Diet Critique?



  • zionarbadon
    zionarbadon Posts: 27 Member
    I'll put berries on the grocery list and get whatever looks the most fresh. I only drink the shake cause 1) it's tasty and 2) I have a hard time when I get up at 4:30am but I don't have any issues drinking. I have found it gets my metabolism going too, I'd normally not get hungry till late in the afternoon until I started drinking the shake when I wake up and and I'm hungry by 8am lol.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Srsly dude... eat more. Take a look at my diary.... go back a few days. Then compare it to yours. Eat more; you can do it and still lose..
  • zionarbadon
    zionarbadon Posts: 27 Member
    Just to be clear, i'm not restricting my calories, I'm just eating what fills me up. I just want to make sure that's clear. I understand that I need to eat more. I've made progress, when I first switched to not eating out, I was only getting about 1k a day, I've worked up to 1500-1800. I guess I gotta push myself to get used to eating a little bit more.
  • betweenthesedays
    betweenthesedays Posts: 15 Member
    Biggest missing for me is the veggies, but you don't like veggies so maybe we can troubleshoot there. What about veggies you can add in with your eggs? Do you like peppers? Green, yellow, red, orange though the red/orange/yellow are sweeter and might be more palatable. Onions? Yellow, white, red, sweet. Slice them up thin and then sautee before your eggs. Spinach? It's fairly mild and when it wilts down you can turn a lot of spinach into less volume. Potatoes? Hashbrowns are nice and you can buy them in the freezer/produce dept to cut down on prep.

    Bananas are good for potassium, but cantalope is even better. Add in a slice of cantalope with your eggs, veggies, and hashbrowns and you've got a good mix of fiber and vitamins.

    Is there a salad dressing you like? Even a little iceberg lettuce salad like you can get in the bag along with your lunch sandwich would help. If you can conquer the simple salad then you can embellish it with some beans or other vegetables.

    Is it a texture thing? A sensory thing?

    If it's not that, then maybe start small. When you go grocery shopping pick one vegetable to try. Look up a few recipes online and try it multiple ways. Maybe you hate it raw, but love it sauteed or baked or pan fried or steamed. If you like it, put it in regular rotation. If you hate it, drop it off the list and move on. The next week pick another one, lather, rinse, repeat. If you make your way through the entire produce department, then swing back around to your dislikes and try them again. Tastes change and multiple exposures to new foods is usually what it takes.

    :0) You can do it!
  • zionarbadon
    zionarbadon Posts: 27 Member
    Biggest missing for me is the veggies, but you don't like veggies so maybe we can troubleshoot there. What about veggies you can add in with your eggs? Do you like peppers? Green, yellow, red, orange though the red/orange/yellow are sweeter and might be more palatable. Onions? Yellow, white, red, sweet. Slice them up thin and then sautee before your eggs. Spinach? It's fairly mild and when it wilts down you can turn a lot of spinach into less volume. Potatoes? Hashbrowns are nice and you can buy them in the freezer/produce dept to cut down on prep.

    Bananas are good for potassium, but cantalope is even better. Add in a slice of cantalope with your eggs, veggies, and hashbrowns and you've got a good mix of fiber and vitamins.

    Is there a salad dressing you like? Even a little iceberg lettuce salad like you can get in the bag along with your lunch sandwich would help. If you can conquer the simple salad then you can embellish it with some beans or other vegetables.

    Is it a texture thing? A sensory thing?

    If it's not that, then maybe start small. When you go grocery shopping pick one vegetable to try. Look up a few recipes online and try it multiple ways. Maybe you hate it raw, but love it sauteed or baked or pan fried or steamed. If you like it, put it in regular rotation. If you hate it, drop it off the list and move on. The next week pick another one, lather, rinse, repeat. If you make your way through the entire produce department, then swing back around to your dislikes and try them again. Tastes change and multiple exposures to new foods is usually what it takes.

    :0) You can do it!

    It's texture. For example, if I eat brocolli texture of the tops of them just make me immediately vomit. xD It sucks. I have been trying to rotate though, I did snap peas and carrots and then green beans. I just have to decide what to try next. I didn't think potatoes were very good for you for some reason?
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Of course potatoes are good for you - it's full of potassium and fibre - just don't fry it in oil and eat it in moderation like anything else....
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Just to be clear, i'm not restricting my calories, I'm just eating what fills me up. I just want to make sure that's clear. I understand that I need to eat more. I've made progress, when I first switched to not eating out, I was only getting about 1k a day, I've worked up to 1500-1800. I guess I gotta push myself to get used to eating a little bit more.

    Whats the point of tracking calories if you're not going to hit your targets?

    I know I was blunt with you, but, I wanted it to stick out since nobody else said it. Dont beat yourself up about it. You havent ruined the cake yet. Eating more should be great news.

    Let me make this abundantly clear though. The most important thing right now is that you eat at a proper deficit. All these peopel talking about vegetables and fruits and stuff dont know an *kitten* from a ****. Unless its me. Cuz im an *kitten* and I'm a ****.
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    As a fellow vegetable hater (for some reason I never outgrew this phase from childhood), a great way to get in the required nutrients is to do a green smoothie every morning instead of the protein shake. The sweetness of the fruit covers the bitterness of the greens and it tastes delicious. I do four cups of kale or spinach, 2 cups of unsweetened almond milk, and one cup of frozen fruit (something sweet like strawberries or mangos). That way I'm starting off my day with getting all the requirements for vegetables and fruit and most of my calcium in. You can add a couple of scoops of protein powder to get the required protein boost in. The protein powder shake you have in the morning seems to have a lot of sugar - probably not good for you.
  • zionarbadon
    zionarbadon Posts: 27 Member
    Just to be clear, i'm not restricting my calories, I'm just eating what fills me up. I just want to make sure that's clear. I understand that I need to eat more. I've made progress, when I first switched to not eating out, I was only getting about 1k a day, I've worked up to 1500-1800. I guess I gotta push myself to get used to eating a little bit more.

    Whats the point of tracking calories if you're not going to hit your targets?

    I know I was blunt with you, but, I wanted it to stick out since nobody else said it. Dont beat yourself up about it. You havent ruined the cake yet. Eating more should be great news.

    Let me make this abundantly clear though. The most important thing right now is that you eat at a proper deficit. All these peopel talking about vegetables and fruits and stuff dont know an *kitten* from a ****. Unless its me. Cuz im an *kitten* and I'm a ****.

    Is it okay to 'drink my calories' to make up for what I need until I get used to eating more? I had a smoothie king smoothie last night to bridge the gap but it has like 100g of sugar xD MFP put me at like 75 for the day. . .