I can only drink so much...



  • Great tip!
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    I have a 45 oz jug that I drink out of, and it always seems easy to drink more. I love water though
  • LoopsLinn
    LoopsLinn Posts: 17 Member
    There is no medical research what so ever supporting having to drink half of your body weight in water each day. It's just a recommendation. Just drink as much as you feel comfortable. I get sick when I drink too much water too. I just keep a bottle of water with me at all times and drink when I think of it. I'm sure I get plenty through out the day.

    Just set your goal to drink 64 ounces a day and go from there. :)

    I agree, A woman in UK died in 2008 after drinking too much water:

  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    try drinking from a straw, as well as drink before you eat, and then again after you eat. I have a 24 oz water bottle that I take everywhere. I change it up with different flavors, but having water to sip on helps stop the urge to snack, as well as hydrates your whole body. If I don't drink at least 80 oz of water a day, my shins get itchy. I know it sounds weird, but that is one of the best ways I know if I am dehydrated.
  • kensan1999
    kensan1999 Posts: 1 Member
    It was hard for me too! I bought a 2.2L(equivalent to 74.4 oz) jug from Walmart. I fill it up and put it in the freezer overnight, and I have ice cold water all day. Hope this helps. :)
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Someone else just posted something similar about what can you count towards your "water" goal...and another person posted a study saying that the need is for fluids in general, not just water. I'm not a doctor so I don't know how accurate that is... and God knows just because it's on the internet does not make it gospel :)

    I don't really get too strict with this whole water intake thing... but one thing that helped me was trying not to drink my calories and avoiding added sugars etc in things I drink whenever possible. So, what does that leave? Water. When I need a drink.... I choose water instead of tea, soda, juice, etc. I have several flavors of Mio that I add to it now and then. So, other than my daily glass of wine and 2 cups of coffee... water is all I drink. I don't force myself to drink a certain amount.... but since that's all I'm drinking I usually get pretty close :) I have a 12oz cup on my desk at work that I fill up... and I just keep count of how many I've had during the day and it adds up pretty fast.

    ^^ I looked this up on the Mayo Clinic website ( I read it in a few other places too, but Ill take the mayo clinic site as a good reference)
    The 8 cups of water a day is a guideline and depends on the person and climate. The 8 cups of water, should be 8 cups of fluid. It does not need to be plain water, tea and coffee counts. Also even though coffee is a diuretic it does not actually dehydrate you.
  • I know that most doctors recommend at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water a day. But I've seen posts around here about drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces. For me, that would be 92.5 ounces a day! I don't know about anyone else, but I only have so much room for water in my stomach. Do any of you have any tricks for getting in those extra ounces without making yourself sick?

    First pace your self. Don't try to drink 92 oz at once. I struggle with the best at getting even slightly enough water in. Sometimes a cup with a straw helps. If you like lemon in your water sometimes I squeeze that in. Take an ice cube tray and when you make ice add berries or lemon or make them out of brewed flavored green tea. Girl get crafty. I hardly get the amount in I need but I want the results from it like good skin, less head aches etc.

    Friend me good luck!
  • I put a squeeze of Skinny Girl liquid Stevia in my water bottle. Makes the water sweet and it's zero calories.
  • Try soups, I personally prefer homemade to control salts, etc You'll get more liquids and veggies at the same time. I also use PowerAde zero, and Dasani drops.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    believe it or not drinking through a straw makes drinking water easier for me. i do what i can, if i don't get 8 one day, i don't sweat it.

    usually i start off with a bottle first thing in the morning, then one on the way to work.

    when i get to work, i get a tall glass, ice and a straw. fill it up twice, that's 4 more cups and i'm done before i leave work.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    BEER :drinker: JUST kidding of course. First find out if you prefer cold or warm or just room temp. I know my hubby has to have his water ice cold or forget it so he loves his in a thermos or any of the other brands that folks have posted. I can't drink water if it is too cold, it actually bothers the back of my throat so room temp is fine for me.
    I keep some at my desk at work and just take small sips throughout the day. I have a 32 ounce bottle so I try and get through it at least twice at work if not 3 times... remember you have 24 hours.
    Other fluids count too. If you have a cup of coffee in the morning.. that's 8 oz (or 16,24 etc) I also drink warm tea in the winter. 8..8..8 it ads up.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member

    From the summary:
    Valtin thinks the notion may have started when the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council recommended approximately "1 milliliter of water for each calorie of food," which would amount to roughly two to two-and-a-half quarts per day (64 to 80 ounces). Although in its next sentence, the Board stated "most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods," that last sentence may have been missed, so that the recommendation was erroneously interpreted as how much water one should drink each day.

    He found no scientific studies in support of 8 x 8. Rather, surveys of fluid intake on healthy adults of both genders, published as peer-reviewed documents, strongly suggest that such large amounts are not needed. His conclusion is supported by published studies showing that caffeinated drinks, such as most coffee, tea and soft drinks, may indeed be counted toward the daily total. He also points to the quantity of published experiments that attest to the capability of the human body for maintaining proper water balance.

