Why did you decide to change your life style?

For me, I've been a widow for 6 1/2 years. Each year I've gain 10 pounds using food to fill the void in my heart after losing my hubby after 17 years.. During the holidays, as my family and I stood at the table and said why we were thankful my 20 year old said: I'm thankful for my mom , And I would really be thankful if she takes control of her life so she can meet her grand children in the future.. When I open my eyes and look at him he was in tears.. He hugged me and said: (Please don't make me bury another parent my heart can't take it). Words can't describe how I felt at that moment. It's been a month and both of boys have shown me so much support.. Even when I feel I can't do it, they're right there saying mom it will get easier you have to believe that... Thank God my baby wasn't he wasn't afraid to be honest because he saved my life..


  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss. My husband actually said something similar to what your son said. Its time to do something good for ourselves and enjoy life again.
  • smilingrn
    smilingrn Posts: 45 Member
    Oh that just tugged at my heart, and brought me to tears!
    For me it was mulitple reasons.1) I was just getting tired of food, it was pretty much just making me sick to look at it. Everytime I was putting food in my mouth I felt disgusted. 2) My daughter currently is having several health issues (shes 16) and a couple of them have to deal with her weight. I see the trend im setting for her, and dont want her to deal with weight the rest of her life. 3) I met and married my amazing husband almost a year ago, and I want to spend as many years with him as I can. The first of this year we all made the decision to loose the weight. The hospital I work for has a supervised medical weight loss clinic. No surgery, no pills, just eating right , reducing calories and exercise. Jan 1st I went through everything in our house and got rid of it. I mean everything.....cabinets, fridge, freezer...everything and it was all gone. Then I only put items back in the house that we were allowed to eat. So far we have all done this journey together and in the last 30 days the 3 of us has lost a combined 50 lbs! Its definetly easier when everyone is on board.
    You can do this! That is what we are all here for is to support one another for good and bad days.
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks you, and you're right it is time
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    OMG! that is amazing that you have such a great support system at home... It does make it that much more easier.... Congrats on the family losing 50 lbs that's great!!! Kudos!!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I was diagnosed with Type-II diabetes on September 11, 2012 (talk about irony). It took acquiring a serious disease for me to "wake up" and begin living the right way.

    I'll never NOT have it - it's always there in the background. But thanks to changing my diet and lifestyle, it's tightly under control. My blood sugar is the best it has been in years.

    Condolences on your loss.
  • footballpeach
    I was just tired of dieting and being overweight. This year I decided to ditch my Weight Watchers membership and try a lifestyle change instead. I've learned so much from these boards in just the past 27 days. I eat sensibly and exercise when I can and it is working for me.
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    OMG, I cancelled my Weight Watcher too!! lol
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I canceled WW 2 years ago and am just now getting myself back. None of my clothes fit; I have tons of great jeans that are a few sizes too small and not enough cash to buy a new wardrobe. I had become so lazy that I would huff and puff after walking up a flight of stairs.

    The biggest thing was seeing the scale go up, up, up... And it hit me that it would continue if I didn't take action.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    What an awesome stories you all have. Way tongo for choosing wellness.

    196 lbs had me heading for knee replacement before 50. Losing the weight was cheaper and easier. Plus I decided that I want healthiest for myself, not for anyone else. And I guess I finally saw enough of my mom in the mirror to decide to really look like her instead of avoiding looking like her.

    I have lost 40 pounds since my physical in June by choosing to eat less the foods I love. The only thing I have totally stopped eating is refried beans and honestly it is because I like the taste of black beans better. I did eat 1/2 serving of potato chips a few days ago and decide that I didn't enjoy them enough to finish the serving. That was pretty cool.
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    High Blood Pressure hit, wasn't going to put up with that!!!! :glasses:
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    My husband deserves to be with a woman who loves herself!
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    I stepped on a random scale joking around, saw the weight and said **** that.
  • SimplyMicheleR
    SimplyMicheleR Posts: 89 Member
    I was just tired of being of being the same wight that I have not been happy with for over 20 years. I even gained 60 lbs with my son, and lost back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but could not get lower. I am tired of it - I want to be happy with myself, with how I look and feel. I want to wear the clothes that I like. I do NOT want to develop diabetes like my husband and father.
  • mizzfitnesss
    mizzfitnesss Posts: 53 Member
    WOW, that made me teary
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    For me, I really didn't change my lifestyle. I still eat and do the same things, but I just eat less. The reason I decided to track calories and lose weight was because I had shoulder pain which meant less fun, less work, and less moving, so I just focused on having a daily calorie deficit instead. I felt like I needed to accomplish something or is be wasting my time eating potato chips and feeling sorry for myself.
  • GEMMA_2014
    I looked at my life and was happy with 90 percent of it. I have a great marriage, I have the job that I love , I ,make more than enough money and I have wonderful friends. But I was fat. I had to decide how I could make everything else in my life work but could not control my weight.

    Once I figured out what I needed to lose weight. I put it into motion. I have lost 113 pounds. I was on a plateau so I decided to join here to lose the last 40 pounds. I have learned through this process of losing weight that I will not put myself last in the future.

    It will be hard work to keep it off.
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    Wow, what a great story. That is so wonderful to have the support if your kids. Keep it up!!!

    My story is boring: As I got older I started gaining weight. I thought I wasn't eating a lot and I believed I was making good food choices. BUT one day I stepped on a scale and I weighed as much as I did full term pregnant with my kids. I couldn't believe I had gained 30 pounds. I started MFP and lost 10 pounds and was comfortable with that weight. So I stopped using MFP and then gained 5 pounds back. I turned 50 last year and decided to do a triathlon to celebrate my birthday so I started training and using MFP everyday. MFP is a way of life for me now. I will log in everyday and I will work out almost everyday. I have never felt better. I have lost 11 pounds and I will continue to lose.

    Thanks for sharing your story.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    For me, I've been a widow for 6 1/2 years. Each year I've gain 10 pounds using food to fill the void in my heart after losing my hubby after 17 years.. During the holidays, as my family and I stood at the table and said why we were thankful my 20 year old said: I'm thankful for my mom , And I would really be thankful if she takes control of her life so she can meet her grand children in the future.. When I open my eyes and look at him he was in tears.. He hugged me and said: (Please don't make me bury another parent my heart can't take it). Words can't describe how I felt at that moment. It's been a month and both of boys have shown me so much support.. Even when I feel I can't do it, they're right there saying mom it will get easier you have to believe that... Thank God my baby wasn't he wasn't afraid to be honest because he saved my life..

    Yep. Crying at my desk. Your boys love you, you can do this!
  • ltssharon
    ltssharon Posts: 195 Member
    Aw, he speaks truth with love. You are surely blessed by your son.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    For me it was nothing really profound, around my 45th birthday, I just decided I needed to do something but I didn't want to do another failed diet. I started with just changing my eating habits by eating less. Got Zumba from the library, then Jillian Michaels, then slowly investing in light dumbbells, then Groupon made me an offer I couldn't refuse...Turbo Fire for only $60 which of course sucked me into the Beachbody cult, now I'm doing FocusT25.

    2 years after I decided I needed to "do something", I'm over 100lbs lighter and stronger than I've ever been. My new goal is to get ripped. It took a lot of hard work and even more patience. Oh and I never set foot in a gym.

    Good luck.