Any Theatre Performers/Dancers out there?

Looking for a support group of theatre, musical theatre, singers, and dancers!
You all know just how hard our industry is on the body both physically and emotionally so I'm looking for some friends while I try to lose this weight and get fit :)


  • KrisOfVices
    I'm into all of that, though not the best at dancing, I'm hoping to make it in both live theatre and on-screen.
  • KrisOfVices
    Oh yea, I am a male. If the picture didn't give it away. :laugh: But I do hear and see how stressed a lot of theatre women get about weight.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Yes but I'm mostly amateur if that isn't a dirty word for you! :D

    I teach drama/dance and direct shows but my own performing and dancing is just amateur.
  • AileenElizaFitz
    AileenElizaFitz Posts: 20 Member
    Ugh. I know in the long run it'll be worth it, but right now its just so hard.
    I just had that whether I eat pizza or a salad for can determine whether or not I get a job.
    You know?

    Its nice to know others are out there.
  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    Hi all! I quit dancing about 2 years ago and got really upset and gained alot of weight. I just started again and want to improve my body and self image! Add me fellow performers!