    Valtin emphasizes that his conclusion is limited to healthy adults in a temperate climate leading a largely sedentary existence - precisely, he points out, the population and conditions that the "at least" in 8 x 8 refers to. At the same time, he stresses that large intakes of fluid, equal to and greater than 8 x 8, are advisable for the treatment or prevention of some diseases, such as kidney stones, as well as under special circumstances, such as strenuous physical activity, long airplane flights or hot weather. But barring those exceptions, he concludes that we are currently drinking enough and possibly even more than enough.

    Despite the dearth of compelling evidence, then, What's the harm? "The fact is that, potentially, there is harm even in water," explains Valtin. Even modest increases in fluid intake can result in "water intoxication" if one's kidneys are unable to excrete enough water (urine). Such instances are not unheard of, and they have led to mental confusion and even death in athletes, in teenagers after ingesting the recreational drug Ecstasy, and in ordinary patients.

    And he lists other disadvantages of a high water intake: (a) possible exposure to pollutants, especially if sustained over many years; (b) frequent urination, which can be both inconvenient and embarrassing; (c) expense, for those who satisfy the 8 x 8 requirements with bottled water; and (d) feelings of guilt for not achieving 8 x 8.

    tl;dr: as long as you aren't thirsty all the time, stop worrying about your water consumption. You're fine.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I base my water intake on my meals. I don't normally drink water just for the sake of drinking it. I have a 16oz bottle of water with breakfast, another bottle at my mid-morning snack, another at lunch. Normally by the end of the day I've had 80oz of water. One 16oz bottle at each meal and snack. :)
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member


    I have one of these. I am going on vacation next week.

    It will not be filled with water :drinker:
  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    Someone else just posted something similar about what can you count towards your "water" goal...and another person posted a study saying that the need is for fluids in general, not just water. I'm not a doctor so I don't know how accurate that is... and God knows just because it's on the internet does not make it gospel :)

    I don't really get too strict with this whole water intake thing... but one thing that helped me was trying not to drink my calories and avoiding added sugars etc in things I drink whenever possible. So, what does that leave? Water. When I need a drink.... I choose water instead of tea, soda, juice, etc. I have several flavors of Mio that I add to it now and then. So, other than my daily glass of wine and 2 cups of coffee... water is all I drink. I don't force myself to drink a certain amount.... but since that's all I'm drinking I usually get pretty close :) I have a 12oz cup on my desk at work that I fill up... and I just keep count of how many I've had during the day and it adds up pretty fast.

    ^^ I looked this up on the Mayo Clinic website ( I read it in a few other places too, but Ill take the mayo clinic site as a good reference)
    The 8 cups of water a day is a guideline and depends on the person and climate. The 8 cups of water, should be 8 cups of fluid. It does not need to be plain water, tea and coffee counts. Also even though coffee is a diuretic it does not actually dehydrate you.

    there you have it 8 cups of coffee per day and game on. I only drink water if I'm thirsty or working out. According to the 8 glass a day science I should have died years ago and should not be able to lose weight. ..
  • I just perpetually have a little plastic cup that holds exactly two cups of water when filled up. I always have it with me, whether I'm working on something or just relaxing. Even four of those a day (which is seemingly trivial given it's a small cup by my standards) is the 8 cups they recommend. Yesterday I hit 16 cups of water; I wasn't trying specifically to drink a lot, that's just what I recorded over the day because I was thirsty. The more you drink, the less your body will retain it and the more you'll want it as a result. That's why they had us drinking a ton of water in boot camp every day; it made our bodies stop retaining water and cut everyone's weight down.

    I actually find it easier to keep refilling a small cup than to just carry around a single large one. I've found that if I have one big cup, I never drink as much as if I'm using my smaller cup. I'll drink more like 7-8 cups of water instead of the 12-16 I get with the small one.
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    I know that a lot of people don't like the artificial low calorie juice things like Crystal Light BUT....I LOVE them :smile: It makes me drink them so fast because they taste so good! The generic brand ones are just as good! Raspberry Lemonade is my favorite!!!
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member


    I have one of these. I am going on vacation next week.

    It will not be filled with water :drinker:

    :drinker: :smokin: :bigsmile: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Love it!
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    How much water you need to drink depends on a lot of factors, the climate being the main one. Definitely don't drink water until you feel nauseous or are making trips to the bathroom every 5 mins. The more you sweat, the more water you need to drink. So if it's a hot day or you're very active, drink more. If you're sitting down a lot and it's cold, don't drink so much.

    Your pee is a good indicator of how hydrated you are. If it's very pale or clear, then you're adequately hydrated and don't need to drink any more water.

    ^^This! Also, there is hydration in the foods you eat as well. Drink what's comfortable!
  • otillie03103
    otillie03103 Posts: 107 Member
    I actually found that the more I drink water, the more I want it. I actually crave it. I like the tip about keeping water with you all day from other posts. You don't have to drink a ton at once, just sip throughout they day and it really adds up.