"Getting to knooow you, getting to know all about you..."



  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    1. What's your real name? Abby
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Single
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 20
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Starbucks' pumpkin bread
    5. Celebrity crush: John Krasinski, Jared Padalecki, AND Joseph-Gordon Levitt... I can't pick just one :P
    6. What size would you like to be? Ehh, size 4-6.
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? The fact that I know I can't just eat whatever I want and stay one size.
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? Yes - a beagle and a (senile) cat.. but they are back at home.
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Broomball.
    10. One of your pet peeves: People who are fake... that's kind of larger than a pet peeve, but I'm not big on fake-ness.
    11. Something you're grateful for: Just about everything in my life... my friends, family, health, education... yeah.
    12. What brought you to MFP: Me wanting to change my lifestyle
    13. What's your occupation? Student
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Oh damn that's hard... I'd say goal weight. Health is priceless.
    15. Who's your hero? My parents, one of my percussion teachers, and a few of my close friends...
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Yelling "oh ****" in the middle of orchestra when I forgot to come in at the right place...
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? I'm not sure... researching music/anthropological things outside of the US or doing work with food sustainability relating to culture... hah.
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Does the farmer's market count?
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): Oh goodness, 34 B i think.
    20. One of your best qualities: i'm pretty empathetic, very honest, creative... all that jazz.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    1. What's your real name? Ginger

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?Married

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?30

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:Ben and Jerrys Half Baked Ice cream

    5. Celebrity crush: A couple lol Johnny Depp, Jared Padeliki, and Iian somerhalder

    6. What size would you like to be?7/8 (ish)

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? The fact that they don't make any cute clothes for my age and weight

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?yep one cat named "Ew"

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: I don't do sports, but I like to play at the park

    10. One of your pet peeves: Bad drivers

    11. Something you're grateful for: My kids

    12. What brought you to MFP:I had a woman ask me if I was pregnant again....and well I can't get pregnant again so that was my god I really need to lose weight moment

    13. What's your occupation? Cashier

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Tough one right now I'm broke but I still think I would rather lose the weight b/c I want to be able to see my kids grow up

    15. Who's your hero? My mom

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: hmmm...Probably when my water broke with my second child in the middle of walmart lol

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Anywhere but here :P

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Geez I have no clue only one store :P

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 40 DD

    20. One of your best qualities I can get along with anyone even if I feel like ripping thier throat out.
  • alicedavison
    1. What's your real name? Alice Blair Davison
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? long *kitten*-term relationship
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 22
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: suger and diet coke
    5. Celebrity crush: james franco
    6. What size would you like to be? my size
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? i hated not feeling my best and not having the confidence.
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? one amazing shih tzu
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: call of duty
    10. One of your pet peeves: people that walk slow in front of you when you really need to get somewhere.
    11. Something you're grateful for: MFP
    12. What brought you to MFP:
    13. What's your occupation? semi pro skater and fashion student
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? million dollaaaazzzz
    15. Who's your hero? vivienne westwood
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:always seem to have my dress/skirt tucked into my knickers
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? chanel, wouldn't get me much though ey
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 32b
    20. One of your best qualities: caring and my crap sense of humour i guess
  • SafariLara
    1. What's your real name? Lara
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 21
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: hmm cheetos!
    5. Celebrity crush: I would have to say jude law
    6. What size would you like to be? a 2 of course... realistically smaller than I am now would be fine
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Shopping. its hard to find cute clothes...
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? A fish named Ziggy Stardust
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: LOVE tennis
    10. One of your pet peeves: People who leave doors and cupboards open :)
    11. Something you're grateful for: my husband. He is my best friend
    12. What brought you to MFP: a sister in law.
    13. What's your occupation? Customer service at a retail store
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? million dollars. I'm not THAT overweight
    15. Who's your hero? too many to name.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: I fell through a boyfriends trampoline when I was 17
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Rich, skinny, and out of college
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? ummm probably Platos closet a lightly used clothing shop
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): DD..hopefully not for long though
    20. One of your best qualities: Im fun!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    1. What's your real name? Becky
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 21
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: PASTA
    5. Celebrity crush: Eli Manning
    6. What size would you like to be? 5-7
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? not feeling pretty
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? cat his name is Dexter
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: football
    10. One of your pet peeves: nagging
    11. Something you're grateful for: being clean and sober for 19 months
    12. What brought you to MFP: feeling fat and being tired of BEING TIRED
    13. What's your occupation? stay at home mom; student
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? I can make money after I lose my weight and am happy!
    15. Who's your hero? anyone who is healthy and happy for themselves
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: my pants ripped while i was skating at a skating rink at a party. (wasn't wearing undies):blushing:
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? I want to be a nurse, own a house, still be with my husband, and see myself as active and healthy
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? JC Penny
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 36C
    20. One of your best qualities: Compassionate
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I also hate hearing people eat!!!!!!!! I hate hearing their lips smacking. YUCK!!!!!!
  • HappyTemple

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Can we say too many to choose from!? Haha. Seriously though. Well I guess we can start with me running away from some boys and trying to climb a fence .. yeah I ended up caught on the pointy things at the top and I hung there by my underwear for like 5 minutes. Did I mention I had on a dress because we were playing in the church parking lot? Yeah that was the day the Thong Song was coined cause there I was just chillin in my panties hanging on the fence. All bad.

