he doesnt mind but i do

so i have a fiance that tells me he loves me the way i am but i am truely unhappy. i want and know i need to loose at least 175lbs and am ready to start with small manageable goals. r wedding is set for this august and i am determined not to walk down the aisle in a size 28 dress. i am desperate for as much support as i can possible get. my fiance does support me and goes to the gym with me but at the same time he also tells me he loves me as i am and i sometimes fall off the wagon when i hear those words. if there is any advice you have for me pls let me know, i surely will appreciate it!!:sad:


  • christasibley
    christasibley Posts: 28 Member
    Log. EVERYDAY,make it routine. Make it fun. If you enjoy it it wont feel like a punishment. this thing can set a reminder for you...idk if its just the on phone app or not but i have it on my phone as well as the computer and have an alarm set to remind me. you can do that too. and put a calendar on the fridge and mark everyday you do good and workout. it helps to have a visual. :) surround yourself with people going through the same struggle as you. everyone here is trying to better themselves but our struggles are all different. and don't forget you're human you'll make mistakes,don't punish yourself just brush it off and keep on trying. eventually you'll get there. just love yourself because clearly he does. do it for you. good luck!!! feel free to add me if you need some extra support. i got you girl!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    If this was me in your shoes, I would have a chat with my fiance and tell him something along these lines: I am happy that you love me the way that I am. However, I am not happy the way that I am. I would feel better about myself if I lost x amount of weight. I have a goal to lose x amount before I walk down the aisle to you. It would help me out a lot if you would cheer me on and encourage me toward my goal.

    Gather a support system here on MFP. It's really weird how complete strangers can push you toward your goal. But it helps immensely. Choose a reasonable calorie goal and log every bite that you take and every calorie that you drink. It won't be long at all until the pounds start coming off.