anxiety from tea?

Ok so I haven't had a chance to do any research myself but I thought I'd ask and save some time if anyone has had this issue as well. I just bought a new tea (super obsessed with teas as I'm not a coffee drinker) from Harney & Sons called Royal Wedding tea. It's a white tea with cornflower, marigold, and rose in it. I LOVE the taste of it. But, the last couple times I've drank it (only had it two or three times at this point) I wind up with wicked anxiety for no reason. I start sweating, and feel really anxious and my heart rate increases. Is there something in this tea that could be causing that? or am I just having anxiety and it happens to happen within a time frame of me drinking my new tea?


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I looked it up and the caffeine level is high in this tea!
    I don't know about you but too much caffeine causes me high anxiety-panic attacks.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    ah that may be it... I don't really consume much caffeine. It's surprising to me since I do drink black tea and I thought black tea usually had more caffeine than white tea
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    ah that may be it... I don't really consume much caffeine. It's surprising to me since I do drink black tea and I thought black tea usually had more caffeine than white tea
    Nope, that's a myth.

    Chinese tea cultivars usually have less caffeine than Indian cultivars, which is why people think that white or green tea has less caffeine than black tea, but the caffeine content depends on the plant not the processing.

    In fact, I read once that one of the most caffeinated teas on the planet is a white Assam... but don't quote me on that.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I love the darker roasts of coffee and found out they actually have less caffeine than the lighter roasts. We live and learn.
  • Crystalworrall44
    Crystalworrall44 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem. I have a pre workout in the morning before my workout then after a cup of green tea with two tea bags. The rest of the day I have to do decaf green tea or chamomile tea. If I don't I am a irritable snappy mess. Lol