Breastfeeding and trying to lose weight(friends)

Just had a baby in November and now I want to get healthy while breastfeeding. Any friends and advice is appreciated.=)

I'm 23 and I have 2 kids. One boy whose almost 3(May 5) and one girl who is almost 3 months(Born November 16th)


  • I ep. I monitor my caloric intake with the
    aoo and I workout--t25. My baby is 4 months old. Hth.
  • Hi!! We have a similar situation. I am 25 (26 in March) and have two kiddos as well. My boy is 19 months and baby girl is 2.5 months..Born November 13! I am so unhappy with my weight :( breastfeeding does NOT help me lose weight. So I have been tracking everything I eat and allotting 500 calories for bf. So a total of 1800 calories a day and so far I have not been going over. I have been super conscience. I just hope it works. What are you doing for calorie goal? I find it so hard to exercise because I never actually have time to. What about you? Nice to meet you!
  • nicola1141
    nicola1141 Posts: 613 Member
    Congrats!!! It can be done, but make sure you're giving yourself the extra calories for breastfeeding (usually 500 calories for full-time nursing; 350 for part-time). You can either manually change your goals and just add it in that way, or you can add breastfeeding as a food (the food is calculated as -500 calories).
  • ShapeThatBody4Me
    ShapeThatBody4Me Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for that, I didn't realize you could post negative calories.
  • ShapeThatBody4Me
    ShapeThatBody4Me Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it! I am exclusively pumping for my six month old (born with cleft lip and palate) and extending bfing two year old. With the two year old I decided when he was a baby I wasn't going to worry about weight and just focus on good nursing and being healthy. With him, the weight just melted away and quick. The day I gave birth I was 200lbs and within a few months had lost about 40lbs. With this baby I got up to 210 and it has not come off in six months. That is why I'm now using MFP. I know I can do it and be healthy about it. You can, too. Lots of water, fresh produce, and yoga, with a little strength training did it for me. I haven't introduced myself so I'll probably post more there. Anyway, congratulations on going after a healthy lifestyle!
  • rapunzel1029
    rapunzel1029 Posts: 20 Member
    I have 2 kids too. One girl who is almost 3(May 6) and one girl who is almost 3 months(Born November 17th). :) I am breastfeeding, but I have about 40 pounds total to lose...just started.
  • eee4565
    eee4565 Posts: 2 Member
    Same boat. I have 2 under 2 my lil one will be 3 months tomorrow. I was hesitant to lose weight but saw I could edit my daily calories and added 500 extra. So far so good.
  • LivyB14
    LivyB14 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I have roughly 40lbs to lose. My daughter turned 3 at the end of October and my son was born on November 5th. I tried to go back to eating the way I was before I was pregnant with my son (following South Beach diet), but my milk supply suffered and so did my energy level. So here I am.

    The friend requests are being sent out! I believe we need all the support we can get!!
  • gonzalest14
    gonzalest14 Posts: 11 Member

    I'm in the same boat. I had my baby girl November 2nd and have not worried about weight loss till now. I just wanted to concentrate on her and give her what she needed. But now I'm back to work and pump whenever I can. So while at work I decided I could at least go for walks and start to workout but I don't want it to affect my milk supply. Today was the first day I went for a half hour walk and at first I was tired. Not used to that because before baby I used to run, rollerblade, and did Zumba. One day I'll get back into all those things but I'll take it one day at a time. Right now all of use are trying to find a balance between keeping ourselves healthy and our little one at the same time. I found I feel more hungry now then when I was pregnant which is different for me. If you go to your food log and search breastfeeding you will get so many options that pop up. Choose one and it will give you a negative (ex: -500) for your food area and recaculate everything for you. I'm going to use that and see how it goes. Good Luck ladies and congrats on your new babies!
  • sjs0108
    sjs0108 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey all! Im a 31 EBF mommy of 3 kids. A 5 yo girl, and 2 boys 3 and 11m. Just started on this site. Feel free to add me :)