I'm only eating 800-900 Calories per day

I'm really struggling here, everyday when i input my food diary it tells me i'm not eating enough. I have 3 meals a day with one snack which usually add up to 800-900 calories. Ii know i should be eating more but if i do try and eat more i always guilt trip myself and think that the more i eat the less weight i will lose but i know that this isn't the case but i still can't get the thoughts out of my head. Some days i eat 800 calories and don't feel hungry inbetween meals so i don'teven think about eating something to get my calories up.
I hope i have made sense, i just need some guidance with what i could eat to get my calories up a little bit more!
Thankyou :)


  • Tyggress73
    Tyggress73 Posts: 104 Member
    Eat more calorie-dense foods, such as:

    Add peanut butter to your toast.
    Add avocado to your salad.

    Etc, etc...
  • snowflake266
    I had the same problem at the beginning, I wasn't feeling hungry at all.Nowadays I am still not very hungry but I try to eat about 1600 calories, I snack nuts and add them to my salads too,nuts are very good for you :) Olive oil,avocado and full fat dairy will help you out to up your calories
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I imagine you do/did as many do and cut out a bunch of fat because of the stupid 80s and "fat makes you fat" bull****. Get more fat...you need fat...fat is an essential nutrient. Stear clear of transfats and keep your saturated fats in check, but get your heart healthy fats from nuts (about 160 for an ounce...a small handful), nut butters (200ish calories for 2 Tbsp), avocados (about 115 calories for 1/2 of one), cook with some olive oil (about 120 calories for 1 Tbsp), etc. Get your healthy fats and problem solved.
  • CMGoodie
    CMGoodie Posts: 93 Member
    First off Congratulations for wanting to change your eating habits to a healthier diet....good luck

    However, coming from a family where eating disorders can take over....please eat more. Meet your recommended caloric intake, exercise like you want, and try not to drop too far below the adjusted intake value.

    If you are "thinking and feeling guilty" please talk to a counselor or a psychiatrist...this is how it all starts.

    Just a bit of info....I have a 10yr old niece who thinks if she eats too much she'll get fat. She's naturally thin and tall and very active, but will only eat a half a corn dog and 5 fries...then wait until breakfast to eat again. If she is allowed to have her way.

    We don't know where she got this from, as our immediate family are healthy eaters and do not discuss weight issues as all of us are built differently.
  • CharlieChooChoo
    I never considered reading the newbie topic as suggested as i'm not a newbie but i've just read it and found it very informative.

    I visited my doctor a few months ago and he told me that i have bullimic thoughts but he didn't seem concerned. I feel comfortable when i'm eating under 100 calories but if i ever go over i feel sooo guilty even though deep down i know i shouldn't but i always end up back at the guilty thoughts.

    My low calorie count isn't helped by my fussy eating. I struggle eating foods of a certain texture and am undergoing proffesional help to help me overcome it.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I had a peek at your diary and its like what a 3 year old eats!

    Breakfast- have a bigger bowl of cereal.

    Lunch- put something in your pitta bread. Today I had a wholemeal pitta with tomato, feta, houmous and mint. Followed by an apple. It was nice.

    Dinner- try to cook real food if you can.

    Good luck!
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I imagine you do/did as many do and cut out a bunch of fat because of the stupid 80s and "fat makes you fat" bull****. Get more fat...you need fat...fat is an essential nutrient. Stear clear of transfats and keep your saturated fats in check, but get your heart healthy fats from nuts (about 160 for an ounce...a small handful), nut butters (200ish calories for 2 Tbsp), avocados (about 115 calories for 1/2 of one), cook with some olive oil (about 120 calories for 1 Tbsp), etc. Get your healthy fats and problem solved.


    Also, aim to eat more protein and veggies; it's good for you in addition to keeping you full longer. My 2 cents.
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    I've had the same feeling of being terrified because you think you're losing your goal. It's more a fear of losing control.

    My target is 1200 cals, but early on I realized that staying under 1200 sacrificed my workouts. While I still aim for 1200, the focus is more on burning/consuming cals.

    Do you hit the 'complete this entry' button? If you haven't, it estimates how much you'll weigh within a certain number of weeks.
    For whatever reason I didn't start doing this until a few weeks into MFP, but it hepled me realize that with exercise and higher cal intake the weight loss estimate was greater than on days with little to moderate exercise and near 1200 cal.

