I have officially logged for a month - Now I need friends!

Now that I have reached my goal of logging for a full month, without missing a beat may I add, I am looking for any motivational/inspirational friends! I have only lost 5lbs, and have a LOT LOT more to go. My start weight is 273, current weight 268, goal weight 160. I would love to have any friends of any size with any goals, and definitely some at the beginner's weight loss stage (like me!).

I am very active on my open food log, and would be more active otherwise if I had others to chat with (I only have a few friends IRL that use MFP). I am quite active on a fitness Tumblr account that I have created, so if that is something that interests you I can help you with that (lots of motivational people, pictures, conversations). I enjoy healthy food & I like the way it makes me feel, but I am not perfect by any means! Food & drink are my strong suit this time around for weight loss. Previously the food aspect was my biggest struggle. I went through a bought with an eating disorder when I was younger, but have overcome that obstacle and am ready to do it the right way!

After having twins my body has changed. Exercise isn't easy with chasing two 18 month olds around in a New England winter, but I do my best. I could definitely use some motivation on the exercise aspect! You can comment here for me to add you, or just add me! :)


  • leachjg
    leachjg Posts: 63 Member
    Sent you a request. I've been on MFP for two years now.
  • It will be a month for me on saturday have lost 7 pounds so far hopefully 8 by Saturday. Great job on reaching one month thats a great accomplishment. Twins that must be a lot I have a 2 year old and a 12 year old and there exhausting lol
  • Stay motivated. I do a lot of exercise with DVD's,and games (Wii). If you have cable, you can also find exercises on there to use.