Losing without exercise?

So I've been really struggling lately to lose weight. Several people tell me that I need to work out and not just eat healthy. However I've lost weight in the past and never worked out. Do you absolutely have to workout and eat healthy to lose weight? I'm really good at the healthy eating part, I hate exercising though. I hate being all sweaty lol. I'm just trying to figure out why I can't seem to lose, but I know it's got to be possible!


  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Weight loss is more about diet than anything. In simple terms, consume less than you burn. Exercise for me is more about fitness, or burning more calories so I can enjoy a glass of wine!

    Good luck!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.

  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I lost most of the weight without doing any exercise. It wasn't until after I started transitioning into maintenance that I started walking several times a week.

    Weight loss is about a calorie deficit.
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    I lost most of the weight without doing any exercise. It wasn't until after I started transitioning into maintenance that I started walking several times a week.

    Weight loss is about a calorie deficit.

    This. I lost 30 something pounds just by eating better, having a calorie deficit, and getting up and moving. I bought a Fitbit and made sure I walked. No power or fast walking - just moving.

    Now that I have that much weight off, I'm starting to increase walk speeds/times/distances and I've started strength training.
  • Uzorglemon
    I've been on my weight loss plan for the last three weeks, and have nearly lost nine pounds already.

    I do NO exercise. I'm a photographer/designer by trade, so I basically sit at a desk for nine or so hours of the day, and the rest of it is spent relaxing as much as is humanly possible.

    Just eat sensibly, and the weight WILL come off.
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    The answer is course you can lose by deficit alone, however you stated that you lost by doing it this way before. In my opinion why not try and exercise. Its a great habit that will only benefit you the rest of your life. People say alot of here about not exercising and boasting their need not to. What happens as we get older metabolism naturally slows. Life happens and as the years go by little by little people gain weight and after 10 or 20 so many regain back all the weight. People can say what they want now but exercise is a great tool to maintain a healthy weight the rest of your life.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    So I've been really struggling lately to lose weight. Several people tell me that I need to work out and not just eat healthy. However I've lost weight in the past and never worked out. Do you absolutely have to workout and eat healthy to lose weight? I'm really good at the healthy eating part, I hate exercising though. I hate being all sweaty lol. I'm just trying to figure out why I can't seem to lose, but I know it's got to be possible!

    The only thing I'd add to the good advice you've already received is that you don't need to eat "healthy" (though by all means do what you think is best for your health) -- you need to eat less calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. People often associate losing weight or "dieting" with "eating healthy" or "eating healthy stuff and giving up the stuff I like" but it doesn't have to be that way. Eat less calories than you need = lose weight. Eat healthy too if you like. Exercise too if you like. But really, eat less calories than you need.
  • cmurra6745
    cmurra6745 Posts: 25 Member
    In order to lose weight you need to eat a calorie deficit. That's it. In order to have healthy bodily functions, you need to eat an adequate amount of fat. To preserve muscle mass and promote muscle repair, you need to eat protein. For energy, clarity, etc, you need carbs. To look good after you're done, you need to exercise.

    In my opinion.

  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    I had been exercising and eating right and I lost weight.. Now I have some, temporary (I hope) medical problems and I cannot exercose , however I am still eating right, staying under my calories And Losing Weight !! So Yes you can lose weight without exercising, but I would never recommend it because of the many benefits of exercise !
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    It's not a question of whether it's possible because it is. Deficits are deficits. The question is whether it will get you what you want. Exercise takes time, sometimes money, and definitely effort. It will also hide a good twenty pounds and let you eat more.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    If you hate exercise is there something you do that could be "exercise" even if it's non-traditional? Just doing my usual walking during the day I'm at almost 15 miles this week from using a tracker (got a fitbit) so even without going to the gym this week yet (over scheduled to the max this week) I've gotten a decent bit of exercise.

    It's possible with eating habits only but I know for me getting back in the gym has made my loss more obvious and really does help me. But I get that it's not for everyone.
  • kelsmcdowall
    I started my healthy eating & exercise routine on the 20th of this month which of course is 10 days ago today. I have been doing 2-5k on the treadmill 5 nights a week and eating 1200 calories a day. I'm 9 stone 5 and would like to lose a stone but the scales havn't gone down a slight bit!! Am I exercising too much? I'm getting really frustrated!!

  • kayleyx25x
    Can I have people's opinions please be honest im trying to lose weight and i am eating between 1,200 / 1,300 calories a day , i have lost 6 and a half pounds in 2 weeks but i am going to up my exercise from 3 days to 4 days a week..... and im going to do 3 days of dance aerobics and 1 day exercise bike all for 40 mins at a time. Do you think this sounds like a good balance?? X
  • 123sanbo
    I started my healthy eating & exercise routine on the 20th of this month which of course is 10 days ago today. I have been doing 2-5k on the treadmill 5 nights a week and eating 1200 calories a day. I'm 9 stone 5 and would like to lose a stone but the scales havn't gone down a slight bit!! Am I exercising too much? I'm getting really frustrated!!

    try to increase the intensity and vary your excercises to include step toners and cycling machines or rowers. sweat sweat and sweat some more. drink loads of water and keeping sweating, you will win.
  • 123sanbo
    t: kayleyx25x

    :frown: sounds good but mind you eat the right stuff for all those calories you are burning, too much excercise and too little of the right foods is also not going to get you the results except for burning you out with exhaustion.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I lost most of the weight without doing any exercise. It wasn't until after I started transitioning into maintenance that I started walking several times a week.

    Weight loss is about a calorie deficit.

    This mostly for me as well...I lost 30lbs before I started a workout.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    You can lose without exercise, all you need is a deficit BUT...

    Diet : Makes you look good with clothes
    Exercise : makes you look good naked as well
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    So I've been really struggling lately to lose weight. Several people tell me that I need to work out and not just eat healthy. However I've lost weight in the past and never worked out. Do you absolutely have to workout and eat healthy to lose weight? I'm really good at the healthy eating part, I hate exercising though. I hate being all sweaty lol. I'm just trying to figure out why I can't seem to lose, but I know it's got to be possible!

    I'm sure there is some kind of physical activity that you enjoy. You just need to figure out what it is.

    Losing weight and being healthy is all about diet AND exercise. Trying to do one without the other will lead to a constant yo-yo cycle of weight changes. You need to adjust your lifestyle to see sustainable results. It is not easy but believe me it is worth it. Good luck.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    You absolutely can lose weight without any exercise that is in addition to normal everyday movement.
    I lost almost 100# before I began to even go for short walks.
    If you can incorporate any exercise into your life, it will be beneficial to your health.
    I highly recommend it.