What to put for my soup.

I know this is nitpicky but I want to make sure I get enough calories with all my working out. The thing is I made 15 bean soup like 4 days ago in my crock pot and have reheated it like 3 times since then, well each time I have to add a bunch of water and at this point it is very much broth and much less beans so I know it isnt still a whopping 480 calories for 2 cups but I don't really know what to track it as.


  • maybe deduct 20% from the amount?
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I honestly have no idea

    Your deduct 20% maybe

    Or just average out the calories over the portions
  • VegJoJo
    VegJoJo Posts: 3 Member
    Why not try and judge how much of it would be the original portion (thus, minus extra water) and count that?
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    the only way I can think of is to measure the servings you had before adding water and re-calculate the servings or go back to the recipe and estimate how many servings you added by adding the water and recalculate? or reduce the serving size when you enter it to 0.75 or 0.5 depending on how much water you added? The second is probably what I would do. For example if my original serving size was 1 cup and I took 3/4 of a cup of the soup and added 1/4 of a cup of water I would enter 0.75. At this point you will probably have to estimate.
  • Yeah, unfortunately I added it to the pot each time. But I just deducted 20% :) Thanks guys. haha next time perhaps I will just add the water to the bowl and then heat it on the stove to get a more accurate number.