what motivates/made you want to lose weight?

Ok, I need to know guys. What motivated you to lose weight ? What keeps you determined every day to stick at it and what do you do to stop yourself binging??

For me was putting on 3 stones in 1 year! I became bulimic but my motivation is my family, being happy and new clothes that fit!


  • Sunnylittlezipper
    Being unhealthy and my doctor telling me that my overall health would improve if I lost the weight. That, and looking at myself in pictures. When I feel like I don't want to work out, I force myself to go to the gym. Just physically drive there, and then because I'm there, I'm like, well might as well do something. I also love love love the feeling after a workout. I also love having more energy and seeing results. You can do it! I hope this helped :)
  • memi84
    memi84 Posts: 2
    Tired of being the weight I have been for a while now. I stay motivated by not giving myself a backup option. I must do it to achieve the goals I intended to get to. Introducing various things gradually such as exercise and if I have to have a "treat" not having it often enough to get me hooked and throwing in the whole process so far.

    If we were paid to do this, we might do a better job than if we weren't so I suppose it's telling yourself there is no other option, turning on the switch and not turning it off again. Also not over thinking about it all too much, deciding you're going to do it and getting on with it otherwise time to rethink the choices and back out, which is not an option.

    So self focus is important but not to the point you over think everything and get disheartened.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I decided I was sick of being "the fat chick" in pictures on FaceBook. Sounds silly, but it got me off my *kitten*.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Over the holidays, a comment was made about being comfortable with "being fat". Then, I had foot surgery in December. Nothing like sitting in a chair for 4 weeks with the word "fat" running through my head, to get me motivated. I'm not ok being fat. I don't want to be fat. I want to be healthy, happy and live the life I deserve. Part of being happy, healthy and living for me is getting rid of the weight. I'm more motivated now then ever before.
  • DonaldChadDavis
    DonaldChadDavis Posts: 89 Member
    I need to loose another 40lbs or so to qualify for heart transplant surgery and get on the list (in the future). That's pretty motivating, I guess.
  • cacasey76
    I've spent the last ten years being overwhelmed by how far I have to go to be healthy again. While being overwhelmed I ate and ate and ate and gained so much weight. Now every time I want to quit I concentrate on the pain and discomfort in my body. When I think of eating I visualize every picture of myself that I can recall that makes me recoil in disgust. I remind myself that I will never finish the journey if I don't keep moving forward. I tell myself a hundred times a day. Don't stop moving, if you stop moving you die.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    The sight of my body and all the health conditions my parents have been fighting. My dad has been diabetic for seventeen years now and had a 3-month hospital stay in 2011 due to surgery complications, and my mom is having both of her knees replaced within the next six months that have taken a huge hit due to her size.