


  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I am almost 58 years old, and would love to try Zumba, but am afraid I won't be able to keep up. I need courage.

    My 54 year old mom does it with me! IIts not a big deal if you can't keep up 100% of the time. On the dvd's the instructor shows an easier step and my mom modifies as she goes along. The first time she did it she kept saying, this is fun! Its not boring!! LOL! :o) These are the DVD'S from the Zumba website. :o)
  • thenebean9
    Like others have said, Zumba is self paced! If you go to a class that has a lot of jump moves, just don't jump! Do what you can, and just have fun! If you are worried you'll feel out of place taking it slow in a Zumba class, try checking out a Zumba Gold class - check out www.zumba.com and search for Gold classes in your area!

    My HRM tells me that in a 45 minute class, I burn around 700 calories, and when I teach an hour long class, my HRM tells me I burn 1200!! I really bust a move and shake everything I got! It's such a fun and great workout!

    Zumba love! :)
  • tenessaa
    tenessaa Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a big girl and I can generally keep up. Sometimes I modify the moves so I don't kill my bad knees but it is a blast!
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    I just got mine on the Wii and love it!
  • joany
    joany Posts: 24 Member
    I love Zumba also! For me, 60 mins. of Zumba burns 500 calories.
  • dawnalis
    When I get back from Mexico I'm going to actually wear my HRM to class one day to see how many calories I do burn in that hour!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Do you think the Wii version of Zumba is challenging compared to the classes? I know I've been very disappointed with Wii Fit Plus. I want something that will REALLY torch calories!

  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    I think it is. The Wii Plus was like for kids to me. The Zumba on Wii has advanced and expert levels and a 60 minute class. I was out of breath on the beginners. I did a review on youtube with one of the beginner's songs on it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awrE2_UAuCE
  • dawnalis
    Like I said, I am soooo putting that game on my xmas wish list!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thanks, I think I'll ask Santa for this too.;-)

  • AislynneRobot
    AislynneRobot Posts: 19 Member
    Just starting the excersice route and Im gonna do Zumba
  • staceylburnett
    Hello, I have been doing zumba for a while and am now a qualified zumba instructor and start teaching 4 hours a week from Jan!! so fingers crossed its going to drop off me.... 2 of my instructors lost ALOT of weight and there were people in my class that lost 5 stone in a few months from doing 2 or more classes a week! ITS BRILLIANT! does not feel like your working out and yet your meant to burn around 800 cals per hour of intense zumba.... i would highly recomend going to a class rather than from the computor as you will never work as hard in your own home or without an instructor motivating you!
    it works for everyone i know so hope it does for u! x
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    Just dd my first day of the zumba work out and it so so fun but truly a total body work out as well. Everyone should do this. My 8 year old daughter was workin the Zumba with me and we had a blast.
  • staceylburnett
    i just did a home zumba workout with my friend with my instructor cd to practise..... get ur friend round... you work harder and encourage one another!!! her 9 month old little girl LOVED IT TOO! and was clapping and laughing the whole way through! it truly is somnething for everyone!! xx
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    I love my Zumba but I can't get my hips and body to move like those girls on the videos. Any suggestions? I love it and I do the best I can but I look kind of silly.