    But the biggest thing, don't stress it!
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    No wonder your calorie count is so low - I just peeked at your diary and there isn't a fruit or vegetable to be seen!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I never considered reading the newbie topic as suggested as i'm not a newbie but i've just read it and found it very informative.

    I visited my doctor a few months ago and he told me that i have bullimic thoughts but he didn't seem concerned. I feel comfortable when i'm eating under 100 calories but if i ever go over i feel sooo guilty even though deep down i know i shouldn't but i always end up back at the guilty thoughts.

    My low calorie count isn't helped by my fussy eating. I struggle eating foods of a certain texture and am undergoing proffesional help to help me overcome it.

    Eating under 100 calories of what? 1200? But you feel guilty for eating over 1200?
  • stepgonz
    stepgonz Posts: 48 Member
    I eat under 1000 too and even keep my carbs under 40 grams. I lose weight exercise 2 hours a day and have never felt better in my life. Im never hungry and I always am full of energy
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    When I first started this site I was the same exact way because I was scared I would fail like I have when it comes to my weight all my life. But now I eat at least 1200 calories every day no matter what. I tip for me, was go to my food diary and go to a date before I started and add in foods and see what 1200 or whatever you goal is set to is. Also just add me more healthy meals if you don't like eating a lot at one time.

    This is a little off topic but I just want to let you know it is do-able I eat at least 1200 calories a day and have lost 25 pounds in about 2 and 1/2 months :)
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member

    I visited my doctor a few months ago and he told me that i have bullimic thoughts but he didn't seem concerned. I feel comfortable when i'm eating under 100 calories but if i ever go over i feel sooo guilty even though deep down i know i shouldn't but i always end up back at the guilty thoughts.

    You are in control of your thoughts. You are the one that needs to decide if you want to be a person who believes the truth about health, nutrition, and your body and its needs. Or you can continue to choose to believe lies that will lead to health problems down the road. You said you know the thoughts you have aren't true, but you choose to revert back to them. You can choose to reject them and create a better, healthier life for yourself. You really can. If you are in therapy, keep going. If you're not in therapy, think about going. Don't focus on being skinny. Focus on being a strong, healthy woman for a long, long time.
  • Ladynat999
    I know you are not supposed to eat less than 1200 cals per day, but yesterday (not on purpose) I only ate 870 cals, but felt stuffed!

    My diary was like this:

    2 x egg scrambled egg with little bit of semi-skimmed milk.

    large bowl of home-made turkey soup (with onion and leeks)

    10oz venison steak with large plate of salad leaves & red bell pepper with nandos lemon dressing.

    My question is, with all this protein is it still bad that I ate less than 1200 cals?
    If so, how come a 5:2 fasting diet is recommended as an excellent weightloss plan and for longevity of life?

    btw I don't eat this few calories every day.....normally I'm between 1200-1400 but this week I am eating low and carb-less for a weekend away - need to get into that lbd
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    My question is, with all this protein is it still bad that I ate less than 1200 cals?
    If so, how come a 5:2 fasting diet is recommended as an excellent weightloss plan and for longevity of life?

    Zombie thread :-)

    You obviously weren't short of protein but may have been light on a range of other things including essential fat, minerals, vitamins etc.

    5:2 and ADF involve several days per week eating "normally" with ample opportunity to replenish the micronutrients, as opposed to a continuous calorie reduction. The average of 5:2 over a week is about 400-500 calories a day of deficit.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
  • donnatorres37
    donnatorres37 Posts: 4 Member
    I eat about the same amount. I find it hard to increase calories without increasing carbs also. Since I am pre diabetic, I am trying hard to control my blood sugar by eating 40 or less carbs per meal. I am trying to stay off of meds. I truly need help with figuring out what can raise my calorie intake without increasing my carbs. I eat no white bread and once in a while a small potato. I eat a lot of eggs, little meat, and lots of veggies. I also have been told by the doctor to reduce my salt intake. So it's doubly hard to hit a happy medium on my diet. I cannot eat raw veggies or nuts due to an ill fitting lower denture. I try to eat lettuce, etc, but haven't much luck with it. lol. I love beans, but have to limit them due to carbs. I feel full, and usually can't eat everything on my plate. That is in direct opposition to how I usually eat. I love food, and this diet is making it hard to like anything any more.

    I appreciate any help anyone can give me.