Social media (Facebook) friends selling weight loss/fitness

I have a few friends on Facebook who have been making essentially every post about the latest endorsments to weight loss methods (some 12 times a day). I realize that they get money off for distrubuting or whatever, but I (personally) don't think they realize what kind of impression they are giving off. And also (not in a mean way) but most of them don't physically appear to have weight loss results that I would want to mirror.

Yes, de-friending them is an option. However, my sister is now doing it. She has tried every quick weight loss gimmick out there (everything short of long term diet and exercise) Shakeology, herbal wraps, CU24, beachology, etc. She's spent hundreds of dollars a month on this stuff, and tells me that she can't save $150 a month to save for her wedding...

So, this is more of a gripe than advice, but I'd like to see responses. Is anyone else seeing posts like these? Have you just ignored the statuses and event invitations? Have you confronted them?


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I hide them from my newsfeed. That way I can still go to their page and check in with them if I want to, but I don't have to see the propaganda every time I log in.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I hide them from my newsfeed. That way I can still go to their page and check in with them if I want to, but I don't have to see the propaganda every time I log in.

    This is what I do.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I hide them from my newsfeed. That way I can still go to their page and check in with them if I want to, but I don't have to see the propaganda every time I log in.

    This is what I do.


    I'm quite confident half of the people I've grown up with are selling/distributing Herbalife. If I see one more post about their being a "coach" I might stab them and show them how strong I've become through EATING healthy and EXERCISING!
  • ksparrows
    I ended up hiding all of the people who are turning their facebook page into a sale page. Not just weight loss stuff either. I check up on them every few days though. I just don't want to be pitched, every day. ugh
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    I hide them from my newsfeed. That way I can still go to their page and check in with them if I want to, but I don't have to see the propaganda every time I log in.

  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    if they are a close friend, a verbal slapping would be in order, for "acquaintances", meh, your money, your life.
  • ksparrows
    I hide them from my newsfeed. That way I can still go to their page and check in with them if I want to, but I don't have to see the propaganda every time I log in.

    This is what I do.


    I'm quite confident half of the people I've grown up with are selling/distributing Herbalife. If I see one more post about their being a "coach" I might stab them and show them how strong I've become through EATING healthy and EXERCISING!

    That is the worst! I had one of them message me privately. (she must have known I hid her from my feed lol) Its bad enough when its on my news feed, but to message me about it...too much.
  • Trishkit
    Trishkit Posts: 290 Member
    I have family and friends who are doing it as well, which I find frustrating. The thing is, it's against Facebook's terms of use to use personal profiles for profit. That's what the business pages are for! I have no problem with people saying, personally, "Oh my goodness, I'm absolutely in love with X Product!" once, but to push it several times a day to try to get business is quite annoying. And yes, if I can't see clearly that this amazing product you're pushing is making a difference with your own health/life, I'm not inclined to try it at all.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I actually have a lady friend that has been talking about her journey on Advocare preparing for a competition. I haven't said anything to her though. I just let it go. It's odd though cause this girl is fit. I'm talking, 9% body fat, competes and wins fitness competitions fit. I can't understand why she uses it when she got to 9% without it...
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Very good points. I went ahead and bit the bullet and I hid their statuses... I feel both good and bad about it. But it's their own dang fault. Once they get their priorities straight, then we can be social media friends.
  • baggleflap
    baggleflap Posts: 9 Member
    I turn off notifications and let them spout to ppl who care. I have a 'friend' who just started using "name your product" and all of a sudden he's a 'certified nutrition coach' and trying to sell it to everyone. If someone is a vegetarian, I don't tell them they need to eat a hamburger. Same with Paleo. I don't tell them that meat is evil. What ever works for that individual.

    I AM guilty of posting about all the processed foods on grocery shelves that the companies try to pass off as 'natural'. I just recently started doing research about artificial ingredients and GMOs and processed foods and was surprised and saddened about my findings. I'm trying to change MYSELF. If someone wants to eat cheese puffs for every meal then more power to them. If they unfriend me because they are HAPPY to eat cheese puffs and don't want to know about artificial foods, that's okay. That's for them to decide. BTW, my daughter's brain turns off when I mention anything about all the white bread, sugar and soda she drinks. To each their own.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I hide them from my newsfeed. That way I can still go to their page and check in with them if I want to, but I don't have to see the propaganda every time I log in.

    If you "like" a page on fb it will show up in your feeds (as well as your friends likes) I usually just block them from my newsfeed.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    You can block them and also report them as spam. I took great delight in banning "he who must not be named" (a certain TV celebrity physician sell-out) from my feed (do not even want to type the name lest he end up on my news feed again). It was a glorious day.
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I have always hidden them from my newsfeed but I haven't got that option now, I had to stop following them. Luckily, I don't get posts like that, :smile: