscles without weights? I'm looking specifically to tone my ab muscles as they never seem to be very visible :( I would also like to tone my upper inner thighs, and lower back as well.

I already do crunches, leg lifts, squats (quite a lot), and I'm incorporating lunges and push-ups. I also do planks from time to time. Is there anything else I should do? How long should I do these exercises for, by the way?

Also, I don't want anything cardio-heavy because I fell into the trap of doing endless cardio and I ended up being slightly underweight (I wonder if that's why I can't see much muscle tone on my body...). I feel like I'm skinny-fat now..which is odd :/ I guess I'm not evidently flabby but I have grab-able stomach fat (that seems to be where my body likes to store fat).



  • zapinkleopard
    Totally check out I LOVE oxycise and I got more muscle definition in doing 2 weeks of Oxycise (or O! as it's often referred to) then I got from doing the Firm exercises for 2 months. You can also do a search for it on you tube to kind of get a feel of what it's like. Hope this helps!:flowerforyou:
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    There are a number of really great bodyweight strength programs out there that can be used to improve general strength and muscle gain. The first one that comes to mind is You Are Your Own Gym, but frankly I am partial to the program at Also, there really is no end point on these kind of things, since muscle tone is easily lost if you don't keep it active. Frankly, you will probably get the best results from doing a program that targets the entire body, rather than just your 'trouble spots'.

    Is there any reason you don't want to use weights? I've found that my own best results came from adding in a hefty dose of progressive resistance via dumbbells and barbells, rather than bodyweight, where it can be hard to increase the resistance as you get stronger.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Totally check out I LOVE oxycise and I got more muscle definition in doing 2 weeks of Oxycise (or O! as it's often referred to) then I got from doing the Firm exercises for 2 months. You can also do a search for it on you tube to kind of get a feel of what it's like. Hope this helps!:flowerforyou:

    I'd be interested to know what further definition you got after the initial two weeks.

    The reason I ask is that "definition" comes from lower BF%. It is EXTREMELY difficult to build muscle, especially in such a short period of time.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Hello. I was wondering if anyone has any tip on how to build muscles without weights? I'm looking specifically to tone my ab muscles as they never seem to be very visible :( I would also like to tone my upper inner thighs, and lower back as well.

    Why your aversion to weights?
  • crystal0128
    Try doing barre! The classes are seriously challenging and you just use your own body weight and sometimes one of those rubber band things. If you don't have a place around you that offers the classes they have dvds and you can look it up on youtube. I lost 5" on my body in just 2 months of doing these classes 2-3x a week! I totally recommend it!
  • 0nesecret
    0nesecret Posts: 44 Member
    The reasons why I don't use weights are because I don't have them, can't buy them for now, and I don't have convenient access to a gym.
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    The reasons why I don't use weights are because I don't have them, can't buy them for now, and I don't have convenient access to a gym.

    That makes sense then. With that in mind, I would highly recommend that you give a full-body bodyweight strength routine a try, especially since the only equipment you really need is your body, and maybe a few things around the house, although one of those door chin-up bars wouldn't hurt.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Buy or make some of these
  • DancingJester
    DancingJester Posts: 76 Member
    I strongly suggest swimming. Really works, maybe 3 times a week? It works your body and tones really affectively depending on what stroke you do you can tone different muscles. Plus doesn’t put as much strain on your body so you’re less likely to have an injury and you can last longer.
    I don’t get why more don’t do it. It does burn calories but you could just eat a little more. (preferably protein) but when you say slightly underweight is that based on bmi, because personally I wouldn’t really look to much into that, body fat percentage is more impotent, gaining muscle doesn’t necessarily make you look toned, losing a bit of fat and gaining muscle will make you more toned looking , although because of the muscle development you shouldn’t really lose much psychical weight and may even gain a bit. There are also other water activities to do. Here is some more info:
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    I usually lift but when I cant get to my gym I do this;

    Its a free ebook (have to put in your email) with a great exercise progression for gaining strength written by a guy with great abs :happy:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    What about resistance bands? I'm not sure how much they cost, but probably cheaper than a range of dumbells, plus they are so small/easy to store!