    Hahahahaha! Holy crap... That one had me LOL, literally! That's great! :)
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    1. What's your real name? Steff
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Re-married after a divorce
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? Staring 50 in the face (in Jan)
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Cheese
    5. Celebrity crush: Treat Williams
    6. What size would you like to be? 10
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Poor health
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? None
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Taekwondo
    10. One of your pet peeves: dishonesty
    11. Something you're grateful for: my family
    12. What brought you to MFP: seeking better health (heart)
    13. What's your occupation? Unemployed HR Director
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Be at goal weight
    15. Who's your hero? My father
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: my last hs reunion - I was too heavy
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? employed and saving for retirement
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Home Depot
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 38C
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm a good problem solver and listener
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    1. What's your real name? Tanee

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married to my high school best friend :)

    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 32

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: fried shrimp, soft shell crab, oysters

    5. Celebrity crush: tim olyphant

    6. What size would you like to be? 4

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? I hated being winded all of the time

    8. Pets? If so, what kind? yep! a boxer, chihuahua, 2 cats, 2 turtles & a lot of fish

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: coaching t-ball

    10. One of your pet peeves: people invading my personal space

    11. Something you're grateful for: having the support of my family and friends

    12. What brought you to MFP: the iphone app :)

    13. What's your occupation? fitness instructor and soon to be certified personal trainer

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? be at my goal weight!

    15. Who's your hero? all the people that have reached their goal weights and have successfully maintained

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: my pants ripping at the seem and no where to hide :X

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? to have taken over the world lol

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? hmmm....a swimming pool store

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 34C

    20. One of your best qualities: being positive
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    . What's your real name?
    Rachel Blank

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?
    Married. Happily. For almost 5 years now.

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    Loaded french fries! Home made. French fries, chili, cheese, bacon, cheese, tomatoes, and green onions, topped with ranch dressing. Yum.

    5. Celebrity crush:
    Justin Hartly (Oliver Queen on Smallville, I am a fanatic.

    6. What size would you like to be?

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    The way my thighs touch when I walk, its gross.

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    Yes, my first baby. Her name is Susie q she is a tabby cat that I adopted from the animal shelter. She's been with us a little over a year an half

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    I hate sports. Especially after I got hit in the face with an aluminum baseball bat when I was 8.

    10. One of your pet peeves:
    Ha, the list can go on forever. I hate hate HATE being late. If your not 15 min early, your already late in my opinion.

    11. Something you're grateful for:
    My daughter

    12. What brought you to MFP:
    See question 11 lol.

    13. What's your occupation?

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    Hmmm that's a toughy. Right now I need the million...

    15. Who's your hero?
    I don't think I have one.

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    I don't really think I have one...YET.

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    In a stable career, financially stable, and happily married still.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    After I get my sexy back, www.wickedtemptations.com

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):
    36 C thanks to plastic surgery

    20. One of your best qualities:
    I am a very kind caring person
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    1. Linda
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    1 Linda
    3. 56
    4. a food that is awful that I love.. donuts
    5. not telling
    6.size 10-12
    7. my thighs and my belly
    9. no sports but live in a basketball city
    10. pet peeve.. people who are a size 3 talk about how fat they are
    11. grateful for my job and family
    12.what brought me to mfp.. i really like the food log
    13.I work with special needs adults in a group home
    15. be at goal weight
    16. a moment maybe like my life.. no I think going to the gym at my size and joining a class but it was only men went to the wrong room..
    17. in ten years.. retired maybe 15 years retired
    18. 5,ooo Penny's of course
    19. bra size 42 c
    20. I can laugh and am very funny
  • sayambular
    1. What's your real name? Amber
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Long Term Relationship
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 22 Years Young
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: Crunchy Peanut Butter
    5. Celebrity crush: Jackson Rathbone
    6. What size would you like to be? 10/11
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Not being able to find cute clothes in my size
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? 5 Dogs, two dachshunds, chihuahua, rat terrier, and maltapoo
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: Volleyball and Anything moving my middle half
    10. One of your pet peeves: Lying
    11. Something you're grateful for: My boyfriend/family
    12. What brought you to MFP: Wanting to lose this weight
    13. What's your occupation? Unemployed...for the moment
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Goal weight and stay there forever, what's the point of having all that money if you can't live long enough to enjoy it?
    15. Who's your hero? My mom
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Too many to name
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Married, in my own home and lost and kept off my 114lbs
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Target or Hollister
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 44C
    20. One of your best qualities: My personality
  • themostbeautifullies
    1. What's your real name?

