Hello Everyone let me introduce myself

JLAEZ143 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Lori and I am new on this site. I was introduced to it by several people I know who are using it and have positive things to say. I am a mother and wife in my early thirties and I have not always been to open about sharing my personal thoughts regarding my body image and self esteem. So as I reach out to this community it will be something new for me.

I have tried various times to loose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, but have not been successful. I believe the primary reason for this is my inability to reach out for support and of course stress. I have a high responsiblity job, 3 teenagers, and I am headed back to school. Needless to say mylife is very busy and I tend to turn to food as a 'cure all" for everything.

As I said, I am in my early thirties and have never made wise desicions with exercise and eating habbits. I am petite at only 5 foot and weigh141. This weekend I realized how out of shape I was. Attempting to climb 7 flights of stairs I found myself out of breath and hurting all over. I decided at that moment I would start my mission and I would be successful at it. So here I am...

My goal is not to "diet" but create a lifestyle change. I want to reach a healthy weight of 110 and get into a exercise routine that will aide my healthier lifestyle. I am looking forward to utilizing the resouces on this website and connecting with fellow 'Fitness Pals' that will provide the support I need. I hope in return I can also provide support.




  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    Hi welcome to mfp. It's a great site. I recommend reading the links for newbies in the general diet section they have some really good information especially about the stages of weight loss. I have never been successful until I came here. I've lost 5 pounds so far and every day I receive support from someone.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. It's a great site and everyone here is very helpful. Lifestyle change is much better then dieting as dieting stops at some point, but lifestyle change stays. Good luck. :smile:
  • pixymom1963
    pixymom1963 Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome Lori,

    I totally understand where you are coming from. This is not a diet for me....it is a lifestyle change. I"m having to retrain my thoughts and behaviors and that is not easy. It is doable. Don't give up. The best thing I have learned is that if I blow it one day and am blessed to wake up the next morning....I start fresh. Don't focus on failures. I will be praying for you! You can do this!!!!!!
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    Hi welcome to MFP. I totally understand where you are coming from. I am 34 with two boys 7 and 5. I am an Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at a large middle school. I have never really paid close attention to what I eat and I have never really been real good at exercising. I began this journey in July and I have lost 23 lbs and 28.5 inches so far. I have been amazed at how talking to people on here and getting their motivating messages has really helped push me. This has become a part of my daily routine. This is a great place to vent and talk about what you are worried about when dealing with this important lifestyle change. Good luck and enjoy the site.
  • Hello Lori,

    I am like so many of these people here on this program, I have started a few weeks ago and look I just signed back on today. I figure I am going to try this again and will make sure I post my eating habits tomorrow. I am a great person that just seems to keep on making bad choses. Congrat on joining the program always feel free to say what you feel and how stress your day is. I think if we have a choses to express ourselfs on this program no one will judge us because we all have the same issues, they are just alittle different from others. Keep up the good work by joining and I will take from this a note to come on stronger tomorrow and write a better menu of what I eat. I hope my little letter helps you. One thing you have that is great your still young and can really fight this battle and make a winner goal, I am much older than you in my 50 and plan to make it though this bad eating habit. So we will keep up the good vibes together, and always smile.

  • Welcome Lori!!

    First I can say that we can all understand where you're coming from - I know I don't like to openly speak about my body and my low self-esteem but I can tell you that this site is great. Everyone is so positive and encouraging and with their help you'll definitely succeed.

    We're all here for you.

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