Can someone please look at my diary and explain?

dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
Hi everyone

I'll just let you know before you look at my diary - around about the 19th/20th January, I hadn't been logging (as much, theres blank days, half written in days) But I was just eating much and such the same as what I have been logging recently, I was just slacking for a while with the whole logging thing.

Just looked at my report on the last 180 days - I haven't lost weight at all, all it has been doing is fluctuating up and down and I am getting quite concerned, considering every week since about November, I have been doing fitness classes roughly about 4 times a week.

Example - Last Sunday I attended Metafit, CX Worx and Zumba all in that one morning. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Body Attack every week. And I try my best to attend Metafit and CX Worxs on Friday nights - doesn't happen every week.

If someone could PLEASE shed some light on the situation, I would be so grateful because I am starting to feel like I am wasting my time preparing my meals the night before and going to the supermarket to buy healthy food, attending all these fitness classes etc.

Thanks for any help xx

ALSO SHOULD ADD - I am 5'6... I weight 169lb or thereabouts anyway! Size UK 12.


  • skinnyclare
    skinnyclare Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ya

    I'm not an expert at this weight loss game, but had a quite browse over your last week have you tried cutting out bread as you seem to have it quite a lot. I have a slight wheat intolerance so I try not to eat it any more (very hard as I love it). You can really tell a difference after a few weeks of not having any. Do you drink plenty of water? As water does really help with weight loss.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i havent looked in your diary... but if you feel that eating healthy and doing regular exercise is a waste of time then you may as well stop now! arent you the least bit interested in your health at all!?
  • misswager
    misswager Posts: 67 Member
    your macro spits aren't the greatest.

    Macro- fat, carbs protein

    I am eating to loose weight slowly while building muscle and I eat

    122 g carbs per day, 22g fat (Fat macros is really hard to stick to for me. I always end up going a little over.)
    148 g protein thats for ME at 122lbs

    Your protein is LOW and the other macros aren't in good proportion

    eating healthy is hard, stick with it. tweak the ratios

    Also weight training & HIIT is superb for shifting fat Mike matthews has a superb book for women I love it
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    It's easy to forget portion sizes and what you've actually eaten if you are not logging.

    You are doing a lot of exercise, and on the days where you appear to have logged three meals calories are coming in way under.

    Some days you are eating a lot of overly processed foods, these are likely to be high in sugar and/or sodium.

    I would say log religiously for two to three weeks, reduce exercise a little, eat more unprocessed foods, eat all or close to the calories allocated for you to lose weight...and see how you go.
  • Hi! I think you should pay more attention to reach your total calories every day, 'cause eating less will slow down your metabolism.
    Also, it looks like you're not eating enough proteins, which is bad especially because you're quite active. Try to adjust these two factors and see what happens!
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    It's difficult to be sure, without a bigger dataset to look at, but I'd suggest the following:

    1. Make sure you log everything, carefully. Measure and weigh it all if the details aren't on the packet.
    2. Do it every single day - no days off. They're diet killers.
    3. Eat a little more. You really shouldn't be eating less than 1200 a day, even without the exercise.
    4. Eat back at least some of your exercise calories - I suggest 2/3rds of them, to allow for over-estimates.
    5. Do all the above for at least 2 weeks and see how you go.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm the same height as you, also a UK12 and I was 154lbs before getting pregnant. I was eating 1500 calories a day and making sure I got a lot of protein in. I also don't eat more than 2 slices of bread a day.

    So, if I were you I'd increase calories slightly, and cut down on things like breads and cans of soup. I think soup has a lot of salt in it. Try to have something like chicken or fish and veg for dinner rather than soup and bread.

    You're welcome to look at my food diary, although I've increased calories a bit for pregnancy. If you go back to before August that'll give you a better idea. I do eat pretty much the same things now though.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Hello, I took a look at your diary. I agree with skinnyclare that there's a lot of bread consumption. Bread can make you want to eat more bread depending on how your body handles carbs. I also see a lot of prepared foods in your diary. As much as you can, it's good to eat food as close to raw as possible. A calorie is not always a calorie. Some foods are harder to digest than others and it varies from one person to another. Pizza and ice cream stick to me like glue. There's so much trial and error with dieting. It's best to keep track of every thing and figure out what works best for you. If you wake up hungry, you're probably on the right track. One other thing to consider is eating 3-5 small meals a day. Large meals are hard on the body and they stretch the stomach. It's helpful to log your exercises under cardio. You may find out you need to eat more to lose weight. Too few calories will shut down your metabolism and put your body in starvation mode.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    eat more !!!!!
    1200 cals isnt enough
    and try to eat back some of your exercise calories
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    Is the most simple thing, if you are not losing weight then you are not in a caloric deficit, regardless of what your ratios are or what kind of food you eat. No food sticks to you like glue, unless you are eating above your maitinance level. @random poster.
    You may not be tracking right or may not be tracking everything you eat also
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    What do you drink? Do you ever have tea, coffee, soda?

