Newbie to Ketosis diet, need advice

Hi all ! I'm a super paranoid dieter and the idea of consuming so much fat on the Keto diet is scary to me. I just don't know if I'm doing it right. Can anyone look at my food log and let me know if they think I'm around where I should be as far as daily carbs/ fat/ calories etc ?

Thanks !!


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Hard to give advice without knowing your current height, weight, activity level and type, body fat percentage.

    That said, the amount of food you're eating, you should probably be doing this under medical supervision because it is dangerously low.

    Are you doing ketosis for PCOS, or just into the diet fad aspect of it?
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    800 calories as your goal is absurdly low. 58 grams of fat is not that many. Also, your protein intake is too low at 50 grams. Don't get hung up on how many grams of fat you consume, all that matters for weight loss is your total calorie intake.
  • Sorry - I'm 5 foot 4 inches and weigh 130

    Yes I'm doing it for PCOS - I know, I need to update my profile
  • Hard to give advice without knowing your current height, weight, activity level and type, body fat percentage.

    That said, the amount of food you're eating, you should probably be doing this under medical supervision because it is dangerously low.

    Are you doing ketosis for PCOS, or just into the diet fad aspect of it?

    I'm 5'4" and 130 and, yes doing it for PCOS and trying to lose a few winter pounds I put on haha
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I am not doing a keto diet but I try to stick to ~25% of my calories from carbs, 25% from protein and 55% from fat. I have been eating this way mostly (holidays aside) for a year or more. Fats will help you feel full, are broken down relatively slowly and cannot be instantaneously converted to adipose tissue. They are just as scary as any other macro (which is not scary).

    However, you can't cut carbs and not up something else. You must consume food - in whatever ratio works best for you. Keto isn't about eating super low calorie; that's only going to make you feel tired. I'm not exactly sure what you want advice on. To make the calorie thing more clear, 800 calories a day will sustain approximately three 10lb cats.

    I'm 5'0" and 125 lbs right now. I eat between 1500 and 1800 calories a day normally and up to 2000 on workout days. I'm maintaining at those numbers.
  • JordanInMT
    JordanInMT Posts: 29 Member
    Your calories are too low... your Basal Metabolic Rate is over 1300kcal daily.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member

    This is what I came up with, using this, for you:

    Here are your personal macros:

    1524 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    25 g Carbohydrates (7%, 100 kcal)
    75 g Protein (20%, 300 kcal)
    125 g Fat (73%, 1124 kcal)
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member

    This is what I came up with, using this, for you:

    Here are your personal macros:

    1524 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    25 g Carbohydrates (7%, 100 kcal)
    75 g Protein (20%, 300 kcal)
    125 g Fat (73%, 1124 kcal)

    Do this! 800 is WAY too low, especially on keto. Unless you're doing a fat fast, but even if you were doing that, you should be eating 1000 calories and ONLY for 2-5 days. I would suggest you eat what the keto calculator above gave you and stick to that. I eat a little bit more than that and am losing weight. I'm also a bit taller than you are.
  • Definitely follow what others have posted regarding your intake ( And, do not be afraid of the fat, but make SURE you are eating GOOD fats: butter from pastured cows (kerrygold), true EVOO, MCT oil, anything coconut, good nuts, etc. Do not consume the so-called healthy oils, like canola and corn, etc.

    For fat loss, you can reduce the protein, but do not reduce the fat. Look at other sites like bulletproof executive and fatburningman. Highly informative and transformative.