I need to lose 1/2 of myself

Hi! this is my first time posting. I am in dire need of tips that will enable me to eat healthy, tasty, satisfying meals on a low budget. All tips welcome. Thanks.



  • mrspinky85
    mrspinky85 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello. Good job wanting to eat healthy. First, I am no expert but I think I can help.

    Frozen veggies have been very cheap for me as well has frozen fruit. Canned fish like tuna and salmon can help. I try to get fresh produce in season. Also, if you can make a weekly meal plan and just get only what you need. Oatmeal, not instant, is also very cheap. To save on calories you can cut soda and high fructose corn syrupy drinks and replace with water.

    What you buy depends on what you want out of your diet because many people want different things. You have to experiment, get to know your only calorie needs. Logging what you eat helps a lot. You can do this!!!!! Good luck.
  • EverBella2014
    EverBella2014 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree.

    Frozen veggies are cheaper than fresh veggies.
    Frozen veggies can sometimes be 1.00 per bag.
    The nutrition level is at its peak, so it's in better condition at times than fresh produce.

    When you buy meat, cut down into the right portion (3-4oz).
    It may seem smaller than what you're used to, but it's the
    right size, and it will stretch out a pound of meat.

    Beans and eggs are good sources of protein that are often inexpensive
    compared to meat. There are tons of healthy recipes for both, so you can
    dazzle your tastebuds while being budget-friendly and healthy.

    Stay encouraged!
    Do the best you can, with what you have, right where you are.
  • Hi Lissa and welcome ! I too am trying to lose 1/2 of myself. So far I am down 84 pounds with about 70 left to go. # 1 Drink plenty of water. # 2 Track every bite. If you are a grazer you would be amazed at how many calories those little bites here and there add up to. # 3 Get moving. Even if you can only walk 5 minutes at a time. Do it ! # 4 Do not focus on how far you have left to go, but rather on how far you've come ! Set little goals... 25 pounds, exercising x days per week, drinking x amount of water and focus on those goals. If you only focus on the long term goal it seems so daunting and so far away you may get discouraged, so keep your goals small and obtainable and before long you'll be there !!! Good luck !
  • Thanks. The items you mentioned are foods that I could happily eat. As a matter of fact, I had frozen fruit with my greek yogurt.
  • Thanks. I appreciate the advice.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Now that you've made the decision, it's time to get to work! Start with water, plain water. In a 24 hour period you will need 1/2 your current body weight in ounces of water. I know it sees like a lot, but if you break it down to ounces per hour it's very doable. Say you weigh 200 lbs. That's 100 ounces a day. Divide that by the number of hours you are awake (say, 16 hours) and that's only 6.25 ounces each hour! Less than a full 8 ounce glass!

    Welcome and if I can be of further help, just let me know.
  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    Another good suggestion I have received is to log BEFORE you eat. I usually get up in the morning and plan out my day to help not go over my limit.
  • Thanks. I am a grazer. Snacking is so habitual for me that I feel off if there isn't something within arms reach. Right now at my desk, I have whole wheat Cheezits. I'm trying to find heathier alternatives to satisfy my need to crunch.
  • Idk. Logging everything ahead of time may not work for me, (since I stay in bed until the very last minute) but having a daily menu preplanned may help. thanks.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Beans are your friend!

    Lentils will work in place of ground meat for a lot of things: we season lentils like taco meat, especially when we want taco salad.

    Navy beans work well with sweet and sour flavors - there are recipes for hawaiian beans online.

    You will often find that fresh veggies cost less than the snacks you are currently eating. For less than the price of the cheezits, you could get celery, look for a sale on a huge jar of peanut butter and measure out 2 Tbsp. to take to work with your celery.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Thanks. I am a grazer. Snacking is so habitual for me that I feel off if there isn't something within arms reach. Right now at my desk, I have whole wheat Cheezits. I'm trying to find heathier alternatives to satisfy my need to crunch.

    Try roasted almonds for a crunch. 170 calories for 1/3 cup plus 6 grams of protein (helps keep you satisfied) and 3 grams fiber.