"Manly" Women Unite!



  • I like women with some muscle, hey baby show me your shoulders
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I don't lift primarily for a "look", I lift for strength. (And, if you lift for a look primarily that's cool.)

    I've been weight lifting for 25 years...and remember the days when I was the only woman in the free weight room.

    I don't want to be one of those 70 year old women who can't get out of a car without help, who can't carry her own groceries, who is afraid to go out on a winter day for fear of falling.

    Strong equals capable.

    Capable equals vital.

    Vital equals being able to live the life you want until the day you die (preferably at 95 plus!)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I don't lift primarily for a "look", I lift for strength. (And, if you lift for a look primarily that's cool.)

    I've been weight lifting for 25 years...and remember the days when I was the only woman in the free weight room.

    I don't want to be one of those 70 year old women who can't get out of a car without help, who can't carry her own groceries, who is afraid to go out on a winter day for fear of falling.

    Strong equals capable.

    Capable equals vital.

    Vital equals being able to live the life you want until the day you die (preferably at 95 plus!)

    Love this :smile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Bumping this back up :smile:

    I got my bf% checked again at the gym today. Last time was in August, about the same time I took my profile pic, and it was 26.8%. Today it was 22.4%. I've lost maximum of 5 lbs in that time, and I've been eating at maintenance (or perhaps a very small deficit). But I've dropped 2 pants sizes and love how I look. I promise I'll be posting pictures soon!
  • amastre
    amastre Posts: 176 Member
    Definitely loving all the pictures in this thread, and the tongue in cheek approach to titling it. Shame it ain't a thread for female bodied folk actually aiming to look more masculine, otherwise I'd have at least a few pictures to share, but y'all likely won't appreciate them.
  • CAME1
    CAME1 Posts: 21 Member
    Bump for laateeer :) You ladies are my heroes
  • Dan_Druff
    Dan_Druff Posts: 104
  • BornToLnL
    BornToLnL Posts: 5 Member
    Soooo..... why do you women care what other people think so much? It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks because in the end, they're just intimidated by you. Perhaps a little jealousy felt on the inside as well.

    I can tell all of you that it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks because a lot of people, including many men, can appreciate your progress for what it is. Real men don't follow others in their discriminatory opinion of women who are "manly." In the end, "manly" is but an anti-feminist remark... spat out by ignorant people - either men or women - who don't understand you or your lifestyle. And people always fear what they won't take the time to understand..

    y'all are better looking than victoria's secret models in my book. DEAD serious... and I'm sure a lot of guys would agree.

  • Magnus_TKN
    Magnus_TKN Posts: 1,908 Member
    edited November 2015
    How bout we call these ladies alpha women, instead of calling them manly cause that doesn't sound attractive at all. Cause when I think of manly women, it reminds me of a woman I use to know with a five o'clock shadow, and that was pretty gross. So let's stick with alpha women.
  • New_determination
    New_determination Posts: 1,460 Member
    Jealous of ur gains!! Way to go for fit ladies!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Magnus_TKN wrote: »
    How bout we call these ladies alpha women, instead of calling them manly cause that doesn't sound attractive at all. Cause when I think of manly women, it reminds me of a woman I use to know with a five o'clock shadow, and that was pretty gross. So let's stick with alpha women.

    The OP put "manly" in quotes. The thread was created a while ago in response to multiple other threads from women who didn't want to lift weights because they were afraid they would look "manly".
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Magnus_TKN wrote: »
    I knew that, I was just testing you to see if you knew that. Cause I gotta make that you know these things.

    I've been around a few days. I don't know everything, but I like to pretend I do ;)
  • Magnus_TKN
    Magnus_TKN Posts: 1,908 Member
    Lol well it's working for you.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member

    I'm working on my manlyness too.

    And then I'm going to strut the manlyness whilst wearing a sparkly bikini and hooker heels rocking some glamour hair and makeup on a stage in front of a bunch of people.

    Very manly :)

    Can't wait!!!