Hi Im Tina! Coming to you live from Snowpocolypse 2014 (ATL)

Im not sure how I came across this site but by the looks of it I am SO glad I did! Ive never actually posted on a message board.. but figured.. Im making a change! So why not!? Ive been going to the gym since early November and am actually really enjoying it.. Ive even felt guilty these last couple of days for not going ( if you dont know.. the ENTIRE city of Atlanta is shutdown because of snow and ice)! Ive lost 14LBS so far but have a ways to go... My real life friends havent been too supportive so I am hoping that you internet friends can be my support system!

:smile: Tina


  • Hi, I would be happy to help and encourage as I'm on here pretty much everyday! I have a ways to go too and this snow and cold is cutting into my gym motivation ;) Please friend me :)
    Snowpocolypse in Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Be safe down there!! I sent you a request :)

    Happy Weight loss journey!
  • NewLeaf_13
    NewLeaf_13 Posts: 18 Member
    Sending you warm thoughts (and a friend request!) from sunny Phoenix, AZ. :glasses:
  • Marvellous introduction. Hope the thaw sets in before too long. By all means send a friend request if you want. :smile:
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    Stay warm Tina! I am in Canada so.... if you feel like the weather sucks just think of us up in the North, could always be worst! lol :P The city I live in is the 2nd highest average annual snowfall (in Canada) at an average of over 420cm annually... in December alone we got over 150cm! Oh well, at least it's pretty right? :P

    It's hard to be motivated to go out in crappy weather but maybe look up some exercise videos online? :)
  • Thanks guys!! I am so excited! This is fun.. and I didnt even know about the friends thing!
  • .. annual snowfall (in Canada) at an average of over 420cm annually... in December alone we got over 150cm! Oh well, at least it's pretty right? :P

    It's hard to be motivated to go out in crappy weather but maybe look up some exercise videos online? :)

    Oh my god!! That is insane!! We got 2-3inches or 5-8cm of snow and literally the city is at a standstill! No work today or tomorrow though ;)
  • kmcguire93
    kmcguire93 Posts: 30 Member
    Chicagoland here - and I am READY for the warmer (ok, HOT) weather of summer! :) -stay warm! :)
    And good luck on your weightloss journey - don't worry about others, worry about #1(YOU) - they are all just jealous that you have it in you to change
  • MichaelVRenner
    MichaelVRenner Posts: 92 Member
    Snow in Atlanta!?!

    Day After Tomorrow!
  • Kristinadxn
    Kristinadxn Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck, Tina!!!! Sounds like you are staying strong and motivated! It has been cold here in PA, too... I'm sooo thankful for my treadmill these days! Sending you a friend add!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    .. annual snowfall (in Canada) at an average of over 420cm annually... in December alone we got over 150cm! Oh well, at least it's pretty right? :P

    It's hard to be motivated to go out in crappy weather but maybe look up some exercise videos online? :)

    Oh my god!! That is insane!! We got 2-3inches or 5-8cm of snow and literally the city is at a standstill! No work today or tomorrow though ;)

    I guess the difference is we are used to it so everyone has winter tires, cloths, etc.... but the roads around here still suck! I live on a hill so I often just slide down on icy days :P all I can say, is dress in layers and keep your feet, hands, and head warm and you will be fine :) Oh and enjoy the snow while you can! Maybe make a mini snow man? :P
  • vt78che
    vt78che Posts: 44 Member
    Great job on the weight loss! Hope you stay warm and keep smiling!
  • alatoyajones
    alatoyajones Posts: 96 Member
    Good luck on your journey!! Here in Peachtree City GA, so with you on the snowpocolypse 2014!!!!! Stay safe and warm! Friend me.
  • I Know how this feels!! LOVE the gym!! when I don't go my whole day is ruined!
  • Im not sure how I came across this site but by the looks of it I am SO glad I did! Ive never actually posted on a message board.. but figured.. Im making a change! So why not!? Ive been going to the gym since early November and am actually really enjoying it.. Ive even felt guilty these last couple of days for not going ( if you dont know.. the ENTIRE city of Atlanta is shutdown because of snow and ice)! Ive lost 14LBS so far but have a ways to go... My real life friends havent been too supportive so I am hoping that you internet friends can be my support system!

    :smile: Tina
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your weight loss so far! Feel free to add me if you need MFP buddies. =)
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    Great job on the weight loss and the work outs! I'd be happy to lend support so friend me if you want. I'm here in Northern California where it's 70 degrees and we are praying for a little rain...
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Lawd girl! Louisiana checking in, we had icepocolypose here! 2 days at home! I'll be back at work tomorrow but day 3 of no school for my daughter. C'mon spring... or Saturday at least,when it's supposed to be 70!

    Great loss so far! Lots of support here and a ton of information to process. Looks like you're getting bombarded with friend requests, I'll send one too, the more the merrier! :drinker:
  • Hey, I'm on here almost everyday, I'll add you! I know about the real life friends thing... more like family thing. My best friends live in three different countries and I met them all online. I've definitely benefitted from here. People are really supportive. Good luck on your goal! And I wonder what it's really like in North-Pole-America.
  • scottyltb
    scottyltb Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm Scott I've been using MyFitnessPal off and on for about a year. Guess I've finally decided to find inspiration by reaching out to you all.