Starting T25 on Monday, Jan 27th!



  • Cordeliagirl
    I'm jumping on the bandwagon, too. Did my first DVD this morning. Couldn't believe how fast the 25 mins flew by!!!
  • mzthang77
    mzthang77 Posts: 43 Member
    I restarted today. I was sick for the past month and a half so I had to stop. Feel free to add me. I love having friends that are on the same program as I am.
  • familyjules
    familyjules Posts: 2 Member
    I just finished Insanity. I started T25 on Monday 1-27. Please add me. I kind of miss insanity. :)
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    I wanted to give an update. I will be starting T25 on Feb 3rd along side training for my half marathon. Way to go everyone that started Monday 27th!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I started mine yesterday. (after doing it a few times a couple weeks ago)

    I'm loving the one's I've done so far!
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I just got it today! I cant wait to start!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    I have a group going for daily accountability. Several doing T25, I just finished 2.5 rounds of T25. Feel free to join us: Daily Dose of Accountability in group section.
  • AliGilbreath
    AliGilbreath Posts: 18 Member
    I am currently on week 5 and I'm loving it! Good luck and I hope you enjoy it!
  • flbelle87
    Just checking back in, today was day 3 of body did everyone do?? I personally felt like I barley made it lol. I don't know why but my throat seems to burn while working out and I really think it holds me back. it just starts hurting and burning which makes me want to stop and drink water, has anyone experienced this? I also do an hour a day on my treadmill but I have never had the burning throat before. Besides that, I am glad I pushed through and for the people who are further along in t25- does it get easier? :)
  • hayles_s
    hayles_s Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on Week 2, Day 4 of Alpha and last week took some before pictures and again last night done the same and OMG what a difference a week makes, some of my belly fat has went and my side bits too. Obviously, combined with a healthy diet and i've also done spinning and some weights but on the whole what an excellent program!
  • CherryBlossom1982
    CherryBlossom1982 Posts: 63 Member
    I wanted to check back in to let you guys know that I completed T25 :)

    I lost a total of 12.2lb and 8 1/2". I am feeling amazing :happy:

    Here are my results:
