
Hi, I have been a member here for a few weeks and have only just discovered the message boards! I am 25, from Somerset in the UK and I am looking to lose a total of 3 stone. I am 5 foot 3 and 11 stone 5 (I was 12 stone 2 weeks ago!).

I have gone from not eating breakfast or lunch at all and having a large salty greasy dinner and several packerts of crisps a night as well as nothing to drink but Coke, Coffee and 2 or 3 energy drinks per day to a healthy breakfast and lunch and a low calorie dinner and 2-3 litres of water per day. Struggling with exercise at the moment as I appear to have no stamina at all!! I bought some running shoes today though and my plan is to go for a long walk when I am free to do so and break in to a gentle jog and build it up that way.

I am meant to be eating 1200 calories per day but so far have only been having between 900 and 1000? I have lost 8 or 9lbs in 2 weeks though.... I am not quite sure what i am doing right or wrong yet...

Sorry for ranting, that is enough about me. I am hoping to meet/chat to others doing a similar thing. It's always good to have extra motivation and someone that won't be bored by constant food talk haha :) xxx


  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    Hello, I am just discovering the message board also. The last go on here I kept to myself. Not sure why because there is a lot of good info out here.

    Sounds like you have made some big changes in right direction. Small steps in exercise are better than none at all! Are you satisfied on the low amount of calories?

    Good luck!
  • Trishsimon
    Hi there,
    You would have had a good weigh loss because your diet has changed so dramatically from skipping meal and greasy food to healthy lunches and dinner, also breakfast is a really important meal so never miss it.

    What I would say is make sure to eat you recommended calories ie. 1200 as if you don't you will feel tired and have no energy plus your body will start to store fat to try give you energy, you can get you calories from fruit such as rasberrys, strawberries, apples etc as they have got calories although good ones plus they are know to help with metabolism.
    For exercise start off slow like 2 x 30 min walks per week dont make exercise a thing where you dread it and gradually buid it up, plus I would recommend not drinking any fizzy drinks as they are full of hidden sugars.
    Best of luck !
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    I’ve read somewhere on here that every time someone eats less than 1200 calories per day, an innocent kitten dies and an angel chokes on its own vomit! :wink:
  • Kargicq
    Kargicq Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I'm new here too: I've got 4 stone to lose, and have made a good start. Don't fret if the weight loss slows down after the first fortnight, as the first stuff to disappear seems to be water that's been trapped in the body with salty foods.

    I've also heard that it's wise to keep above 1200 calories -- if you start losing too fast, apparently your body can go into survival mode and slow down your metabolism, hanging on to every last calorie! Mind, I'm eating way more than that (being a fairly bulky chap).

    Welcome aboard, and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to compare notes!
  • IamLee1987
    IamLee1987 Posts: 15 Member

    I have just started using MFP properly from 27th Jan having been signed up for a year (i kept quitting)

    I am taking the same approach to exercise as you, I am walking for now and will hopefully slowly build it up. the only issue I have is that we do not have showers at work and I tend to do my walking on the way to work and during my lunch breaks, I don't think my colleagues would appreciate me running into work and sitting next to them.

    As for the calories, my intake guide is 1829kcal and i normally get around the 1200-1300 mark, I think as long as I am not hungry after eating that amount it can't be a problem right?! so I guess so long as you are not starving yourself and your stomach is honestly feeling satisfied with the amount you are eating, you are fine. (i'm no professional so this is just my opinion)

    As for the lack of stamina, I am the same, but eating right and light exercise, such as walking, is said to improve your stamina and energy levels meaning we should soon have the energy to go for a jog/run and then that will just increase your energy and stamina further. I hope so!!!

    I wish you the best of luck with your goals and feel free to add me if you like (this goes to everyone on MFP)
  • LeanneHarrington3
    LeanneHarrington3 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks everyone! I hope no kittens have been harmed :wink: haha
    I feel full on the 900 cals! I have breakfast, lunch, dinner, a light snack somewhere inbetween such as 2 low fat cream crackers with houmous on and 2 or 3 litres of water per day. My Partner and MFP keeps telling me my body will be in starvation mode? I don't understand how I can cram in another 300 calories when eating as I am leaves me full?
  • LeanneHarrington3
    LeanneHarrington3 Posts: 100 Member
    Also, I can't eat fruit, salad or raw veg! I suffer from something called Oral Allergy Syndrome which means that because of the pollen on fresh fruit etc my tongue and lips swell and i end up with my mouth covered in blisters for a good 15 mins after or sometimes longer and the soreness stays for ages. I have however been bunging a load of apples grapes spinach bananas etc into the blender and literally chugging it down in one so I end up with all the symptoms done and dusted in one go lol. But it's still really unpleasant!