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?
    Single. :D

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    French fries.

    5. Celebrity crush
    I dont think I have a celebrity crush...

    6. What size would you like to be?

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    I'm tired all the time.

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    I had a dog but she died a few months ago after 13 years with me.

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play
    Any cardio activity.

    10. One of your pet peeves
    When I say something and other person MUST say she's much better or worse than me like it's some kind of competion.

    11. Something you're grateful for.
    Being alive. I almost died a few years ago, I got dengue hemorrhagic fever and was hospitalized for a week. It was a lucky punch because I thought I had a flu or something like that until I fainted and begged my mum to take me to the hospital.

    12. What brought you to MFP.
    I saw someone saying it was a nice site to keep track of what you eat and your exercises. I didn't expected to find such a wonderful community. :)

    13. What's your occupation?
    Graphic Designer. Jobless, btw.

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    Goal weight.

    15. Who's your hero?
    So many people! :D

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments.
    When I went to a party (uninveted, btw) and didn't see the b-day girl and just passed by clueless. There was a guy filming everything. LOL

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    On my own flat, working, running with dog. :D

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    No clue, Apple maybe or shoes. :D

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!).
    I have no idea how to make the conversion, here, in Brazil, it would be 46.

    20. One of your best qualities.
    I don't know, I guess I don't give up easily.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    1. What's your real name? Maggie
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married ... 29 years ... to the same guy ... and I still love him ... OMG ... what's with that????
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 48
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: PIZZA ... MMMMMMMMmmmmmm
    5. Celebrity crush: Sheldon ... from the Big Bang Theory ... oh oh ... I'm too old for him right? Don't arrest me.
    6. What size would you like to be? 12 would be nice and comfortable I think
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? Lack of stamina ... I want my energy level to match my personality
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? I had a cat named Fracker for 16 years ... she got old and sick and I had to put her down ... that totally sucked!!!
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: I love Hiking and Zumba
    10. One of your pet peeves: I really hate liars
    11. Something you're grateful for: My husband and my two daughters ... they are my life. Oh and my son-in-law too :)
    12. What brought you to MFP: Did a google search for a calorie counter and came across MFP ... thank the stars
    13. What's your occupation? Mail Clerk and Print shop assistant
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? Ummm ... if I could get closer to my goal weight and get that million dollars that would be super awesome ... You know ... like 20 lbs over weight and rich ... but if I had to chose my weight now or the million dollars ... it would really be a tough choice.
    15. Who's your hero? My BFF Kim who stands by me through thick and thin.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: Wow ... I can't think of one ... I must really block those things out. Let me get back to you on that one okay?
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Retired with my hubby on some tropical resort or travelling to see everything we can possibly see.
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Any store in the country of Panama ... I love it in Panama ... great bargains
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 40C
    20. One of your best qualities: Sense of Humour ... I love to laugh :)
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    1. What's your real name? Jayde
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married, but we kept it a secret from friends/family
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 25
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you: chocolate and pizza
    5. Celebrity crush: Ryan Phillippe. If I ever get divorced, I'm marrying him NEXT :)
    6. What size would you like to be? When I'm not pregnant I'm a size 3. I'm a size 5 right now. Maybe a size 1 ultimately?
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? EVERYTHING. It is DISCUSTING and REPULSIVE.
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? None, but I play with exotic animals all the time. Seriously. Tigers, dolphins, etc.
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: skate. volleyball. cheerleading. dance. swim. run. football on the beach.
    10. One of your pet peeves: stupid people that say anything just to say something.
    11. Something you're grateful for: my self discipline
    12. What brought you to MFP: my friend Steph
    13. What's your occupation? I do Law plus I'm famous.
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? I HAVE to be in shape to be happy. Money on its own isn't enough.
    15. Who's your hero? Myself. I'm truly a self made person.
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: I make it a priority to do something embarassing all the time.
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Same place I am now, right on the beach with aqua water in November.
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? Probably an electronics store.
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 34C
    20. One of your best qualities: I'm loyal.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    1. What's your real name?

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    Meal: Chicken Alfredo / Dessert: Chili's Paradise Pie

    5. Celebrity crush:
    Most recent - Jesse Williams (Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy)

    6. What size would you like to be?

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    My family & friends can't believe that I'm the one that gained weight.

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    4 mini dachshunds & 2 cats

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    Racquetball / Dancing

    10. One of your pet peeves:

    11. Something you're grateful for:
    My wonderful & patient husband

    12. What brought you to MFP:
    To be a part of a community of like-minded individuals striving to live a healthy lifestyle.

    13. What's your occupation?
    Financial advisor

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    Goal weight

    15. Who's your hero?
    Dalai Lama

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    When my 3 year old foster child saw a person of another race and pointed at them & said "eewww dirty". The person was kind & patient enough to help me turn the unfortunate situation into a learning experience.

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    Same place. I have a great life... I just want my husband & I to be healthy.

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    Someplace organic

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):

    20. One of your best qualities:
    I'm right a lot =)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    1. What's your real name?

    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed?
    Married, 5 years!

    3. How old are you (no cheating)?
    24, BOO! I just wanna be a Toyrus kid! lol!

    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    Pizza, pizza, pizza!

    5. Celebrity crush:
    I don't really have one!

    6. What size would you like to be?
    I wish my top half was more proportionate to my bottom half

    7. What's something you hate about being overweight?
    I hated going shopping

    8. Pets? If so, what kind?
    Elsie! The Corgi!!

    9. Favorite sport/activity to play:
    Anything my son wants to do or running/swimming

    10. One of your pet peeves:
    Being used

    11. Something you're grateful for:
    My baby boy and my wonderful husband!

    12. What brought you to MFP:
    Wanting to loose weight!

    13. What's your occupation?

    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight?
    Let me just say this, I've hit my goal weight and surpassed it. Nothing beats feeling good about yourself and feeling healthy! I would love the money but never being able to loose the weight? Heck with that! :o)

    15. Who's your hero?
    My husband

    16. One of your most embarrassing moments:
    I be trippin' every day, what is one moment??

    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
    In these jeans! :o)

    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be?
    Wal-mart or Home Depot! I have a big old house to fix up! :o)

    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!):
    34 B

    20. One of your best qualities:
    I'm happy! :o) :o) :o)
  • michellej65
    1. What's your real name? Michelle
    2. Married, single, long-term relationship, divorced, widowed? Married
    3. How old are you (no cheating)? 45
    4. A food you love that's terrible for you:
    5. Celebrity crush: Nicholas Cage
    6. What size would you like to be? 12-14
    7. What's something you hate about being overweight? how other people judge you
    8. Pets? If so, what kind? fish
    9. Favorite sport/activity to play: ???
    10. One of your pet peeves: people who lie
    11. Something you're grateful for: my life and all good in it
    12. What brought you to MFP: my doctor gave me the website he thought it would help me
    13. What's your occupation? preschool administrator
    14. Would you rather be your goal weight and stay there forever,
    or get one million dollars if it meant you'd never lose the weight? be my goal weight forever
    15. Who's your hero? my mom
    16. One of your most embarrassing moments: it takes a lot to embarrass me
    17. Where do you want to be in 10 years? happily married and enjoying my grandchildren
    18. If you had $5,000 to spend in any store, which store would it be? CATO!!!
    19. Bra size (this is in honor of Bug's thread, hehe - guys can skip!): 42 C
    20. One of your best qualities: I think of others first
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    1. My real name is:Mandie Lea
    2. I've been blissfully married since 7.24.09
    3. I am 22 years young
    4. I love to eat hot tamales...I could eat 1/2 a box in one sitting...hence, I don't buy them anymore :laugh:
    5. Patrick Dempsey!
    6. I would like to be a size 8 or 10 forever!!!
    7. The thing I hate about being overweight is simply feeling uncomfortable in my own skin...
    8. I have 6 fish [ michael, kevin, jim, pam, dwight & ryan ] *from 1 of my favorite shows, THE OFFICE*
    9. My favorite sport to play is golf & I'm pretty amazing at it
    10. My biggest pet peeves are people who bite their nails or crack their knuckles constantly. Or scratch themselves! lol
    11. I am SO grateful for my husband. sappy, I know. But he really is my best friend & I can't imagine my life without him...
    12. I stumbled across MFP by accident. I joined because I was desperate to start losing weight before my weight got out of control any more than it already was!
    13. I am currently a full time student, studying psychology. I'm going to school to be a social worker! I want to help little humans.
    14. I would definitely want to be my ideal weight forever AND my husband said he'd want the million, so I guess i'm set :happy:
    15. I've never really thought about myself as having a hero before...I'll have to think about that!
    16. One of the most embarrassing things I ever did was spray PAM cooking spray all over my legs when I was camping one summer. I thought it was the can of bug spray & I didn't realize until later what I had done & why the mosquitoes had been flocking to me :grumble:
    17. Wow. 10 years from now I will be 32. I would like to have my Masters by then, be working in protective services & have 3 kids!!! ahhhhhhhhhh
    18. Some home decorating store probably is where I could drop 5 grand
    19. My bra size is 36 C
    20. I've been told my best quality is that i'm compassionate & caring