5'9" CW 220 lbs, GW 145 lbs. Friends?



  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Ya'll can add me as well. This is my 2nd go around too. 1st time started at 314 and got down to 213 and then gained some of it back cause I did it the wrong way (phentermine) This time I am doing it the healthy way. Staring at 260.
    Thanks for the add!
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    CW 249
    GW 146
  • starling13
    starling13 Posts: 11 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me too :D 5'9" SW:190, CW:174, GW:160, I'm also currently on week 8 of C25K (my third time doing it :p) X
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me too :D 5'9" SW:190, CW:174, GW:160, I'm also currently on week 8 of C25K (my third time doing it :p) X
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    5'9" goal weight the same :) 145. highest weight was 182, current weight is 155. Feel free to add me :)
  • morethanthis0
    morethanthis0 Posts: 260 Member
    I am 5'9 as well! SW was 228, CW 214, GW 150 =) Feel free to add me
  • KatC_88
    KatC_88 Posts: 101 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I am 5'6'' started at 250 and now I am at 179! I have more to go as my goal weight is 150-145. :) Gooood luck!!!
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    Hey girl! 5'9", CW: 158 (as of this morning!!!), GW: 145! We got this :) Feel free to add me as well!
    Started at 175! I'm always on!
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    Feel free to add me too! Started at 255 and CW 157! :)
  • docdick9120
    docdick9120 Posts: 34 Member
    Keep the faith and you can make it. I too need friends and support. Feel free to add me!
  • jujuki47
    jujuki47 Posts: 84 Member
    5'7", 196, started at 205 ( 2nd time starting on here). Actually I feel Like I look good at 175, haven't seen that in a long time but my goal is around that.... add me:smile:
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    5'9" goal weight the same :) 145. highest weight was 182, current weight is 155. Feel free to add me :)
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    I am 5'9 as well! SW was 228, CW 214, GW 150 =) Feel free to add me
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Keep the faith and you can make it. I too need friends and support. Feel free to add me!
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Feel free to add me! My goal weight is 140
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    5'7", 196, started at 205 ( 2nd time starting on here). Actually I feel Like I look good at 175, haven't seen that in a long time but my goal is around that.... add me:smile:
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Hey girl! 5'9", CW: 158 (as of this morning!!!), GW: 145! We got this :) Feel free to add me as well!
    Started at 175! I'm always on!
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me too! Started at 255 and CW 157! :)
  • XgrandifloraX
    XgrandifloraX Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me! My goal weight is 140
  • Hi! This is my 2nd time around using MFP also, First time I lost 72lbs, but then gained back 35. This time I am trying to stop the yoyo cycle. 5'6" CW 222, GW 150. I have been doing bikram and vinyasa yoga. Would love some motivated people to please add me. Thanks!