Need motivation.

I have been doing this calorie counting and exercise (even increasing exercise time to 50 mins) 6 days a week for about 2 weeks now and been pretty strict for the most part, but somehow I am not happy about the results on the scales. I feel fit, energetic and possibly even looking better (from what hubby says), but I am not what? I feel like quitting but I have to make these changes for a healhthier me. Any support and success stories would come handy now from my mfp pals!!

Has this happened to you? Does it get better?


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I have been doing this calorie counting and exercise (even increasing exercise time to 50 mins) 6 days a week for about 2 weeks now and been pretty strict for the most part, but somehow I am not happy about the results on the scales. I feel fit, energetic and possibly even looking better (from what hubby says), but I am not what? I feel like quitting but I have to make these changes for a healhthier me. Any support and success stories would come handy now from my mfp pals!!

    Has this happened to you? Does it get better?
  • klarson
    klarson Posts: 43 Member
    Have you taken measurements? Sometimes it helps to see lost inches even if the dreaded scale is not moving in the right direction. I hope that helps! Keep it up! You'll feel better for it!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im having the same problem right now....what a RUT! I need help too:) lol
  • Fit2btied
    Fit2btied Posts: 486
    Feeling fit and energetic is huge! Keep it up...the progress that is slow will stick!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    You'd be surprised how many people say this! Keep up the great work...make sure you are eating all the calories you have to eat so that your body doesn't think you are trying to deprive it! I promise, it may be slower than you want and be a hard journey, you will get there! Don't give up! Once you lose the first 2-3 pounds you will feel motivated and renewed in your confidence. It will happen. I have been doing this since January, some weeks, even months, made me mad because I didn't see a single pound drop and then...suddenly...there would 3 lbs. gone. Just keep can do it!!!
  • veedee
    veedee Posts: 26
    Stay with it!!!!! I have been doing it for 5 weeks, I lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks but for the past 2 weeks the scale has not budged despite upping the exercise and never going over the calories limit and eating my exercise calories, and I started feeling like throwing in the towel too. My walking buddy just went down 2 lbs this week after no movement on the scale for 3 weeks so I am hoping that I will see results next week or the week after. You will too. You are doing everything right and doesn't it feel great just to have more energy and I would trust your husband, he can see the difference! Just keep it up!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    and remember that not everyone is the same.

    Some folks lose alot the first week, some lose none the first week. the key is to stick with it!

    When i first started i was frustrated, because some folks were losing in a week what i have lost in 4 months!! but everyone is different, the main thing is that you are healthy!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Don't forget guys...if you plateau for quite a few weeks you may want to actually up your calories for a day or two. You never want your body to get in the same old routine...expecting the same workout, the same calories, the same workout time and length and the same meal times. Change it up every once in a while...I swear it works! You make your metabolism work harder!

    Read this post by may help out a lot!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Thanks girls!
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    3 weeks later - I LOST 2 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    yes I have been here before. I have gone down from a size 24 to a 16 and when I look in the mirror i see the same thing as I did at a size 24 I don't know why that is. I even see the scales go down. Then I get out my fat picture and I see what I have done and it keeps me motivated. So what I do sometimes is I kept one pair of size 24 pants and I put them on just so I can watch them fall to the floor and that helps too.

    You can get past this I just find something to help me like I just mentioned.

    You will do great and DON"T give up!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • honeybunchthree
    honeybunchthree Posts: 76 Member
    Please dont give up. Keep at it. When those results you want to see appear, you are going to be so glad you kept at it.
    I walked every other day for a month before I started feeling better, and another 2 weeks faithfully everyday, before seeing results. In the beginning you gotta grit your teeth and stick with it. :happy:
  • overthehillsandfaraway
    It's rough but you're definitely on the right path. Keep the faith and strive for nothing less of success. There will be rough days but once you've subjugated those tribulations, you'll definitely start seeing the results you've been working so hard for.