Hit a brick wall today :(



  • sam_m187
    sam_m187 Posts: 27 Member
    I know the feeling, last week I went out for lunch with work colleagues and spent ages pouring over the menu to find something 'healthy', in the end I 'caved' and went with a chicken burger with the rest of the girls - who don't even need to consider their weight.

    I stressed about it for a couple of days thinking I had let myself down, and when the weigh in came around, I had still lost my 2.5lbs goal for the week :).

    Just goes to show, as long as you keep up with what you're doing everyday, and keep the exercise routine, you're allowed to give into little cravings now again. As so many people keep saying, we need to build up a routine that we can stick by once the weights off! But trust me, I'm finding it as hard as you at certain times.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I know the feeling, last week I went out for lunch with work colleagues and spent ages pouring over the menu to find something 'healthy', in the end I 'caved' and went with a chicken burger with the rest of the girls - who don't even need to consider their weight.

    I stressed about it for a couple of days thinking I had let myself down, and when the weigh in came around, I had still lost my 2.5lbs goal for the week :).

    Just goes to show, as long as you keep up with what you're doing everyday, and keep the exercise routine, you're allowed to give into little cravings now again. As so many people keep saying, we need to build up a routine that we can stick by once the weights off! But trust me, I'm finding it as hard as you at certain times.

    Nicely done! :drinker:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I know I am eating too few calories but I have got myself into a bit of an unhealthy cycle, I am so afraid of what I eat now. I am obsessing over everything, I had a slice of my partners white toast last night and literally kept on stressing over it. It scares me because I was like this in my late teens and looking back I was so so skinny and not in an attractive way I much prefer curves! I know it sounds pathetic but I have gone from not giving a damn about what I eat to caring way too much about ingredients. I had a couple of biscuits on Saturday and in my head I swore I had put weight on overnight! I know it s so so so stupid! I am an educated woman and I know deep down that it is complete nonsense I just really don't want to fail at this but I also don't want to get into a very nasty trap with food :( x x x x

    Think about the example this sets for your daughters. Do you want them to grow into women who worry (for no reason) about eating a cookie now and then or do you want them to enjoy balance with their food?

    Set a good example for them by eating a variety of foods - lean protein, veggies, fruit, whole grains AND the occasional burger, cookies, ice cream etc. There is no reason to avoid foods. You should limit yourself to what you can fit in your calorie goal and macros, but you don't need to cut out anything entirely. You are only setting yourself (and your daughters because they are learning from you) for disaster.

    Find a moderate calorie deficit. Stick to it. Balance your choices. Stop obsessing over "good" and "bad" foods. Relax a little and enjoy your food. I promise you can find a lot of success this way - and it will be much easier to sustain.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member

    I am in need of some encouragement and support. I have been doing really well on a low calorie diet and exercise regime for the past 3 weeks or so. I have been SO determined and focused but today I am actually having such strong cravings for some 'junky' food! I just want some grease like chips or a burger! I haven't had any but I can't stop thinking about it. Sorry for TMI but I think it may be because I am due on my period soon?? Do any other ladies feel this way at that time of the month. It's driving me mad I refuse to give in but it is all that is on my mind!

    Help! How can I get focused again? x x x

    If you want some chips have some chips.......It's not going to kill you if it's not a regular thing....but with that I have to say how bad do you want it. Willpower is an amazing thing.
  • There's three options
    1) indulge yourself, you've been working hard and can make it up over the week
    2) substitute your craving with a healthy option, hamburger vs veggie burger, milkshake vs smoothie, deep fried fries vs over roasted sweet potato wedges
    3) go workout and treat yourself to some workout gear for staying on track
  • Please let me point out that my daughter has a very healthy relationship with food and I never show her my worries or anxieties. Its not like I ma not eating or constantly reading labels in front of her that doesn't happen. II love cooking and my daughter often helps out, it's only lately that I have been dieting and so when my daughter and partner have mash potatoes with butter I just have extra veggies. I do understand what people are saying but I would never allow my daughters to restrict their food intake and I obviously know that I need to stop this obsessing which at the minute is only in my head.

    I feel better for writing it on here. FirstSip: Thank you so much for your understanding, I do get that I am being totally irrational, I have had issues in the past with ED and I think that because this is the first time I have tried to lose weight since gaining a lot the old habits have suddenly come back. The difference is this time I do have my little family around me and so know I would never get into a situation like that again. Yes I do think that stress is just contributing to this behavior, we are getting married and selling the house along with a few other things. I have been exercising every day and this really does help. I am going to start eating carbs again with my meals, Like somebody else has said its not about 'good' and 'bad' foods and I think I need to keep thinking that! Thanks for everybody who has replied I love this site :) x x
  • Yes,I did ,what you could do to stop your craving is have a fruit or get out for a walk ,dont just throw the whole 3 weeks of great job you have done,just think of good feeling you are having eating healthy and working out.Remind yourself why you have started this journey?Why is it important to you?I have failed as well but what i have done this time is wrote the letter to myself why i wanted to change the way of living.And every time I crave for something or I'm feeling down I open the letter and read it,the letter tells me clearly if i do fail I have betrayed myself and i have failed in what i have promised to myself.You look good in this picture and I'm sure with what are you doing now you will soon look astonishing,keep doing the great work :wink:
  • There's three options
    1) indulge yourself, you've been working hard and can make it up over the week
    2) substitute your craving with a healthy option, hamburger vs veggie burger, milkshake vs smoothie, deep fried fries vs over roasted sweet potato wedges
    3) go workout and treat yourself to some workout gear for staying on track

    Thank you, yes I am going to have some homemade wedges and breaded chicken with salad for my Dinner tonight, for me that will feel like a treat and also will ensure I am getting more calories. I also intend to treat myself to some new workout gear this week :) x x x
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I am in need of some encouragement and support. I have been doing really well on a low calorie diet and exercise regime for the past 3 weeks or so. I have been SO determined and focused but today I am actually having such strong cravings for some 'junky' food! I just want some grease like chips or a burger! I haven't had any but I can't stop thinking about it. Sorry for TMI but I think it may be because I am due on my period soon?? Do any other ladies feel this way at that time of the month. It's driving me mad I refuse to give in but it is all that is on my mind!

    Help! How can I get focused again? x x x
    I hope it didn't hurt hitting a brick wall today.

    Just kidding. :bigsmile:

    I do that sometimes, even though I am very peri menopause and don't have that TOM very often anymore. However, I recall that happening when I did.

    Might I suggest that you have the food you want as long as it fits into your calorie goal for that day? It might not be a bad thing to have a small burger or some fries. It might stop you from bingeing later on.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Please let me point out that my daughter has a very healthy relationship with food and I never show her my worries or anxieties. Its not like I ma not eating or constantly reading labels in front of her that doesn't happen. II love cooking and my daughter often helps out, it's only lately that I have been dieting and so when my daughter and partner have mash potatoes with butter I just have extra veggies. I do understand what people are saying but I would never allow my daughters to restrict their food intake and I obviously know that I need to stop this obsessing which at the minute is only in my head.

    presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals together!

    have you thought about talking to a doctor, getting some help with the disordered thoughts?
  • sam_m187
    sam_m187 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks :D
  • Please let me point out that my daughter has a very healthy relationship with food and I never show her my worries or anxieties. Its not like I ma not eating or constantly reading labels in front of her that doesn't happen. II love cooking and my daughter often helps out, it's only lately that I have been dieting and so when my daughter and partner have mash potatoes with butter I just have extra veggies. I do understand what people are saying but I would never allow my daughters to restrict their food intake and I obviously know that I need to stop this obsessing which at the minute is only in my head.

    presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals together!

    have you thought about talking to a doctor, getting some help with the disordered thoughts?