    Are you weighing all your food?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Is the most simple thing, if you are not losing weight then you are not in a caloric deficit, regardless of what your ratios are or what kind of food you eat. No food sticks to you like glue, unless you are eating above your maitinance level. @random poster.
    You may not be tracking right or may not be tracking everything you eat also

    Please explain to me now I lost more weight when I increased my calories from 1200 to 1500 then? By your theory I should've lost less as I had a smaller deficit.

    Some foods don't agree with people. I don't lose as well if I eat lots of pasta and bread, yet slimming world (lots of pasta) works for some people.
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    i havent looked in your diary... but if you feel that eating healthy and doing regular exercise is a waste of time then you may as well stop now! arent you the least bit interested in your health at all!?

    I asked for help - not unnecesary comments - I am interested in my health, hence why I am on myfitnesspal and asking for help.

    Thanks everyone else for your comments taking everything on board - I only drink water, never soda or alcohol. I think I should be eating more - I find it quite hard to eat up my calories so i shall try harder at that. I will also take on board the bread consumption and try cut that down.

    I do measure my food - and on times when I dont, i always over estimate the calories.

    Longisland - i log everything religiously. I dont think its that simple.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i havent looked in your diary... but if you feel that eating healthy and doing regular exercise is a waste of time then you may as well stop now! arent you the least bit interested in your health at all!?

    I asked for help - not unnecesary comments - I am interested in my health, hence why I am on myfitnesspal and asking for help.

    i'm not sure why you are so offended... i simply meant there is more to life than a number on a scale... you can stay the same weight but improve your health, fitness and reduce bodyfat.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    It's difficult to be sure, without a bigger dataset to look at, but I'd suggest the following:

    1. Make sure you log everything, carefully. Measure and weigh it all if the details aren't on the packet.
    2. Do it every single day - no days off. They're diet killers.
    3. Eat a little more. You really shouldn't be eating less than 1200 a day, even without the exercise.
    4. Eat back at least some of your exercise calories - I suggest 2/3rds of them, to allow for over-estimates.
    5. Do all the above for at least 2 weeks and see how you go.

    I agree with this.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    i havent looked in your diary... but if you feel that eating healthy and doing regular exercise is a waste of time then you may as well stop now! arent you the least bit interested in your health at all!?

    I asked for help - not unnecesary comments - I am interested in my health, hence why I am on myfitnesspal and asking for help.

    i'm not sure why you are so offended... i simply meant there is more to life than a number on a scale... you can stay the same weight but improve your health, fitness and reduce bodyfat.
    That is not the way the original post came across,
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Hiya. So I've had a look at 3 or 4 days and here's what I can see,

    The numbers look good (if a little low) but you have a lot of 'generic' entries in there - get a bit more specific with your logging.

    Personally, those macros would not work for me (you're over on fat sometimes despite eating loads of low fat products). I personally, need a good bit more protein (fills you up and helps preserve lean mass) and fat than that - try having a fiddle with those percentages.

    Again, personally, I try to stear clear of 'diet' foods. Things that are marketed as 'diet', 'low- fat', 'healthy eating' tend to be full of hidden nasties - fat is not your enemy and is needed for the bodies functions.

    Also if you are only doing cardio try throwing some strength training into the mix.

    And take measurements and photos - sometimes these results are way better than anything you see on a scale.

    Don't give up :) hope this helps, good luck with it.

    ETA: fellow scot, same height (sadly not age) - feel free to add.
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I've had a quick look at your diary, like others have said, I personally would cut out some of the bread, I find bread really bloats me out, try and watch your Marcos, eating enough carbs, protein and fat and drink plenty of water.

    Good luck.
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    It's easy to forget portion sizes and what you've actually eaten if you are not logging.

    You are doing a lot of exercise, and on the days where you appear to have logged three meals calories are coming in way under.

    Some days you are eating a lot of overly processed foods, these are likely to be high in sugar and/or sodium.

    I would say log religiously for two to three weeks, reduce exercise a little, eat more unprocessed foods, eat all or close to the calories allocated for you to lose weight...and see how you go.

    Hi thank you for the advice - i didnt realise I had been eating overly processed foods, if someone could let me know which foods is the overly processed ones I shall try avoid them in future :) I have usually been buying fresh meat/veg from the supermarket and then cooking it for lunch the next day and having homemade soup at dinner time but im not an expert on food and which food is processed etc etc so need some advice with what to cut out :)
  • dxc92
    dxc92 Posts: 138 Member
    I think bread may be my problem then - tonight I will be having no bread for lunch and dinner :) will try cut that out for a week or 2, re weigh myself and see if i notice a difference :)
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