Recipes for picky eaters

Alright so I have a really hard time finding healthy recipes because I am SUCH a picky eater! It has nothing to do with not trying new things-- Put something new in front of me and I will definitely try it!... I just may not like it! I'm looking for things that I can generally make one night, and either freeze for the next few days or just put it in the fridge and maybe make a few meals out of it.

I have a hard time with vegetables, because I hate bell peppers and most other peppers (love the spice, hate the taste) that lots of recipes add to kind of bulk up or stretch meats--like when you add peppers and onions and other veggies to fajita meat to lower the calories and up your intake of vegetables.

I also have a hard time making salads because I don't care for vinaigrettes or most other low cal dressings... I usually use picante sauce (I might have an addiction to it...) and sometimes when I want something creamier I mix in a small amount of light sour cream, or greek yogurt.

Think recipes for kids. ;)

Eating healthier is probably the trickiest thing I'm dealing with right now. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    I have been obsessed with a recipe website, I recently made baked ziti and it was sooooo good. The recipe called for chopped spinach and I was going to leave it out, but I decided to put on my big girl pants on and try it. I chopped It really small and mixed it with the ricotta. There are a ton of great recipes. Check it out.
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    You can use any vegetable you want to bulk a recipe, just use what you eat? I often use zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli, and have never been able to eat bell peppers-so just work out what works for you. Also, what the user above suggested, have a look on some recipe based websites and adjust things to suit what you eat/don't eat. 'Picky eaters' is pretty vague, everyone likes and dislikes different things so there's no recipe for everyone. Cook with things you enjoy, replace things you don't with things you do, make your own recipes from scratch.
  • lajessska
    Sorry! I started on the vegetables thing and didn't really follow through with it. I find myself mostly having green beans with dinner because I can't really find any vegetables that I like.

    amfmmama-- I make something like that and it's my FAVORITE! I do love spinach though! Glad you tried it!! I'm finding that I WILL eat more cooked vegetables in recipes if they are finely chopped... I'm not sure if I have a textural issue with some things or not...
  • dedgjonator
    Im an extremely Picky Eater. I do have problems trying new food. The only way I can eat any vegetables is if I make a soup and blend it. Im the same with Fruit and have to juice it. In time I have managed to try lettuce and spinach. I definitely do not like Cucumber. I've juiced it and still can't stand it. That and Grapefruit. YUK
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    i'm not a big fan of vinaigrettes unless it's something simple I make myself and I find salad a bit overwhelming in that you have to eat a lot of volume to get a good amount of vegetables. Instead I keep tubs of baby spinach/arugula/kale etc on hand in the fridge. I add handfuls of it to stir-fries/soups etc. - just at the end of cooking to wilt it a bit. Or else I heat up a little olive oil in a pan and throw in couple of handfuls when the oil is hot. They wilt down in a couple of seconds. I add a sprinkle of salt and this is often the side to my meat or fish. Once they have wilted it's easier for me to eat a larger amount.

    I also like simply steamed green beans, or broccoli with a little olive oil and salt.