Question about eggs!



  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Eat your eggs!

    My current favourite way:
    1. Beat up a bunch of eggs and season to taste (I use greek seasoning and some thyme a lot), set aside
    2. Rough chop and brown a bunch of bacon spam
    3. Toss in a bunch of diced onions and brown
    4. Toss in a bunch of sorta chopped up spinach or baby kale and just mix it in to start it wilting
    5. Whisk the eggs one last time and then pour over everything.
    6. Cook eggs until done, stirring a lot so that every inch gets bacon spam and onions and spinach
    7. Plate, toss fresh avocado on top, pour on the cholula
    8. EAT
  • TomfromNY
    TomfromNY Posts: 100 Member
    Eat the eggs. And don't throw away the yolks - that's the good stuff.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I love eggs. I mean, I REALLY love eggs. But I'm concerned about eating them because I understand that they're pretty high in cholesterol. I don't have a whole lot to worry about right now as far as that's concerned - my last checkup actually said my cholesterol levels were great! - but I am concerned about it being a problem later on as I get older, since the rest of my family has issues with it.

    I tend to eat a lot of eggs in a week. Maybe a minimum of six a week or so. I'm not a big fan of the yolk, so I don't eat that much, maybe every now and then, but the egg whites, most definitely.

    Should I be concerned that I'm maybe eating too many eggs? Should I cut back?

    Eggs are nutritionally one of the best things for you and cholesterol is your friend as all your hormones are synthesized from cholesterol and many of your immune responses depend on it. The yolks contain pretty much all the micronutrients and you should try to eat 3 yolks per day.

    That being said if you are truly concerned have a lipid panel done with hsCRP and make sure your trigylcerides are low and your cholesterol is in the right range. You want to have your hsCRP is below 1 as this is the marker for inflammation. Also you are going to want to check blood sugar and A1C to make sure your are not insulin resistant. The book Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore is a great reference on this subject.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Eggs, and fat in your food for that matter, will not raise your cholesterol.

    I eat probably a dozen eggs a week, sometimes more, sometimes less, and my macros are set at 30% protein, 10% carbs, and 60% fat. Following this diet for the last 6+ months, my cholesterol has dropped 18 points, my good cholesterol is up 6, and my triglycerides are down 89 points.

    Enjoy your eggs!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Eat all the eggs!
  • Eggs are wonderful and cholesterol is good for your Brain especially the bad LDL. Read "Grain Brain" by David Perlmutter. Just read the 800+ 5 star customer reviews to see why this book is a very imporant book to read and share with your family. The Ketogenic Diet is detailed in this book and is not hard to follow.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Eating saturated fats contributes more to serum cholesterol levels than does eating foods high in cholesterol.
    Yup, it raises HDL which is good and it contributes to good LDL which is also good. Moderation.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Eggs are wonderful and cholesterol is good for your Brain especially the bad LDL. Read "Grain Brain" by David Perlmutter. Just read the 800+ 5 star customer reviews to see why this book is a very imporant book to read and share with your family. The Ketogenic Diet is detailed in this book and is not hard to follow.
  • As others have said, cholesterol is in the yolk almost exclusively so you will be fine for definite. Regardless, eating yolks is not a problem and they are extremely nutritious. Perhaps eating a ridiculous amount of eggs is fine but 2-3 /day is not an issue.
  • The guy from smashmouth ate 24 eggs, and he's better than fine, he's an all-star. OP you can do it
  • angel_of_harmony
    angel_of_harmony Posts: 188 Member
    Yeah, as the others said nothing wrong with eggs! I eat at least 3 a day. And mostly eat the egg yolk as well!

    Enjoy your eggs:

    Your gif totally made my night. :)

    OP: If you are concerned only about cholesterol, you should also be aware of how much fat, sugar and carbohydrates you are eating. Without proper exercise, excess amounts of these will contribute to high cholesterol (especially triglycerides).

    I personally love hard boiled eggs but only eat them on occasion due to the amount of fat that they have.

    I recommend egg beaters if you'd like to find another healthy alternative; they are made from egg whites. :)
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    The cholesterol scare in eggs was from years ago and has been disproved as far as them being bad for you. As long as you can fit them into your calories for the day, enjoy them ! I eat eggs as well as egg whites. The whites when I want more eggs for a big omelet etc without the extra calories and the regular egg because I love the yoke, especially for dipping my toast ! I also love hard boiled eggs for my salad, not every salad but I gotta mix it up because I eat lots of salad since I started eating right !!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    I love eggs. I mean, I REALLY love eggs. But I'm concerned about eating them because I understand that they're pretty high in cholesterol. I don't have a whole lot to worry about right now as far as that's concerned - my last checkup actually said my cholesterol levels were great! - but I am concerned about it being a problem later on as I get older, since the rest of my family has issues with it.

    I tend to eat a lot of eggs in a week. Maybe a minimum of six a week or so. I'm not a big fan of the yolk, so I don't eat that much, maybe every now and then, but the egg whites, most definitely.

    Should I be concerned that I'm maybe eating too many eggs? Should I cut back?

    Six eggs is not a lot actually, eggs are a fantastic food.

    I eat three per day, which is 21 per week, both the yolk and the white.

    Unless you have a history of cholesterol problems, nothing wrong with eggs.
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    Eggs are VERY good for you. Good source of protein, and low in calories. They wont make your cholesterol bad. Studies have been debunked. Honestly you shouldn't even listen to half of these studies, as most of them are proven wrong at some point.
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Eggs are good, in fact I just put some to boil... lol
  • izzane
    izzane Posts: 6 Member
    nope if you make it healty there is no problem and the egg whites is the best way to go if you want to loose weight. some weeks i eat up to 10 eggs and other weeks just one, it depends on my menu for the week that i want to follow, i like changing my diet every week or so.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Eat all the eggs!


    I was eating upwards of a 10-12 A DAY.

    go for it.
  • mekkzy888
    mekkzy888 Posts: 100 Member
    I was a little concerned about this too as I've been eating egg whites at least once a day for protein and giving the spare yolks to my dog as she loves them and I've heard they're very good for a shiny coat! ;p Nice to know eggs don't actually deserve their bad reputation.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Eggs are VERY good for you. Good source of protein, and low in calories. They wont make your cholesterol bad. Studies have been debunked. Honestly you shouldn't even listen to half of these studies, as most of them are proven wrong at some point.
    Most studies are correct, but as far as studies on eggs go, the studies that show the cholesterol as being beneficial have been around for decades, they're just interpreted differently with more recent understanding of cholesterol and lipids in general. Don't get me wrong, there's many studies today that still show eggs to be deleterious to our health because sometimes studies are to support a bias and the data is skewed to show that bias. That's why you really need to read many studies for the same thing, so you understand and be aware their may be some of that at play.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I eat sooooo many eggs and I get bloodwork done annually at the doctor. Everything is always perfect. I'm pretty convinced cholesterol problems are more genetic and less the foods we eat. Kind of like diabetics should limit their carbs, people with high cholesterol should limit their cholesterol. But I'm not a doctor and I could very well be wrong. . .in which case my cholesterol will be terrible within a few years, I'm sure of it.