    I do eat with my children well my 3 year old my other duaght is 6 months. I eat breakfast and Dinner with her, she eats lunch at pre-school and also has a snack when she gets in. I eat cereal or porridge with her in the morning then tea in the afternoon like I said I just put more veggies on my plate whilst dieting she has not noticed this small thing nor has she started eating less. Thank you for suggesting to see a doctor but I really don't think this is necessary I am just starting out on my weight loss journey and know that I will find the right way soon enough I just want to find a good balance. It is more about me finding out what works for me and what doesn't. I just need to keep on track but in a more healthy way x
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Please let me point out that my daughter has a very healthy relationship with food and I never show her my worries or anxieties. Its not like I ma not eating or constantly reading labels in front of her that doesn't happen. II love cooking and my daughter often helps out, it's only lately that I have been dieting and so when my daughter and partner have mash potatoes with butter I just have extra veggies. I do understand what people are saying but I would never allow my daughters to restrict their food intake and I obviously know that I need to stop this obsessing which at the minute is only in my head.

    presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals together!

    have you thought about talking to a doctor, getting some help with the disordered thoughts?

    I do eat with my children well my 3 year old my other duaght is 6 months. I eat breakfast and Dinner with her, she eats lunch at pre-school and also has a snack when she gets in. I eat cereal or porridge with her in the morning then tea in the afternoon like I said I just put more veggies on my plate whilst dieting she has not noticed this small thing nor has she started eating less. Thank you for suggesting to see a doctor but I really don't think this is necessary I am just starting out on my weight loss journey and know that I will find the right way soon enough I just want to find a good balance. It is more about me finding out what works for me and what doesn't. I just need to keep on track but in a more healthy way x

    Keep working at it. You seem to know what to do but need work on the emotional side of things. Just focus on letting yourself enjoy in moderation as you can.
  • Yes,I did ,what you could do to stop your craving is have a fruit or get out for a walk ,dont just throw the whole 3 weeks of great job you have done,just think of good feeling you are having eating healthy and working out.Remind yourself why you have started this journey?Why is it important to you?I have failed as well but what i have done this time is wrote the letter to myself why i wanted to change the way of living.And every time I crave for something or I'm feeling down I open the letter and read it,the letter tells me clearly if i do fail I have betrayed myself and i have failed in what i have promised to myself.You look good in this picture and I'm sure with what are you doing now you will soon look astonishing,keep doing the great work :wink:

    Lovely reply thank you, I need to point out that I am feeling healthier now than I ever have because I am eating so much fruit and veg and working out, I will up my calories by adding more fruit, veg and things that are good for my body. I think I am at a point where if I go to the junk food I may not be strong enough to know when to stop lol! Love the idea of a letter, I wouldn't like to think of it as betraying oneself maybe just a blip in the road but we all have different ways and methods of motivating ourselves. The point is I am overweight and I know for my family's sake and my own I need to become healthier. x
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member

    presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals

    This is a bit silly. With the right foods, you can have quite a full plate for 300-400 calories.

    Edit: oops, I did the quote wrong.

  • presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals

    This is a bit silly. With the right foods, you can have quite a full plate for 300-400 calories.

    Edit: oops, I did the quote wrong.

    Thank you :) x
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Please let me point out that my daughter has a very healthy relationship with food and I never show her my worries or anxieties. Its not like I ma not eating or constantly reading labels in front of her that doesn't happen. II love cooking and my daughter often helps out, it's only lately that I have been dieting and so when my daughter and partner have mash potatoes with butter I just have extra veggies. I do understand what people are saying but I would never allow my daughters to restrict their food intake and I obviously know that I need to stop this obsessing which at the minute is only in my head.

    presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals together!

    have you thought about talking to a doctor, getting some help with the disordered thoughts?

