any tips on how to lose 15 -20 pounds in 45 days please



  • kaylerato
    kaylerato Posts: 18 Member
    Based on your stats,I would say that you are eating at maintanence. You need to cut back a little.1500-1600 should do it.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just lower your calories to the 1500 to 1600 range per day, and up your walking - get a pedometer or fitbit and set your goal to 10000 steps a day. I went from 174 to 150 in about six weeks. so the first 24 pounds I lost came off fast, the next 22 slowed down considerably. Also, watch your macros. try to get the 30 to 40 % protein in first, you will fill fuller and be less likely to overeat. (at least I did).. I was on the Dukan diet, but also counted calories. I don't recommend the Dukan diet for fast weight loss. It's 4 different stages and you have to do them all to be successful short, mid and long term.
  • msjhan
    msjhan Posts: 1 Member
    a pound of week is a good pace so you can't go wrong with that.

    what i've done is up the protein, only do carbs in the morning and none within 3 hours of going to sleep. i also had 5 meals a day, no more than 300 calories per meal within my caloric goals, and keep the protein:carb ratio to 1:4 as much as possible.

    i would also do more than 2 days a week doing some kind of workout. did you know that leg workouts burn more calories? if you do squats and lunges mixed with jumping jacks and burpees or mountain climbers and pushups/planks you can do this at home on your own without a class.

    if you have a goal like a reunion or event (vegas?), cut out salt the last few days before the event, but make sure you get lots of water.

    whatever it is, make sure it's healthy!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I see time travel and limb removal has been covered already, as well as low carbing it for that whoosh of water weight.

    Well. I got nothing.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I see time travel and limb removal has been covered already, as well as low carbing it for that whoosh of water weight.

    Well. I got nothing.

    People always forget organ removal.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Looks like the Meanies of Realism scared off another one...
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    I once lost 20 lbs per month but I ate very little and worked out 2.5 hours per day. I was starving and tired all the time. I also ended up losing a lot of hair. This time around I'm doing it sensibly. I started at the end of November and have lost 10 lbs. I'm not starving or tired and as long as the scale keeps moving in a downward direction I'll be happy. You might be able to do 10 lbs if you work really hard.
  • lafilledelarue
    lafilledelarue Posts: 66 Member
    Cut out sugar.
    Any kind of sugar: white table sugar, "organic cane juice", "pure cane juice", brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup. Cut out fruit juice and soda.

    Increase your fat intake. Yes, you heard me right. Increase your fat intake, get rid of all low-fat or non-fat foods (loaded with sugar), and eat real food with real fat.

    I cut out sugar and lost 25 pounds without dieting or exercising. No joke.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Cut out sugar.
    Any kind of sugar: white table sugar, "organic cane juice", "pure cane juice", brown sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup. Cut out fruit juice and soda.

    Increase your fat intake. Yes, you heard me right. Increase your fat intake, get rid of all low-fat or non-fat foods (loaded with sugar), and eat real food with real fat.

    I cut out sugar and lost 25 pounds without dieting or exercising. No joke.

    You cut out sugar...without dieting...


    Also, sugar is clearly the debil.
  • lcl8903
    lcl8903 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello hello,

    I think you might need to re-calculate your daily calorie intake, but pleaseee do not take it too far with the famous/infamous 1200 calories Daily. just in case...

    Also, 15 - 20 pounds in 45 days.... eh eh! not right. Do not try to slim down with such aggressive goals, this makes it easier for you to fall of the wagon. Instead try introducing small changes and making healthier choices that you will be able to stick to, Good luck :)
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I suggest picking the limb you like the least.

    in all seriousness though, please reconsider that short deadline.

    As I start thinking this is an option I realize I should stop worrying about the numbers so much ;)

    I say don't go crazy and try to lose so much by your deadline. Start changing your lifestyle, eat better, do more cardio, and tone with weights. This sucks as an answer for this trip, but youll benefit from following a healthy lifestyle for this time next year.
  • lcl8903
    lcl8903 Posts: 22 Member
    Cut off your leg.

    hahahahhaha..... hahaha.... :laugh:
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I suggest picking the limb you like the least.

    in all seriousness though, please reconsider that short deadline.

    As I start thinking this is an option I realize I should stop worrying about the numbers so much ;)

    I say don't go crazy and try to lose so much by your deadline. Start changing your lifestyle, eat better, do more cardio, and tone with weights. This sucks as an answer for this trip, but youll benefit from following a healthy lifestyle for this time next year.

    As I said this jokingly I remembered just earlier I said to my mom (again jokingly) I wish I had bladder stones so they could be taken out and I'd weigh less. Our dog is having her surgery for that tomorrow, its on my mind ;)
  • lcl8903
    lcl8903 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm going to suggest some things that I'll probably get flamed for, but I like to answer the question instead of just judging. Generally speaking, 2000 calories sounds like a lot to be eating each day. If you drop that down to roughly 1500/day you should be able to drop about 2-3 lbs per week, for a total of roughly 5-10 in 45 days. Not all, but close. Now for the kicker, a week out do a cleanse diet for a few days, which should drop another 4-7lbs. Finally, a day or two before drop your water intake to a REAL 8 glasses a day. Really make sure that this is the amount your getting, and if you can, drop lower than that so you'll be a bit dehydrated. This should drop the remaining weight. Aside from the eating, this style is really no sustainable, but should get you where you want to be. None of it is dangerous.

    The advice about cutting her leg off is a lot safer than this.... God! :noway: