What to do at the gym to lose weight

Hey everyone. I'm pretty new to working out and new to joining a gym. So far I've only been doing cardio, running/walking on a treadmill while at the gym.

What I should be doing at the gym and for how long? What should I be eating everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

What I'm trying to do:
I want to lose weight, about 65 pounds. I'd also like to gain more upper body strength, I can barely do a push up now.

About me:
I weigh 265 lbs now and I'm 28 years old and am 6'1". I'd like to get down to 200 lbs.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Ultimately to lose weight all you need to do is eat a calorie deficit. You don't need to eat anything specific or go to the gym. There are of course things that'll help, but just bear that in mind.

    First, if you want to improve your upper body strength you should start strength training. Even if you weren't fussed about strength, it would help more than cardio alone anyway. But don't just focus on arms, make sure to do everything. Some people might say to ditch the cardio entirely... if you enjoy it, keep it. Some say it's still useful to do cardio, while others say that strength training is a cardio workout in itself. It's up to you, really.

    As for food, try to get enough protein to help maintain your muscles. If you're really focused on getting maximum performance in the gym I'm sure someone can give you a food plan for that which will give you the right macros. Personally I just eat whatever the hell I want as long as I'm within my calories.
  • ItalianInBoston
    Anyone else?
  • shiningstar93
    shiningstar93 Posts: 12 Member
    I joined the Y in December and want to lose weight and tone up. I also have no upper body strength. The Y has a great program and put me with a staff member who set me up a gym routine of strength training on 9 different weight resistance machines. I do that 3 x week together with 30 min on the recumbent bike. I try to get to the gym for 2 or 3 more times for just cardio on the bike. I also am on a 1200 calorie diet.

    Talk to your gym about your goals and see if they can help you with a program.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    To lose weight you need a reasonable calorie deficit. I suggest you read this thread to help get you started:


    To work on push ups I started first doing wall push ups, when I could do those I moved down to the kitchen counter, then to steps, and slowly made my way down to being able to do regular push ups. It took time and persistence to get there, but I can now do 50 push ups again.

    You should definitely look into a strength training program: New Rules of Lifting, Starting Strength, Stronglifts.
  • NZ61RL
    NZ61RL Posts: 69
    I go on treadmill for 10 minutes get warmed up and I'm on the weights.

    I don't do any cardio! Weights I've been told for long time will keep your metabolism burning for longer than any cardio sesh.

    You should talk to a PT at your gym and ask them for a program.

    I don't eat any bread, pasta or potatoes.

    Swap potato for sweet potato
    Eat protein to help with muscle growth.
    Eggs, fish, chicken, turkey is pure protein. Lots of vegetables

    Minimal dairy! Not much fruit. If your going to eat fruit - any kind of berry!

    Water - drink water. Nothing else!

    This is what I do anyways. Read up on "Paleo"
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Read the sexy pants link! Exercise is for fitness, calorie deficit for weight loss.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I go on treadmill for 10 minutes get warmed up and I'm on the weights.

    I don't do any cardio! Weights I've been told for long time will keep your metabolism burning for longer than any cardio sesh.

    You should talk to a PT at your gym and ask them for a program.

    I don't eat any bread, pasta or potatoes.

    Swap potato for sweet potato
    Eat protein to help with muscle growth.
    Eggs, fish, chicken, turkey is pure protein. Lots of vegetables

    Minimal dairy! Not much fruit. If your going to eat fruit - any kind of berry!

    Water - drink water. Nothing else!

    This is what I do anyways. Read up on "Paleo"

    If you like paleo, that's cool but it's totally unnecessary for weight loss. I drink milk, eat pasta, white bread, potatoes of all kind and let's throw in the fact I squeeze ice cream, pizza and fast food in there as well. Nutrient dense foods are important but that's an arbitrary list of nonsense that no one HAD to follow to lose weight. I've lost 50 lbs, gone up in strength in lifting and lowered my body fat % doing all the things you're telling OP not to do.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I agree with the above posts about deficit. That is where you lose weight. Read the sexy pants link given above.

    Specific diet doesn't necessarily matter. Many people pick one type of eating over another because they find it fits them. There are no "NO GO" foods, but you may find a few that you personally need to limit greatly to keep on track.

    As for the push-ups, if you have a goal, you will want to train for that goal. The treadmill won't help you do a push-up. Doing push-ups will. Here is a plan I've seen around http://hundredpushups.com/#sthash.kDWbcYWL.dpbs. It is a goal oriented plan geared towards pushups and will increase your upper body strength in the process.

    There are many other strength programs that are common on MFP. I'd start looking in the fitness and exercise threads and seeing what programs may interest you. Many programs are based on compound moves that will work your whole body during a lift. These are great for strength and efficient use of time at the gym.
  • NZ61RL
    NZ61RL Posts: 69
    I go on treadmill for 10 minutes get warmed up and I'm on the weights.

    I don't do any cardio! Weights I've been told for long time will keep your metabolism burning for longer than any cardio sesh.

    You should talk to a PT at your gym and ask them for a program.

    I don't eat any bread, pasta or potatoes.

    Swap potato for sweet potato
    Eat protein to help with muscle growth.
    Eggs, fish, chicken, turkey is pure protein. Lots of vegetables

    Minimal dairy! Not much fruit. If your going to eat fruit - any kind of berry!

    Water - drink water. Nothing else!

    This is what I do anyways. Read up on "Paleo"

    If you like paleo, that's cool but it's totally unnecessary for weight loss. I drink milk, eat pasta, white bread, potatoes of all kind and let's throw in the fact I squeeze ice cream, pizza and fast food in there as well. Nutrient dense foods are important but that's an arbitrary list of nonsense that no one HAD to follow to lose weight. I've lost 50 lbs, gone up in strength in lifting and lowered my body fat % doing all the things you're telling OP not to do.

    I don't eat pasta, bread anything with wheat due to coeliac disease. I'm not really telling anybody not to do anything if your going to quote me. Read it before you quote. I'm just saying what's working for me.

    Everybody is different.

  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Weight loss is about a calorie deficit and it doesn't matter what you eat to get that deficit.

    Eta: I lost almost 60lbs eating fast food, 'processed' foods etc etc. I also didn't do any exercise during that time either. I started paying attention to portion sizes and began eating at a calorie deficit. Weight loss is about calories. Period.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I go on treadmill for 10 minutes get warmed up and I'm on the weights.

    I don't do any cardio! Weights I've been told for long time will keep your metabolism burning for longer than any cardio sesh.

    You should talk to a PT at your gym and ask them for a program.

    I don't eat any bread, pasta or potatoes.

    Swap potato for sweet potato
    Eat protein to help with muscle growth.
    Eggs, fish, chicken, turkey is pure protein. Lots of vegetables

    Minimal dairy! Not much fruit. If your going to eat fruit - any kind of berry!

    Water - drink water. Nothing else!

    This is what I do anyways. Read up on "Paleo"

    If you like paleo, that's cool but it's totally unnecessary for weight loss. I drink milk, eat pasta, white bread, potatoes of all kind and let's throw in the fact I squeeze ice cream, pizza and fast food in there as well. Nutrient dense foods are important but that's an arbitrary list of nonsense that no one HAD to follow to lose weight. I've lost 50 lbs, gone up in strength in lifting and lowered my body fat % doing all the things you're telling OP not to do.

    I don't eat pasta, bread anything with wheat due to coeliac disease. I'm not really telling anybody not to do anything if your going to quote me. Read it before you quote. I'm just saying what's working for me.

    Everybody is different.


    I did read what you wrote :)

    You didn't put the "that's what works for me" until the bottom and prior proceeded to tell OP to swap out things for others "sweet potatoes for potatoes, fruits - only berries, nothing but water".

    That is why I decided to interject before you confuse OP with a bunch of random things they don't have to do and be successful
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    The only way to lose weight is to have a calorie deficit. How you reach it is up to you - with common sense that's it. Sure you have an idea of what an healthy diet is made of?
    To gain upper body strenght do any resistance training for the upper body. There's a multitude of exercises. Go to your local gym and you can be advised there.
  • Crash7676
    Crash7676 Posts: 41 Member
    The only way to lose weight is to have a calorie deficit. How you reach it is up to you - with common sense that's it. Sure you have an idea of what an healthy diet is made of?
    To gain upper body strenght do any resistance training for the upper body. There's a multitude of exercises. Go to your local gym and you can be advised there.
    ^^ This. As a fitness instructor, my opinion is that when you have a fair amount of fat to lose, a combination of strength and cardio works quicker than just strength training alone. Building muscle is very important, muscles are the furnace that burns the fat. But you gotta put in a little fat burning time as well! Your workouts don't have to be marathon cardio sessions at all. That is why higher intensity shorter workouts have become popular... less time + increased metabolism. But build up to these, start slow and reasonable, don't kill yourself then be super sore for a week, never to work out again! Being here on MFP, logging your food daily and being aware of what you eat is HUGE. Good job making the commitment to yourself, it is the very best thing you can do. Smile, keep that head high, you CAN do this! (:
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Ultimately to lose weight all you need to do is eat a calorie deficit. You don't need to eat anything specific or go to the gym. There are of course things that'll help, but just bear that in mind.

    First, if you want to improve your upper body strength you should start strength training. Even if you weren't fussed about strength, it would help more than cardio alone anyway. But don't just focus on arms, make sure to do everything. Some people might say to ditch the cardio entirely... if you enjoy it, keep it. Some say it's still useful to do cardio, while others say that strength training is a cardio workout in itself. It's up to you, really.

    As for food, try to get enough protein to help maintain your muscles. If you're really focused on getting maximum performance in the gym I'm sure someone can give you a food plan for that which will give you the right macros. Personally I just eat whatever the hell I want as long as I'm within my calories.

  • martinjjj1981
    what about nuts? is there some good "Paleo" websites that are free?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,667 Member
    I'm sure they have trainers there. Probably best to hook up with a good one and learn it right the first time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    Calorie deficit + cardio
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Moderate calorie deficit (set weight loss to 0.5 - 1 lb a week, weigh and measure all food).

    Reliable Strength training routine (Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength)

    Moderate cardio if desired.
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    My son was about your weight and is your height. He plays basketball at the gym everyday and has done wonders for the weight part - and he enjoys it enough that it keeps him going. If you like cameraderie, hit up the bball court or take classes - at least for the weight loss part - just burning those calories!