    I do eat with my children well my 3 year old my other duaght is 6 months. I eat breakfast and Dinner with her, she eats lunch at pre-school and also has a snack when she gets in. I eat cereal or porridge with her in the morning then tea in the afternoon like I said I just put more veggies on my plate whilst dieting she has not noticed this small thing nor has she started eating less. Thank you for suggesting to see a doctor but I really don't think this is necessary I am just starting out on my weight loss journey and know that I will find the right way soon enough I just want to find a good balance. It is more about me finding out what works for me and what doesn't. I just need to keep on track but in a more healthy way x

    But what if you stop "dieting"? How nice would it be to just eat...in moderation.

    I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I think it's awesome that you recognize the issue and want to be healthy for your girls. The problem I have with your comments about dieting though are that "diets" are not sustainable. Let's say you eat 1,000 calories and you lose all the weight. What are you going to do when you hit maintenance? Are you going to eat 1,000 calories a day for the rest of your life? If you aren't, then why not just start eating a balanced diet at a reasonable deficit now...it will help you later on down the road.
  • Please let me point out that my daughter has a very healthy relationship with food and I never show her my worries or anxieties. Its not like I ma not eating or constantly reading labels in front of her that doesn't happen. II love cooking and my daughter often helps out, it's only lately that I have been dieting and so when my daughter and partner have mash potatoes with butter I just have extra veggies. I do understand what people are saying but I would never allow my daughters to restrict their food intake and I obviously know that I need to stop this obsessing which at the minute is only in my head.

    presumably then you dont eat with your children? you cant only eat 1000 calories and not have anyone notice if you eat 3 meals together!

    have you thought about talking to a doctor, getting some help with the disordered thoughts?

    I do eat with my children well my 3 year old my other duaght is 6 months. I eat breakfast and Dinner with her, she eats lunch at pre-school and also has a snack when she gets in. I eat cereal or porridge with her in the morning then tea in the afternoon like I said I just put more veggies on my plate whilst dieting she has not noticed this small thing nor has she started eating less. Thank you for suggesting to see a doctor but I really don't think this is necessary I am just starting out on my weight loss journey and know that I will find the right way soon enough I just want to find a good balance. It is more about me finding out what works for me and what doesn't. I just need to keep on track but in a more healthy way x

    But what if you stop "dieting"? How nice would it be to just eat...in moderation.

    I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I think it's awesome that you recognize the issue and want to be healthy for your girls. The problem I have with your comments about dieting though are that "diets" are not sustainable. Let's say you eat 1,000 calories and you lose all the weight. What are you going to do when you hit maintenance? Are you going to eat 1,000 calories a day for the rest of your life? If you aren't, then why not just start eating a balanced diet at a reasonable deficit now...it will help you later on down the road.

    No I know your not trying to give me a hard time and I really appreciate the replies, I agree if I start to look at things like just eating healthier and stop labeling it with 'diet' I know I will get my head around it much easier. I was only planning on the low cal for a month and then gradually start bringing in more foods like potatoes, noodles and rice. I do want this to be a change for life and not just for the short term. I still have a lot of learning to do when it comes to food but fingers crossed I will get there x x
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    What exactly is the difference between "dieting" and "eating at a deficit"?

    One is the word we were all brought up with, then were told "diets don't work" because we did restrictive fad diets, so the word became bad, and now we've got a new way to say it. Semantics.

    Let's not over-nitpick.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    What exactly is the difference between "dieting" and "eating at a deficit"?

    One is the word we were all brought up with, then were told "diets don't work" because we did restrictive fad diets, so the word became bad, and now we've got a new way to say it. Semantics.

    Let's not over-nitpick.

    Right. I said a reasonable deficit. The word "diet" does have negative connotations. That's just the world we live in. When I hear people say "while I'm dieting" and then "I only eat 1,000 calories", I'm inclined to use different terminology. I'm sorry you have a problem with this but I'm not the one nit-picking here...

    But, that's irrelevant. She's not eating at reasonable anything...it's a crash diet.