Losing weight to get help to get pregnant

Hi, I'm trying to lose weight cos I need to get my BMI down so that the hospital i'm under will help me get pregnant. I have to lose at least 2 stone by May, and in the long run another 3 stone at least on top of that. Just looking to see if anyone has any success stories to keep me going, or if anyone is going through a similar thing


  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I'm not currently going through the same thing. But, I signed on to MFP to lose weight to get pregnant with my 2nd (she's 14 months now) and then throughout the pregnancy so as to keep the "I"m eating for 2 now" under control. :)

    Consistency has been hard for my but one of the things that will get you to your goal the best, I believe. Yeah, we dive into that chocolate cake sometimes but don't let that ruin the whole day/weekend/week/whatever. Add me if you like. Good luck!!
  • MrsMck22
    MrsMck22 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm going through the same thing and it sucks! I have to lose 30kgs before they'll consider me for IVF and another 24kgs to be at a healthy weight (almost 8 stone altogether I think), but then they say if I do that then I'll probly get pregnant without IVF. It's really hard and really hard to stay motivated but I'll get there and so will you! Do you have any kids already?

    Good luck! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Good to know all the hard work will be worth it in the end!! :smile:
  • No kids, we only got married April (i'm a late starter!!) but i've had fertility issues for years, so i knew it wouldn't be easy. The first stage is the magic pills, if i lose the weight by my next appointment, i've been told i can have them, but its all about the BMI.
  • MrsMck22
    MrsMck22 Posts: 44 Member
    What are the pills? Hopefully they work for you! Not 'if' you lose the weight, 'when' you lose the weight. You can do it :)
    I have a 9 year old, but even before I had her I was told I wouldn't have kids so it's always been against me :(
  • Kiyalynn
    Kiyalynn Posts: 128 Member
    Hello, I wanted to share my story with all of you for encouragement. See, I too joined MFP to help get pregnant.

    I got married in August of 2009, at only a few days over 21, and probably weighing around 180lbs, 5'6". We decided to wait 1 1/2 year before trying to get pregnant. After we decided to, it took us another 1 1/2 years to get pregnant. In fact, it took us so long that we went to the doctor to try and figure out why a healthy 24 year old was taking SO long to get pregnant. At that appointment, we found that I was in fact pregnant and because I didn't have a normal period cycle we just didn't realize I was a week late. Unfortunately we lost that baby, just a few weeks after finding out we had it. That also meant that I had to 'start over' on the 1 year wait for assistance getting pregnant. So over the next few months I started researching what I could do to improve my chances. With a irregular cycle, and a short luteal phase, without any reason for either. I was not hopeful, and doing nothing to help; was leading me into a bad depression. Weight loss was one of the few things In my control that could help, so I joined MFP at 218lbs, on 3/26. In August, and 20lbs lighter, I discover that I'm pregnant, on my own, just barely before my year wait was over .
    I'm currently 31 weeks, and Due March 26, with a little baby Girl.
    I just thought I would share my story, because while loosing to a 'normal' BMI is best for pregnancy, even a few lbs can make all the difference. I wish you all the best of luck!

    Edit: I just realized, that I joined MFP on 3/26 2013... to try and get pregnant, and am currently expecting a little girl... on 3/26 2014. O.O
  • HannahBaban
    HannahBaban Posts: 3 Member
    Just want to say that I think it's amazing what you're doing :)
    Not easy to lose weight (as we all know) and I'd like to get pregnant so I can see when I visit the doctor, them saying the same thing!
    Wishing you all the best of luck <3
  • kayla786
    kayla786 Posts: 2 Member
    I wish you the best of luck! <3
  • MrsMck22 I think it's clomid - make you ovulate? I haev PCOS so on top of the weight, my body just generally doesnt do what I need it to do!!

    Thanks Kiyalynn for your success story :) and kayla786 for your wishes

    Hannah, not sure if that means your trying yet, but amongst the whole "you have to be trying for x amonut of time" thing, they also look at your BMI, or at least they do in England. BMI has to be below 35 for th first lot of help, then below 30 to be considered for IVF. In the meanwhile, there's no end to the tests and pokes they can do lol
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Lift weights
    slowly change your food choices to healthy
    walk walk walk walk
    sleep 8-10hours a night
    take high quality fish oil like Nordic Naturals

  • Hi there hope all worked out for u we and trying too went to hospital in November and both told bmi was too high for them to help.