New - How do I get started? - Age 22 & 140 to lose!


I'm new to this.. in fact just opened an account five minutes ago. Its 8.30am here in the UK and I guess it also mean's I start this today and now as I haven't eaten. I want to know how do you get started and stay committed to tracking what you eat? I usually eat over 4,000 calories a day admittedly! That's why I'm 266 lbs.

The site has said I'm aloud 1,500 calories a day! That's going to be a HUGE change for me. I'm just needing advice on how to stick to it?

Also, if anybody would like to be my friend on here? It'd be a bonus.

Much love



  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    At first it was hard for me to cut down and stay on track, but I found that after those first seven days and you log your weight and measurements, you will see that difference and it will motivate you to keep on track! Just make sure to log your weight and measurements today, so that you have something to look forward to in a week. :)

    I found pre-logging food helps as well, and setting meal times. I was constantly hungry, but now that I've started logging my meals and sett specific times I have started to look forward to my meals.

    This may not work for you, but I have four meals a day, that way I'm never hungry. I find that if you leave you meals too far apart you will crave food, and that will make you want to eat more.

    EDIT: Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some support. :)
  • DreamOfSunshine
    DreamOfSunshine Posts: 911 Member
    Hello there and welcome! :)

    I am sure you can do this and you've already taken the first correct step - start it from now!! Not tomorrow, not from 1st of Feb ...
    My personal advise to you would be to get well informed :) I'm leaving you a link that helped me a huge deal!

    From a person who spent her entire life ona diet and who is finally getting into the healthy BMI ... it is that easy!! :)
    FR sent ;)
    Enjoy it, have fun allt he time and if you need anything - just ask! :)

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

  • Soyajam
    Soyajam Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, welcome to MFP!

    How you start will really depend on what you prefer personally.

    For instance, it may be more sustainable to drop your intake bit by bit (say 200 cals less the first week, then 400 the second week etc) - or perhaps by replacing one "junky" meal with one low calorie meal. You might find it feels less like a diet this way.

    Some people however might prefer to go "Cold Turkey" - toss out the crap, make a meal plan and stick to it, and just tough out the first couple of weeks.

    And it's the first couple of weeks that will be difficult - you'll likely feel cravings for your old diet, but if you can brave through them it gets much easier from there.

    I recommend you give these a read - they're very helpful and great to motivate you!

    P.S If you haven't eaten yet for breakfast - I challenge you to have two poached (or hard boiled) eggs and a slice of toast for breakfast if you've got them! That would be a great start.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Welcome to MFP

    I think this was a huge change for all of us and each has a different way of sticking with it to achieve results. Some suggestions would be:

    Drink plenty of water
    Switch the types of food you eat, you don't have to eat "clean" or give up carbs, fats etc (although the choice is yours) I eat more lentils, fruit & veg than I used to and find them very filling
    Pre planning your day works for many although I am a bit too disorganised for that
    Make sure you weigh and measure everything that you eat/drink and be prepared to challenge the entries on MFP if they look wrong
    If you are going to exercise this site is designed for you to eat the calories you earn (Many start by eating 50% of their calorie burns because MFP can overestimate them) and that helps if you find your calorie goal too low

    This one is a personal choice but I prefer MFP friends to open their diaries to each other because its is easier to give advice that way.

    Good luck with your weight loss and you have made a great start by joining MFP
  • lisiloulah
    lisiloulah Posts: 125 Member

    I started at 267 lbs as well, and I'm currently eating at 1500 cals a day (plus exercise calories). I found getting started was about making a few small changes - add extra veggies to your meals to fill you up without adding too many extra calories and cut down on portion sizes. Weighing your food helps too, it's surprising how much you eat when to try to guess a 'portion' (I had a cheap scale from Tesco and it's a god send!)

    The other point is to exercise - I enjoy aerobics classes at the gym, but find what works for you - a walk around the block, or swimming is just as good for you and it doesn't have to cost you a fortune.

    I'll send you a friend request now - having people with similar long term goals is always helpful!

    Lisa x
  • Hey, welcome to MFP!

    How you start will really depend on what you prefer personally.

    For instance, it may be more sustainable to drop your intake bit by bit (say 200 cals less the first week, then 400 the second week etc) - or perhaps by replacing one "junky" meal with one low calorie meal. You might find it feels less like a diet this way.

    Some people however might prefer to go "Cold Turkey" - toss out the crap, make a meal plan and stick to it, and just tough out the first couple of weeks.

    And it's the first couple of weeks that will be difficult - you'll likely feel cravings for your old diet, but if you can brave through them it gets much easier from there.

    I recommend you give these a read - they're very helpful and great to motivate you!

    P.S If you haven't eaten yet for breakfast - I challenge you to have two poached (or hard boiled) eggs and a slice of toast for breakfast if you've got them! That would be a great start.

    Think I may have to cold turkey it, I've been eating way to much and its starting to leave me short of money, so this will be good. I'm so scared and thanks for the advice + link.

    I haven't got any eggs, I dislike them lol :( x
  • Hi,

    I started at 267 lbs as well, and I'm currently eating at 1500 cals a day (plus exercise calories). I found getting started was about making a few small changes - add extra veggies to your meals to fill you up without adding too many extra calories and cut down on portion sizes. Weighing your food helps too, it's surprising how much you eat when to try to guess a 'portion' (I had a cheap scale from Tesco and it's a god send!)

    The other point is to exercise - I enjoy aerobics classes at the gym, but find what works for you - a walk around the block, or swimming is just as good for you and it doesn't have to cost you a fortune.

    I'll send you a friend request now - having people with similar long term goals is always helpful!

    Lisa x

    Hi Lisa,

    You're going to be my insperation if you don't mind! I need somebody who's been here, got past it and is on there way to a good future. I'm so scared but I'll take on your idea of packing vegtabels. I don't currently have scales but I'll buy one now! :)

    I have an excersize bike, if thats any good.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Start at 1/2 lb a week so you can modify your eating and get use to eating less. In a couple of weeks you can increase it. Put things you like into the app before you eat it so that you can see how it affects your calorie count for the day. Stay away from fast foods, they can consume all your daily allotment in one meal. Start there. You say you eat 4000 cals a day, don't try jumping to two lbs a week to start. Jumping down to a base of 1200 cals a day, there is a huge chance you will be setting yourself up for failure.

    From the UK, stay away from the Clotted Cream. That is the spread of the Devil. Lol. Love the stuff. I can't get any decent ones here so I use to make it myself. Loved it with my tea on scones.
  • emmaelisenl
    emmaelisenl Posts: 39 Member
    I am 25 and started at 260 as well, I started 2 weeks ago and am allready seeing the difference, I lost 4,5 pounds and have lost a lot of centimeters. I agree with everything said above, especially the thing about getting more motivated when you see the scale go down. I've send you a friend request, maybe we can do it together?
  • sarahford09
    sarahford09 Posts: 14 Member
    Eat meals like home made chilli or spaghetti bolognese, and instead of eating rice or pasta serve it on a HUGE plate of salad. That usually makes me really stuffed.( I like to eat until I feel really full)

    Eat as many vegetables as you can to give our body good nutrition. Try big bowls of stew or soup. Go easy on the bread though!

    Eat so much healthy food that you are too full for desert.
    Eat home cooked meals. Lay off the processed stuff

    You can do it !! :)

    Good luck xx
  • Thank you all for the advice, friendship and guidance! :)
  • Its easier then it sounds. An easier way to start is to eat a high quantity, but foods like steamed veggies and fruit. Salad is so low in calories if you dont over due dressing and it is filling. Just start slow. First thing you should do is eliminate all caloric drinks. Drink water, and plenty of it. Water is a natural appetite suppressant.
  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    The only bit of advice I could add is always eat breakfast ( not just because of the old wives tal) I know if I don't then I will start eating anything by 11am and its so easy to say oh well I'll start again tomorrow but tomorrow never comes fingers crossed for you
  • DianeEvans69
    DianeEvans69 Posts: 16 Member
    Whip down to Tesco and buy the Hairy Dieter's book. Lots of good calorie counted recipes that will keep you fuller for longer. Make sure you eat three regular meals a day. I make up a couple of batches of soup and store in the freezer to take to work. I also keep back a lunch sized portion of dinner e.g Chicken and Mushroom risotto and freeze that for the times I don't want to cook. It stops me reaching for the takeaway menu.