    I am doing Chalean Extreme right now with weights, but one of the modifying moves is to use resistance bands and they are definitely effective.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've been using the You Are Your Own Gym app, the full version, and I love it. No weights required, though you do need things like a chair, a table, etc for some activities.
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    I don't know if this will help or not but using the light foam weights in pool aerobic type exercise definitely builds muscle and definition without the stress on the spine and joints that other weight lifting exercise can cause.

    I have been able to add definition to my body with the use of these weights in regular pool exercise. Is it easy? absolutely not, is it fast? Nope! But consistent workouts of at least an hour several times a week do produce results. It strengthens your entire body.

    Pool weights are inexpensive and are available in different sizes from the beginner to the advanced. Don't let the land weight of these babies fool you. They provide serious resistance when used under water with good form and posture. Anyway that's my input on the question. I hope it helps a little. :smile:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    first, you won't see your abs with or without weights. abs are made in the kitchen.

    second, there are a ton of compound bodyweight exercises that are better for your overall body, including your abs, than many of the exercises you listed. burpees, spiderman push-ups, cross body mountain climbers, standing mountain climbers, burpees with cross body mountain climbers, woodchops holding some household item for a little weight, etc.

    third, Craig Ballantyne, founder of Turbulence Training, has a no-equipment workout program called Home Workout Revolution. Check it out. I think its about $60, but worth the investment.

    fourth, go look for Adrian Bryant and on YouTube or Facebook. He has some creative workouts that use "equipment" you should have at your house (i.e., bed sheets, chairs).

    fifth, Zuzka Light (formerly of does some incredibly difficult no-equipment workouts. I think you generally have to purchase a monthly membership, but there are some free workouts from her Z Gym on YouTube. Search for ZWow 100 and prepare to sweat.
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    It is possible, however I feel it will require more time. I love doing body weight exercises as I can do them anywhere. I would suggest focusing on including 1 push exercise, 1 pull, 1 squat-type, and 1 lunge-type (e.g. pullups, pushups, one-legged squats, lunges). I believe most people switch to weights as adding more weights allows the time spent doing the exercise to decrease ... something I found out to do with body weight exercises.

    I am also a fan of the Stronglifts can be done using body weight. There is even a Seal's bodyweight program posted on the net.
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    Definitely get a pull-up bar, as pull-ups are great for the abs (so are push-ups). The most intense ab workout I've ever gotten was the first step in this progression toward a front lever:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Hello. I was wondering if anyone has any tip on how to build muscles without weights? I'm looking specifically to tone my ab muscles as they never seem to be very visible :( I would also like to tone my upper inner thighs, and lower back as well.

    I already do crunches, leg lifts, squats (quite a lot), and I'm incorporating lunges and push-ups. I also do planks from time to time. Is there anything else I should do? How long should I do these exercises for, by the way?

    Also, I don't want anything cardio-heavy because I fell into the trap of doing endless cardio and I ended up being slightly underweight (I wonder if that's why I can't see much muscle tone on my body...). I feel like I'm skinny-fat now..which is odd :/ I guess I'm not evidently flabby but I have grab-able stomach fat (that seems to be where my body likes to store fat).

    If you're doing all the above exercises, your ab muscles are already "toned up". If you want to see definition, then you need to revaluate your current diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 0nesecret
    0nesecret Posts: 44 Member
    If you're doing all the above exercises, your ab muscles are already "toned up". If you want to see definition, then you need to revaluate your current diet.

    Would protein make a difference? I don't tend to eat a lot of protein. In fact, I stay under on most days - just because I don't particularly like meat.
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    search zuzkalight on youtube, she does mostly body weight exercises, I've been following her though its hard first but you'll improve as time goes by :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    To see abs you need to really reduce your body fat.
    Some great resources for bodyweight exercises: convict conditioning, nerdfitness and the already mentioned YAYOG. no equipment needed. Except a pull up bar would be really helpful