I am getting restarted and need new friends

ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
I have quite the journey to go and I am looking for friends to help me along the way. I started this journey on MFP at 321 pounds in 2011. I lost 85 pounds in a little over a year. Then lost my mojo and stopped trying, stopped logging, stopped everything except eating. Gained 60 pounds back and as I return here I am weighing in at 295. I am looking for like-minded but committed friends who understand that this journey is a marathon. I know I will always struggle with food as I have been overweight my entire life. I have lost weight here and there but always it came back on because for me food is a love affair and an addiction as well. If you understand this issue please let's support each other. Please add me if you think that we would make good friends. Thanks!


  • Housekat61
    Housekat61 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey there AD( Your name?) I have been on the same journey myself for quite sometime now. Mine started at 310 in 2000 . That was my highest weight. over the years I have lost and gained so many times I believe I have lost count. Although in the last year or so I have gotten a lot more serious. I struggle with Diabetes type 2 . I am glad to report that in the last few months my weight has started to come off and stay off . I try to stick to a Mediterranean based diet and it seems to be working quite well. I've gotten quite adjusted to my new diet lifestyle and actually enjoy it! But now there's the other hurdle ...exercise. My goal is to become and stay consistent and think of it as part of my prescription routine. I celebrate my small achievements such as the fact I am now going on week 2 of consistent exercise routine. I mix it up a lot to keep from growing bored . I implement , my Sparkpeople 45 min. 3 mile walk video, I go to the gym, use ball, bands and weights at home ,swim laps and attend swim aerobics class's. Just tryin to make this fun and not a chore and that's what keeps me diligent. My weigh in this week was 237 which I have not seen in almost 18 years! Things may seem slow but we just gotta keep going! Hey we are on here , so we are doing something right eh?
  • piyuK
    piyuK Posts: 45 Member
    Hi There,

    I am with you, same as your sitiation. Started a year back and lost 12 lb, stopped logging and everything. Now gained back all. Restarting from today.
  • AshleyR0820
    I am going through the exact same thing right now. I just joined this website and just today started really logging everything in. I find it very depressing that I have to log in every single thing I have to eat or drink in a day and stay within so many calories. It's very tough but I am trying my best to get motivated not only for my health but for my family as well. I'm glad to see that there are other people in the same boat as me. Good Luck to you :)
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    Just joined a gym yesterday myself. My exercise goals right now are simple. Attend a once a week yoga class. I wanted to take a yoga class and researched and found it cheaper to join a gym than pay for a weekly class at a yoga studio. So Thursday is my 1st class. Eventually I am also looking forward to adding water aerobics and swimming laps. I also want to find a weight lifting program online that I can follow. My goal is to spend no more than 1 hour at the gym at a time, not including shower time. So 1 hour water aerobics, 1 hour yoga class, 30 minute weights (1 leg day, 1 arm day) + 15 minutes core daily, maybe a 1 hour cycling class, or 30 minutes eliptical + 15 minutes Core, or 45 minutes lap swimming. I currently want to hit the gym about 3 times a week. At home I am also doing a plank, crunch, and push-up challenge on my own. From my past, I know that I hate getting started exercising but once I am doing it the endorphins kick in and I don't want to stop, then I work out for 2 - 3 hours. While that is rewarding, in and of itself, it is not realistic with my life that I spend that much time at the gym a day. So my goal is limit myself to 1 hour sessions, even if I can't fit everything in. It can't be a chore for me but something that I want to do. If I walk away after an hour then I will have something to look forward to when I come back. I just wish I could find someone to teach me to box so that I can use the punching bags at the gym sometime. I live in TX and once a year there is a biking event that rides from Houston to Austin (about 180 miles) called the MS150. It is on my bucket list to ride that event at some point in my life. So I also have a goal of purchasing my own bike at some point and training for that event in the next 2 years or so.
  • jessthib09
    jessthib09 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey there! I am pretty much in the same boat. Last year I lost about 5 pounds and as I liked my body and got comfortable, I stopped logging and slacked on the exercise a little bit. Then in June I got in a car accident and had hip surgery in December. I had to wait till my fall semester was over to have surgery and the problem inhibited a lot of my usual exercises and I was kinda lost. I got depressed because I was only 22 last summer and needed hip surgery and the depression had me eat back 30 pounds. I just got the clearance to start exercising little by little and I plan to do so. The food is the hardest part for me. I am going to keep my profile pic when I was at my best because it motivates me.

    I would love to have some friends that help support me and that I can help likewise. :)
  • jeanpollard
    jeanpollard Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I too just started MFP this past friday. I am on my way to loosing 75 lbs. this is the year for me to loose weight & get physically fit. I want a healthy lifestyle, I am motivated & determined. We can do this together!!! I will be teaching from the book The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren for a ladies group @ our church. I have done the research & look forward to the read. Maybe that is a book you might want to read, you may also want to get the study guide & journal it is awesome!!
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Me too! I quit logging and oh how quick the pounds started coming back. I let it go for about 7 months and gained about 2 pounds each month. So I'm logging again and the weight is slowly dropping again.