anyone losing weight with Leslie Sansone?



  • sweetslover22
    sweetslover22 Posts: 11 Member
    i know a few of my friends get together at aerobics class and been doing Lewslie Sansone Vids :) they lve it and they lost belly fat!! and some pounds!!
  • chinalavy
    chinalavy Posts: 104
    i know a few of my friends get together at aerobics class and been doing Lewslie Sansone Vids :) they lve it and they lost belly fat!! and some pounds!!
    i did the 5 miles one today burn almost 600 calories I could not believed it :noway:
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Yep. I've lost 19 lbs since June 29th and most of my workouts have been Leslie Sansone. I usually do 2-4 "miles" to get a good, sweaty workout. My favorite one is the DVD (the newest, I think) where you can select which workouts you want to play back to back. They're color-coded workouts. Blue is the best. :)

    I've found a couple of Sansone DVDs to be too lightweight to be a great calorie burn, but this one (the Ultimate 5-day Walk) really gets my heart rate going--if I do it with lot of intensity. I like to add more intense movement--kickback, arm movements and even some running sprints--when she's doing some tamer thing. But...purple is best! ;7)
  • Lesliemollett
    ok my question is if i workout to leslie sansone every other day and do like jillian michaels i can lose weight. i just didnt know if i could by walking in my home, so i just need to know. thanks
  • kakeladie
    I use Leslie Sansone DVDs EVERY DAY. I've lost 30 pounds since Sept. 30, 2013. I do 2 walks daily. I make myself walk at least 1 mile per matter what. LOVE her workouts. They are all fun and doable.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    LOVE Leslie Sansone DVD's. I used them when I first started out and I dropped a lot initially. I'm sure it was a combo of eating better and moving more. If you like them then you are more likely to stick with it and have better success.
  • TheresaTester
    TheresaTester Posts: 115 Member
    I love the Leslie Sansone DVDs. When I first started using them a year ago I could only do 2 miles at a time. I can do the 5 mile ones now, and I get a great workout at home. I use them 6 days a week early in the morning, right after eating breakfast. They are easy to understand and follow. I started at 173 pounds and am now at 149. I have also been watching my food intake and doing strength training at the fitness center.

    Leslie doesn't do impossible moves that take you a month to figure out how you'll make it work for yourself. Her 4 basic moves are Walk-in-Place, Side-Step, Kick, and Knee-Lift. I like that she acts just like a "normal person" on the DVDs, rather than a Drillmaster. She also does the entire workout with you, instead of just telling someone what to do and watching them do it while she barks out orders.:smile:
  • BellydanceBliss
    QUOTE: ok my question is if i workout to leslie sansone every other day and do like jillian michaels i can lose weight. i just didnt know if i could by walking in my home, so i just need to know. thanks

    Alternating your work outs every other day is very beneficial to trick your body into not going into plateaus. I had a hard time getting into Leslie dvds and even gave my mother 3 I got...but then my mom got the 3 mile Belly Fat dvd and I liked it so much I got one myself. I wanted it so supplement my walking up to 6 miles a day during the hotter months walking later in the day.

    I personally don't own any Jillian dvds, but I know people have had a lot of success with her. The Leslie dvd I have and mentioned I do the whole dvd and I do sweat and burn a lot of calories.