2 Years to lose 60 lbs!!! ????????????

I just started getting serious about my weight loss a couple weeks ago and need to lose about 60 lbs. I've been reading how it's taken some people years to lose the weight?!?! While I understand it won't happen overnight, I was just wanting to know is there anyone out there who has lost in less time? I was realistically giving myself 6-8 months is that a false hope?


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I'm down 65 since May, with another 1-1.5 expected when I weigh in tomorrow.

  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    I have a friend that lost 100 pounds in a year. Ive always heard around 2 pounds a weeks, so Im guessing if you ate really healthy and workout every week it should take you around 6.5 months. But Im just guessing. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months before. Good luck!
  • asianmonkie
    Personally (and this is just my opinion here) 6-8 months to lose 60 lbs is nearly impossible (but don't let me discourage you). That's 10lbs were month, which is over 2lbs a week consistently for 6-8 months. A more reasonable goal (again, my opinion) would be about 12-16 months, perhaps? Pace yourself, do it the healthy way and keep it off =)
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Whereas I have taken the slow route... and have no saggy skin problems and have felt remarkably little pain in changing my whole relationship with food. When I have done I should have lost close to 60lbs in about 21/2 - 3 years. Maybe a little bit too relaxed at times :)

    It would depend on whether you can look far enough ahead to want a lifestyle change, new way of eating, forever way of living, or whether you are still focussing on just the weight loss. And that depends on when/where you are in your weight loss life.
  • nmiller0813
    I was able to start slowly, but I lost 60 lbs in 13 months. Making small changes, yet changes that I will be able to live with for the rest of my life.
  • TwirleySlims
    I am just starting out really but I want to lose a stone. I have given myself a few months to do this as I want to lose it & keep it off. I am exercising daily & walking a lot! Good luck to everyone!
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I have lost close to 60 lbs from August 2012 to July 2013 and finally cause I slacked a bit getting back on track to lose more and tone.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Personally (and this is just my opinion here) 6-8 months to lose 60 lbs is nearly impossible (but don't let me discourage you). That's 10lbs were month, which is over 2lbs a week consistently for 6-8 months. A more reasonable goal (again, my opinion) would be about 12-16 months, perhaps? Pace yourself, do it the healthy way and keep it off =)

    This is a true statement, and you (OP) probably have less to lose than I did. My first 15 dropped off pretty quick and I have been between 1-1.4 pounds per week since then. It's not a race, and you shouldn't look at it as such.

  • At3w3ight
    Thanks for the post everyone.... I am definitely not looking at it as a race and am in it for a lifestyle change. But I also just wanted to know that it wouldn't take me forever to get to my goal. I have set smaller goals before hitting my target but still just needed some encouragement that with consistency, working out, and eating right it wouldn't taken me years :-)
  • brad2021hk
    It is a mistake to look at this as a temporary condition. A need to just focus and work hard for 6-8 months and then life can go back to "normal." Weigh the benefits of doing it quickly versus the benefits of doing it at a reasonable pace.

    Benefits of Going Slow:
    * Less use of will power through the 6-8 months. You'll be able to keep focus on other areas that require will power.
    * More comfortable every day. Cutting 500 cal per day is reasonable.
    * Less lean mass loss. Your exercise will make you stronger and your body won't take muscle mass.
    * You probably learn how to live the rest of your life. It's not a gimmick or temporary diet. It's a lifestyle change. Less likely to re-gain.
    * Less likely to have loose skin.

    Benefits of Going Fast:
    * It could be good if you have an immediate medical condition that requires fast weight loss.
    * It could be good if you have some externally imposed deadline. Like a wedding or whatever.
    * Satisfaction of fast success.

    For me, I'm going a slower route. I need my will power and focus in multiple areas of life. Having lost weight and regained it, I want to make sure I work my way into a system that can be sustained.
  • Oodlez
    Oodlez Posts: 13
    It takes heavy motivation but you can make it happen. I've already lost 8lbs in 2 1/2 weeks, and my mom a few years ago (I don't suggest doing this though) lost 13 lbs in a week while on weight watchers. I say if you're truly looking to lose weight and are willing to work hard at it, I would aim for about 1-2lbs a week or 5-10lbs a month. In my honest opinion 1-2 lbs a week is a big loss and a realistic goal. Plus (I can't speak for you but) when I set my goals and exceed them I feel INCREDIBLE with the drop.

    You can for sure lose more than 1-2lbs a week, but it gives you a minimum to meet every week. Which may make it easier to stay on the wagon.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I am at 53 lbs down since April … I did have a 2 month + plateau from November till end of mid January … It all varies - How determined are you ? and how good are you on staying on plan 100% ? Try and look at it as a life time plan so who cares if it will take you 1 year or 2 years? As long as your staying on plan you will always be closer than you are today :)
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    I don't think you should focus on how long you think you'll have to "diet" for because it will just discourage you and make you feel like you have a daunting task ahead of you. Take one day at a time.

    I've struggled with "dieting" and binging for most of my adult life and it's taken me TWO years to properly lose 13 pounds. By "properly lose" I mean no pills, no cabbage soup diet, no starvation. I make mistakes and gain back weight I've lost but I forgive myself and move on.

    You're losing weight to be a happier healthier you so don't torture yourself on the road to get there. Good luck!
  • Meikan
    Meikan Posts: 13 Member
    I need to lose 60 pounds also...I have given myself one year...
  • Tannerj74
    53 lbs...6 months...
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Men will lose MUCH faster. It has a lot to do with activity level, are you gaining muscle in the process, AGE! All of these play a big role in how fast you will lose. But 2 years is about what it has taken me and it was not easy to do that but there were days where I was not compliant with my food plan- holidays in particular where I went over. Or maybe I didn't go to the gym everyday on vacation - its OK to live your life and lose slower. If you want to get it off faster- it will mean serious compliance with your plan. But losing more than 1 pound a week is hard for woman who only have 60 pounds to lose. If you had 160 it might go faster.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I am at 53 lbs down since April … I did have a 2 month + plateau from November till end of mid January … It all varies - How determined are you ? and how good are you on staying on plan 100% ? Try and look at it as a life time plan so who cares if it will take you 1 year or 2 years? As long as your staying on plan you will always be closer than you are today :)
    That is a really fast loss- but then again - you had twice as much to lose as she does. The next half of your loss may or may not come off as fast. Congrats on your loss - I could not do it that fast.
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    I don't think you should focus on how long you think you'll have to "diet" for because it will just discourage you and make you feel like you have a daunting task ahead of you. Take one day at a time.

    I've struggled with "dieting" and binging for most of my adult life and it's taken me TWO years to properly lose 13 pounds. By "properly lose" I mean no pills, no cabbage soup diet, no starvation. I make mistakes and gain back weight I've lost but I forgive myself and move on.

    You're losing weight to be a happier healthier you so don't torture yourself on the road to get there. Good luck!

    Great advice!
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    It really depends on how much you have to lose. If you are more overweight, you can lose it quicker in the beginning and it will slow down and you get closer to your goal. I started 6 months ago with 140 to lose. I have lost 70 so far and have 70 more to go. I expect losing the second 70 pounds to take longer than the 6 months it took to lose the first 70 pounds because my body won't burn as many calories with the same amount of exercise now that I am 70 pounds lighter. You'll get there. Start now and don't stop. In 6 months you'll be healthier and happier even if you don't lose all of the weight you had planned to lose.
  • Trishsimon
    The slower the better it will stay off longer I had / have 6 stone to lose and have at this point 4 stone 13lbs to lose, I started July 2012 and took a break May-Sept 2013 and restarted Sept 2013 with slimming world I didnt have much success so joined this so I have given myself until 2015 to lose all the weight I can't work under pressure so I hope this works for me.